
Old Man

"Why is our Xuan obsessed with Piano these days?" Gu Yanxi asked when he heard Lu Xuan playing piano once again. 

"Maybe, it's a phase?" An Qinyan suggested. "Shangyan said music is good for someone hot headed as Lu Xuan. Music soothes your soul and helps you control your anger. As long as he is cultivating good habits, I don't mind."

"You are right, " Gu Yanxi said. "Raising children can be scary."

An Qinyan placed his head on his shoulder and nodded her head. When they had gotten married, many people had asked them if they would like to have their own child. They never had thought about this matter. 

However, they sat together and thought about this matter. Then, they came to the conclusion that they didn't want another child because they had given seventeen years of their life to their children and they would like to live their own life together with any child. Maybe, it was selfish but that's what they wanted. 

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