
Chapter 104

What came into my view were the tattered clothes of my friend, soaked in blood. I have no idea if that was his, but yeah it must be his, considering the horrendous state he was in.

Clause was not just covered in bruises but shallow wounds that seemed to be bites from humans, on his face, collarbone, shoulders, from his triceps down to his hands, and his torso was full of injuries.

"Oh, my-- Clause?! W-What in the actual... fuck happened to you?!"

I did not hesitate to immediately run to my friend's aid, helping him stand up, offering my helping shoulders after seeing him could barely walk on his own, dragging his right foot while bleeding all over his body.

"S-Stop being so loud, Ira. My ears... are quite sensitive r-right now."

"Okay. J-just hold on to me right now and let me bring you to Doctor Flores."

I toned down a bit and was horrified when I just noticed that even his ears were bleeding. The inside, but he can clearly hear me despite the injury.

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