
Pick me up

"Sir you called for me?" asked the Secretary as she walked into Dom's office.

"Yes, I did" said Dom as he packed some folders on his table.

"Please send these to HR for an overview of the new employee contract that will be effecting starting next month" said Dom as he handed the Secretary the contracts.

"Alright Sir" said the Secretary.

"And also, I am going out early for lunch, I will go and pick Joy from school" said Dom as he looked at his watch and the time was 11:40 am.

"Okay Sir" said the Secretary.

"Yes, so I will be back at around 3pm latest" said Dom

"You can decide to go for your lunch early if you want to" said Dom as he stood up.

"Alright Sir, but I will not go for lunch now, I still need to prepare the newest design brief for Public Relations, and the minutes of the meeting for the meeting that was held at 10am" said the Secretary.

"Okay then, I will see you at 3" said Dom.

"See you Sir" said Dom as he left his office, and the Secretary tidied up his desk that was left a bit untidy.

"There" she said to herself as she smiled and she walked out of his office.

Dom sighed, he did not know If he was even supposed to be at the office today, he had spent less than two hours at the office.

Dom opened the door of his car and he started his car, he had many thoughts on his mind, too many thoughts on his mind, and he could not seem to sort them all out.

"Alfred, I am going to pick Joy up at school I will be back soon" said Natasha as she smiled

"Alright Madam" said Alfred as he smiled as Natasha walked out the front door, she was on her phone and she was about to walk down the driveway, until she saw someone she did not want to see at all drive and stop right in front of her.

"Why are you here?" asked Natasha as the smile on her face dropped and her eyes became cold.

"I am here to pick you up" said Dom as he wind down the front passenger seat window and he looked at Natasha through it.

"I did not ask you to pick me up" said Natasha as she did not know what Dom was playing at, he was not supposed to be here at all.

"I know" said Dom.

"So then why are you here?" asked Natasha as she wanted nothing to do with him at all.

"Well I figured that Joy would at least like to see us come and pick her up together on her first day of school" said Dom, that was partly the truth, but the other real reason was that, he did not know what it was that she was doing, and he did not know if she had someone who personally came to pick her up.

"And so…?" asked Natasha.

"So, we want to make Joy happy, and she will be happy if she sees us both there… at the same time" said Dom.

"Ugh, fine" said Natasha as she groaned and Dom smiled, he knew that Natasha cared for Joy as much as he did.

Natasha walked to the car, and to Dom's surprise she sat in the back seat and not in the front seat, Natasha eyed him coldly through the rearview window and he sighed.

"Why are you not moving?" asked Natasha as she was sure that Dom was just here to waste her time today.

"Can you send me the picture you took of Joy this morning" said Dom.

"Fine" said Natasha as she brought out her phone and she sent Dom the picture, she did that quickly so that he would get moving, she did not want to be anywhere near him at all.

Dom received a notification on his phone and he opened his phone as he looked at the picture, and he smiled, and he sent it to someone he knew who would end up calling him later.

"Thank you" said Dom.

"Start driving" said Natasha as she did not look at him at all, rather she looked out the window.

"Alright" said Dom as he knew that this was totally hopeless, it seemed that Natasha was fed up with him, and she could not stand him at all, he did not know why, but he felt bad that she was annoyed by him.

"Oooh it's time to go home now Joy" said Clarita as she smiled.

"Really??" asked Joy as she could not believe it was time to go home already, it was like time moved very fast.

"Yes" said Clarita.

"Our parents are coming to pick us up, who is coming to pick you up Joy?" asked Prince.

"Well my mommy and daddy will" said Joy.

"Are you two brothers??" asked Joy.

"Mhmm yes we are" said Prince as he nodded his head.

"Hmm, but you two don't look alike at all" said Joy.

"Well that is because Prince is adopted, and I am not" said Leon.

"What does adopted mean?" asked Joy as she never heard that word before.

"It means that Prince's parents could not take care of him, so they put him for adoption, and Leon's parents liked him and took him as their own son" said Clarita as she explained.

"Ohhh" said Joy as she seemed to understand.

"Me and Prince are not related because we don't have the same blood, but we love each other, and that's what makes a family" said Leon.

"That is what mommy always says" said Prince.

"Ahhh okay I get it now" said Joy as she nodded her head.

"Do you miss your real parents?" asked Joy as she looked at Prince.

"Well no, not really, I don't know them at all, my mommy says that she and daddy adopted me when I was a baby, so my parents are my real parents" said Prince.

"That sounds very nice" said Joy as she smiled.

"Yes it is" said Prince.

"Do your mommy and daddy love each other??" asked Joy as she looked at her friends.

"Because mine don't" said Joy as she looked sad.

"Why don't they love each other?" asked Clarita as she looked at Joy.

"Well…" said Joy as she was cut off by Miss Lolly.

"Alright Children, it's time to go home now, so stand in a nice line and come and take your bags, so I can take you all outside to meet your parents" said Miss Lolly.

"Yes Miss Lolly" said the children as they stood up and they stood in a straight line.

"I will tell you guys later" said Joy as she stood up.

"Okay let's go get out bags" said Clarita as she stood up.

"Okay" said Leon and Prince at the same time as they stood up and joined the line.

Dom looked at Natasha through the rear-view window, she was on her phone completely ignoring him, for some reason, Dom did not think that this was another one of her plans to make him fall in Love with her, but rather he was sure that this was something serious.

Dom stopped the car as they as they arrived in the school parking lot and he parked the car, Natasha did not even wait for him at all, as if fire was burning her in his car, she just opened the door and went out to wait for Joy and Dom sighed as he got out of his car.

"Do you see your parents??" asked Clarita as she looked at Joy as Miss Lolly was watching to make sure all the children were picked up by their parents.

"Well no, do you see your parents?" asked Joy as she turned to look at Clarita.

"Yes, I see my mommy, I have to go now, see you tomorrow Joy" said Clarita as she smiled and she waved at Joy.

"Goodbye Clarita" said Joy as she smiled.

"Bye Clarita" said the boys as they smiled.

"Goodbye Leon and Prince" said Clarita as she smiled.

"Miss Lolly, my mommy is there, can I go?" asked Clarita as she looked at Miss Lolly.

"Of course you may, see you tomorrow Clarita" said Miss Lolly as she smiled.

"See you tomorrow Miss Lolly" said Clarita as she smiled and she ran to hug her mother as they left.

"Look over there, it's daddy" said Leon as he pointed.

"Miss Lolly, our dad is there" said Leon as he turned to look at Miss Lolly.

"Alright then boys, you may go see you tomorrow" said Miss Lolly as she smiled.

"Goodbye Joy" said Leon as he smiled.

"Bye Joy" said Prince.

"Bye Leon and Prince" said Joy as she smiled and she waved at them as they ran to their father.

Joy was started to get sad, until she saw her mother and she ran.

"Mommy!!" said Joy as she ran.

"My baby" said Natasha as she smiled and she carried Joy and she kissed her on the cheek.

"How was your first day at school" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Mommy it was very good" said Joy.

"Hello, you must be Mrs. White, I am Miss Lolly, Joy's teacher" said Miss Lolly as she smiled.

"Oh hello Miss Lolly, it's nice to meet you" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Likewise, Joy is a very delightful girl, today did not even seem like her first day at all" said Miss Lolly.

"I am glad to hear that" said Natasha as she smiled and she looked at Joy.

"I will see you tomorrow Joy" said Miss Lolly as she smiled.

"Goodbye Miss Lolly" said Joy as she waved at Miss Lolly and she laughed.

"Alright, goodbye Miss Lolly, it was nice meeting you once again" said Natasha as she smiled.

"The same to you Mrs. White" said Miss Lolly as she smiled, and Natasha walked away.

"Mommy where is daddy?" asked Joy as Natasha walked to the parking lot.

"Well he is…" said Natasha as she was cut off.

"Daddy!!" said Joy as Natasha put her down and she rushed to hug Dom.

"Well Hello my princess" said Dom as he smiled and he carried Joy/

"Daddy, school was very very fun" said Joy as she laughed.

"Oh, I can just imagine my baby" said Dom as he smiled.

"Did you and mommy come to pick me together?" asked Joy as she looked at Natasha and Dom.

"Well yes we did my princess" said Dom as he smiled.

"Yayyyyy" said Joy as she laughed.

"Well my princess, let's go now" said Dom as he smiled.

"You can tell us all about your day at home" said Dom as he smiled.

"Okay daddy" said Joy as she smiled as Dom as he opened the car door and he placed Joy in her car seat as Natasha walked around the car to the other side of the door, and she opened it and got in the car.

"All secure??" asked Dom as he smiled and he hastened Joy's seatbelt.

"Yes daddy" said Joy as she smiled.

"Alright" said Dom as he smiled at her and he closed the door behind him as he walked to the driver's seat and he got in and started the car.

Happy 100th Chapter hehe!!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts
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