
The finale (two)

—End of Flashback—-

Xiao Xinyi looked at the people and then at the judges once again and placed a mike before her mouth, "Good everyone. I'm Xiao Xinyi. You all know me by the nickname Twinkle. I would like to tell women of all ages to always love themselves. Our real beauty lies in their hearts and souls. We should always ignore the comments that say too skinny, too fat, too tall, too thin thighs, too thick things, too light complexion or too dark complexion. To others, we might always be too extra or never enough. However, all we need is to be enough for ourselves. We must be kind and caring to ourselves. Let's not sacrifice our mental health to get that so-called perfect body figure." 

Her ears were deafened by the noise of the clapping that rang around her. Her words were not fancy, they were raw and touching. She was not talking about other women, at this moment she was only talking about herself. 

On the internet…

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