
Chapter 11 - Training Kashi

(A/N: Not the best chapter, but the next couple are quite good)


~Minato POV~

With Kashi joining the family on our family tour of both common and foresaken realms, time drifted by quickly as we got to know each other.

It turns out that Kashi is surprisedly smart for someone who's never been through any schooling before. He only had the books his "family" left for him.

He's also a decent hunter and forager, which is unsurprising as he, had to get his own food as he wasn't allowed to enter the village due to the passed Mayor, the New Mayor is actually a good dude.

Anyways as our tour of the two realms has ended, I've begun thinking of ways to torture *Cough* I mean train Kashi.

Thankfully he has a decent amount of mana. So it's he's mana control and physical abilities that need to be trained. Hehe I'm looking foreword to this.

~Scene Change~

~Namikaze Estate - Backyard~

"Why are we out here Minato?" Kashi asks me, clearly annoyed at me waking him up at the crack of dawn.

"It's time to begin your training" I say with a sickly sweet smile.

"Oh, is it now?" Kashi asks with he narrowed eyes.

"Yes, it is" I say with a little chuckle. "Now due to your curse, your mana control is awful so we need to work on that. Your physical abilities aren't as bad but still need some work"

"Then after both your mana and physical abilities are up too standard, we'll begin combat training" I finish.

"Sure, it can't be to hard" Kashi says waving me off.

"Mana control first" I tell him, I pull out my sealing equipment. "Take of your shirt and turn around"

"You sure like seeing young boys topless don't you?" Kashi jokes.

"Get over here, before I force you" I deadpan at him.

"That doesn't fill me with confidence" Kashi says but still follows my orders.

I silently draw a seal on his back, it's a personal favourite of mine.

"Done! Are you ready" I tell him.

"Of course I am" him states.

" [Ultimate Grade Mana Seal: Stage 1]" I tell activating the seal on Kashi's back.

"Huh, what the?" Kashi says surprised

"Yep, I just sealed your mana" I tell him with a careless shrug.

"What? Why?"

"Don't worry you'll get it back. The seal works by slowly allowing you more mana per stage. This will give you an accurate measurement of your mana and how much you can use" I explain so he'll stop panicking.

"But it's so little" Kashi murmurs with a slight pout.

"Well you'll just have to work had buddy" I say slapping his back lightly. "Now 10 laps around the yard!"


"10 laps around the yard, Now!" I shout shooting a little electric spark at him.

"I'm going, I'm going!" Kashi yells jogging away from me.

"Ah I'm going to enjoy this" I say to myself with a blissful sigh.

~2 Month Timeskip~

"*Huff Huff* Argh are we done yet?" Kashi asks/whimpers out, laying soaked in sweat on the ground.

"Yes you've completed your physical training, and your at stage 3 of 5, of the mana control seal" I tell him.

"Soooo?" Kashi draws out.

"We'll begin both physical and magical combat tomorrow" I tell him.

"Urgh more work" Kashi grumbles.

"What was that?" I ask nicely.

"Nothing" Kashi says swiftly.

"Get up it's time for breakfast" I say looking at the sun, which had only risen about an hour ago.

"I'll be up in a second" Kashi says showing no sign of moving.

"Whatever, stay out here then" I tell him, heading inside to grab some breakfast.


Entering the kitchen, I see that there's been no breakfast prepared. Which is strange considering mom always prepares breakfast and dad is always reading the newspaper at this time. They must be awfully tired.

"Must have stayed up too late, if you know what I mean" I say looking straight at the reader.

"I'll just make breakfast" I say to myself, I grabbed what ever I can, to make something edible...Hopefully.

Mid way through cooking some eggs my mother walks in with her hair in a messy bun and a robe wrapped around her.

"Late night" I say with a knowing smirk.

"Ugh, yeah had to work late" she says after a moments hesitation.

"Well I hope it's a boy" I say casually.

"Wha... What?" My mom exclaims surprised.

"I didn't say anything" I tell her sporting my most innocent expression. I then sense Kashi's mana signature coming to the house.

"Need Food" is all Kashi says as he takes a seat at he table.

"Here you go, bacon, eggs and toast" i present him with a dish of deliciousness.

"Thanks" he grumbles out before munching in his food. "Hey, this is actually good!"

"Of it's good I made it" I say as if that explains everything.

"I've never seen you cook at all" Kashsi states.

"Thats because I don't want to show off" I say.

"Thats a lie you love to show!" Kashi exclaims.

"No that's not true. I just do everything better then everyone else it just looks like I show off" I say getting dirty looks from both Kashi and my mom.

~Scene Change~

"Alright, stretch out" I tell Kashi as I prepare to kick his ass *Cough* I mean train Kashi in combat.

"Well go through some basic techniques like how to punch and kick properly, then we'll move to elbows and knees" I tell Kashi.

"Please I know how to punch" Kashi complains believing my training is clearly below him.

"Oh really, go punch that tree as hard as you can" I tell him, pointing to a big oak tree in the yard.

"Easy" Kashi says walking over to the tree.

Kashi throws a fast punch, well fast in his eyes, at the tree, it lands doing no damage and hurting himself.

"Oww" Kashi yells shaking his hand. I walk next to him.

"Watch" I say simply. I get into a boxers stance and throw a perfect straight at the tree. I damage the bark slightly, while doing no damage to my own hand.

"You barely did anything" Kashi points out.

"Wrong, first of all the the bark here is damaged" I say pointing to the damage on the tree. "Secondly my hand received no damage"

"And finally" I begin walking to the back of the tree. "I did that" i finish pointing to the fist shaped hole where all the bark of the tree has been blown off.

"Okay fine, I don't know has to punch" Kashi now agrees with me after being proved wrong.

"Good, I'll keep this lesson simple. When striking anything you don't want to use the muscles in your arms or legs but your entire body. You need to use you body to generate more power, an easy way to increase your striking power is turning your body with your punch" I explain.

"Here I'll show you" I tell him.

Getting into a boxing stance, I go through the motions to show how to throw a right hook.

"Got it?" I ask.

"Yeah, I understand" Kashi says.

"Good. Do 1000 punches then" I tell him.

"On what?" Kashi.

"On nothing, your not ready for anything else" I shout walking away.

~End of Chapter~

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