
In less than twenty minutes, all the food on the table had been eaten clean. There was not even a drop of soup left. The plates were clean and clean, as if they had been washed with saliva.

Roundy was half lying on the ground, squinting with satisfaction. From time to time, it would pat its slightly bulging belly with his claws. "Awoo --" It was so full, so happy! As expected, following Little Chu was the best choice!

After drinking and eating to his heart's content, even Mo Yang and Qin Yue, who were at the side, could not help but feel a little warmth on their faces. Song Qingsong had also lost his usual cold and aloof demeanor. His handsome face was stained with a slight blush, and his drunken eyes were slightly narrowed. He revealed a unique sense of extravagance and charm…

Mo Chu also did not expect that Almighty Song was actually the legendary weirdo who could be 'knocked over with one cup'.

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