
Chapter 96

Not so long after I woke up, Ira was also aroused. The first thing he asked and looked for was me. Frantically, he searched and raised his tone inside the clinic.

"I'm just glad that you're fine, Clause."

The relief on his face while sneakily trying to wipe his gradually dripping tear made me soft and extremely glad that someone like Ira, the kind man that he is, is my friend.

"Uh, doctor," I called out for Dr. Flores, hesitantly.

"What is it, son?"

His assistant nurse ran a blood pressure test on the two of us and saw that Ira and I were completely fine.

"Has Allen already gotten back?"

It has been, what? Two weeks since our first special exam? And Allen still has not come back to class. He could have come back after a few days of rest.

"Oh, Allen, yeah! He has been discharged after two days of staying here in the clinic. My assistant nurse took care of him while he was here. And I told him he is ready to go back to his class, but I bet he still hasn't attended his class."

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