
Chapter:38-Enemy of Enemy is a friend.

Kenta POV

The Fallen angels thought they could deceive us when the devils find the body, they will be all out for war. Either result will provide enough time for me to execute my plans flawlessly.

I have decided to make some squads, which will work for me while I operate the main events....

No more playing around this time....

3rd POV

Meanwhile, in the Grigori, the fallen angels are discussing about their spy being framed and killed by the Biblical God, and they are currently discussing about the upcoming war that will start soon.

Panic runs in the room through everyone's nerves.

"The Devils aren't gonna let the massacre go unanswered, It's gonna get bloody " Shemhazai told with a nervous expression on his face.

Shemhazai is a handsome man in his twenties with silver hair and purple eyes.

"It's too late...my friend. Now, in the eyes of the world, they are the victims and we are the bad guys here " Azazel told them with his trademark chilled expression.

Everyone is unnerved by his laid-back attitude.

"There is no one gonna say a word when the devils club every Fallen angel they can find, " Azazel told them.

The devils have pinned Fallen angels as the initiator of the massacre in the underworld as they have found fallen-angel DNA from him.

"Kenta was one move ahead. Now he left thousands of bodies at the feet of the Grigori " Kokabiel told them with a serious tone.

"We are the only ones who know it is our Father's light spear. Our credibility died with Jason...We need proof " Azazel told them.

"How did

"Follow the pattern, " Kokabiel told them.

"Gaston Green " Kokabiel told them.

"Never heard of him...who is he, " Azazel asked surprised.

"You know him as Gaz the eye. He is the one who is one of the infiltrators of the massacre, Jason has sent the message to us notifying us about him " Kokabiel told them.

"We are left on one single piece of the puzzle....which means " Azazel mentioned.

"He is the ticket to our Father, Kenta Kiyoshi....as he claims himself to be," Kokabiel told him.

Kokabiel didn't understand why a Biblical God like him could a Japanese-themed name like that. Maybe it's God who is being crazy.

"It's a been tough week Gentlemen, we lost more than we dreamed. But we will recover. " Kokabiel reassured them.

"I am gonna use every resource to find the proof... " Kokabiel told them.

"Despite what the world might say, we are not savages, we don't kill civilians. We use precision " Kokabiel told them.

"I doubt it...you seem eager for war...Kokabiel " Shemhazai told him, not believing his words.

"There is an evil man hiding in the shadows...And we are use everything to bring him into the light....and put a full stop to all his deeds.....Kenta Kiyoshi must be stopped before it's too late " Kokabiel told him.

"And once his face is revealed we will write history, Gentleman," Kokabiel told them.

"I am not...too sure of your plan, Kokabiel remember what happened to Jason " Shemhazai replied to Kokabiel's earlier plan.


3rd POV

"The Angels are hiring a lot of allies in recent times, Jason," Kokabiel told him.

"One Faction is trying to rewrite the history, I ask much more from you now on. " Kokabiel told Jason.

"What is it, sir? " Jason asked him.

"This man, Kenta is fighting in his own war. He has his own set of rules and order which he has to decide to maintain all over the world. He has no boundaries for the things he will be bound by " Kokabiel told him.

"He doesn't flinch at torture, genocide, kidnapping, or massacres, " Kokabiel told him

"He is not loyal to anything but his own set of ideals and he only promises safety for his followers.....He trades blood for control and...he likes being the one in control " Kokabiel told him.

"He is your new best friend, " Kokabiel told him.

"I don't think he isn't any friendly guy " Jason told him.

"You don't want to know what is it cost already to put you next to him... " Kokabiel told him.

"It will cost you..... a piece of yours " Kokabiel told him

"It costs.....nothing compared to what you will save " Kokabiel told him.

"I will be sure...follow you sire " Jason saluted and prepared his disguise and anti-detection costume. He has undergone surgery to change his appearance and identity and blended himself more as a follower of God.

<Flashback End>



3rd POV

While, Kokabiel is convincing Shemhazai that his plan will succeed in this place. Azazel is trying to connect with Lucifer through a mind-link.

Which is not surprising at all, considering how crafty and cunning Azazel is.

"It's connected " Azazel cheered.


...Lucifer I know you are listening....

" Azazel tried to call him.

"Listen, Our father is preparing a huge army.....And I know that, you know, father is behind the massacre.

He got your trusted aide and he is currently heading towards your location " Azazel told him.

"Give me what you got on Shepard, and I will take care of the rest " Azazel pleaded with them.

"You and I know that you won't last a week, " Azazel told him.

"And neither will you " Lucifer replied to him with a harsh tone.

"Lucifer....you know the old saying...the enemy of enemy is my friend? " Azazel pleaded with him.

"Azazel, one day, you are going to find that it cuts both ways. " Lucifer countered it.

"I don't have any proper location of Kenta....but I think Celio is our next target...And trust me....You won't hear anything from Gaston "Lucifer replied to him.

"Gaston is on Hotel Transylvania. He is gathering up followers for his idol Kenta....Good luck, wasting time with him " Lucifer replied to him with a mocking smile.

"Goodbye, brother.....Hope you get merciful death " Lucifer mocked him.

"Looking forward to it...Give my regards to Father if you get to him first " Azazel told him with a neutral expression.

It's unclear what is with Azazel in the end. But one thing is sure he wanted to save his people...That's the most important thing he could think of.

"So Celio Kurosuke huh, No wonder he is improving so fast...Kenta is really being serious about being in charge. I think he wants us to fear him...Let's show him we aren't spinless as he thinks. " Kokabiel told eagerly for war.

"Who is this...Celio Kurosuke " Shemhazai asked.

"Underworld information broker....who worked with Lucifer for once...which alone makes him a capable man, one can have...Although He is still a greedy dog who is hungry for....money " Kokabiel described him.

"So...This Celio guy likes money, and our father will find lucifer information with the help of him....Is that all of our father's plan? " Azazel told him.

"Not, quite...He is after a very specific reason...He is after the compound that has nearly left him dead once " Kokabiel told him.

"The...Corrupter.... " Azazel told him.

"Yes, the only ticket for us to handle him ourselves " Kokabiel told him

Now. Tell me, Mc is overpowered.

All the characters have their own personality and they are actually intelligent enough to harm Kenta.

A good enemy for a good main character.

How are the characters? Whom do you like?


latheef_shaikcreators' thoughts
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