
The Continental Ooze!  


Ren then checked Jibblinplip's information.

ǁ J I B B L I N P L I P ‖

Location: Ruined Wizard Tower


"Behold the continental ooze! Jibblinplip."

Jibblinplip was originally not of this dimension. It came here through the doing of the wizards in the Wizard Tower a century ago.

The Wizards, like any practitioners of magic, were curious about elemental planes beyond the typical ones. Until eventually, they found the elemental plane of salt, red wine, and wheat, and life was good.

Insatiable and consumed with greed, they tried opening another portal, and they stumbled upon the elemental plane of ooze.

The wizards shut the gates immediately, but a tiny single mote of ooze made it through. This mote was Jibblinplip, and it was hungry. It devoured the wizards, their apprentice, and eventually the entire tower — the reason why the Wizard Tower was no more to this day.

And Jibblinplip has been growing ever since.

‖ A T T R I B U T E ‖

HP: 2 000 000

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