
Entry Eleven

Date: 298 After Landing, Winter

Victory. At least for a time.

A few days ago Joffery Baratheon, King of Westeros, officially declared the North a free and independent Kingdom and recognized Eddard Stark as King in the North. The Riverlands, as allies of the North, are also henceforth freed from any obligations to the crown they may have so long as they are aligned with the North. He also cleared King Starks name, claiming him to be innocent of the crime of Regicide.

The announcement came just a few days after King Stark and Lord Tywin spoke via raven, laying down some terms and conditions for peace. A large reason for the talks were the Commandos and I, who had cleared a path of destruction all the way to Casterly Rock and Lannisport. Rather than attempt to capture the Rock, I collapsed the gold mines that is sat atop of, and then set fire to the castle. At the same time, my forces assaulted Lannisport and set fire to the docks…which inadvertently set fire to the rest of the city. Even from the Rock I could see the thick clouds of black smoke reaching for the sky like a million fingers reaching for help.

I wish it hadn't come to that.

Aside from my assault on Tywins home, the forces of Renly and Stannis are marching on Kingslanding and reports of Balon Greyjoy probeing Lannister waters have reached me. To have any hope of saving his family and their crown, Tywin needed some breathing room. As part of the treaty, the Westerlands lose the caste and lands associated with the Golden Tooth, which helps secure the Riverlands western border and frees up the forces protecting Pinkmaiden and Acorn Hall to move south towards the Stony Sept and secure the south. As part of the trade, the Gold Road that links Kings Landing with the Westerlands (and passes through both the Riverlands and the Reach) and all the lands to the south of it were lost. In addition, the custom of taking hostages has continued as King Stark demanded Prince Tommen be sent North for "protection."

During all of this, the Vale has been mysteriously quiet. I know that Lady…Queen Catelyn's sister rules over the mountainous region as regent since her son is still too young, and many Vale-men have joined the Stark or Tulley armies, but that is it. No ravens fly between the North and the Vale, which makes me wonder if there are family problems.

But I suppose those are just that, family problems. My part in the war is over, and I'm left wondering what to do now. I could travel, and get into a fight everywhere I go that isn't the North. I suppose setting sail for the lands across the Narrow Sea is a possibility, but there isn't anything for me there. King Stark...I still think of Howard every time I say that name even though they have nothing in common…is offering me lands to pick from, but which should be mine?

Golden Tooth – I captured it, but my men also pillaged it. Not sure the people will be accepting of a leader who played an active hand in stealing their livelihoods.

Moat Cailin – While in disrepair, the castle sits on a strategic bottleneck. Even a token force of defenders here can protect the entire North from invasion. The swamp lands around it however will not support many people until I build a canal or dam.

Karhold – The far east of the North, with lots of resources, but I would have to marry Alys Karstark. Knowing that the girl is only 15, makes the choice less difficult.

Harrenhal – The largest castle in Westeros, and also a place where few people seem to go since War of Conquest. The Lady of Harrenhal, Shella Whent, is said to be using only little of its space, so I could even share the lands with her.

Sea Dragon Point – Defenseless, but also ripe with vast natural resources. The community is mostly fisherman, and should welcome someone who isn't afraid of hard work. The only problem I really forsee it the Iron Islands and their fleet. I have a theory that the reason the western coast of the North is so poor is because there is no one to trade with. It takes less time to move your goods overland to a dock on the east coast. Also, I wouldn't be stepping on anyone's toes.

With the war winding down, I know my presence will only continue to annoy those who were born into the lands and titles. Someone who comes from a land unheard of, with my abilities, rising so quickly in favor with their King, is going to anger a lot of people.

I was just looking at a detailed map of the river lands, and a name jumped out at me. Cape of Eagles. Providence perhaps? It is under the protection of House Mallister and nearby Seagard, but from what I can tell the area is actually left to its own devices. Forced to fend for themselves against a Viking-like menace nearby. Maybe I can help them.

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