
Dracula’s Castle 8  

Zack, Josh, Ray, Kylie, and Lily were crossing the basement. They had gone through a series of corridors before finally stumbling upon an underground laboratory.

But to their disappointment, there was nothing there. Not even a ghost.

"We've been running and walking around in here. But why can't we spot a single monster?" Ray asked his friends.

Kylie stuck like glue to Lily. She tried to put up a brave front, but her shaking voice betrayed her. "M-maybe some other players had defeated them and got the treasures here."

"Seems like it," Josh agreed with a sigh.

Zack sneered and started pointing fingers at Ray. "If you didn't slow us down, then we won't be in this situation where we don't even have points to harvest."

Ray rolled his eyes. "Puh-lea-se, you're the one who got charmed by a vampire and had your blood sucked. You wouldn't even let go even after Kylie healed you."

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