
Attack on Naga loka

It wasn't only Vishdar who felt the presence of Asuras. Takshaka had much more interactions with Prahlada than Vishdar and feeling the unscrupulous and uncontrolled aura, there was no mistake that it was the king of Asuras who was here himself and he didn't seem to have any other motive than war, a war to death.

" Minister ring the battle horn and raise the city barriers. We can't let the Asuras start a fight in the capital city. " Takshaka spoke with some nervousness.

Most of the important Nagas from the whole realm were present here in the capital today to celebrate their win against the Asuras but now they had become a burden, the Asuras had nothing to lose but he didn't want the most important people of his realm just to die like this.

" And teleport the Queen and princess away. "

"....My... King -- I am afraid that isn't possible anymore. There is very strong spatial interference around the whole city and the teleportation outside the city doesn't seem to be working anymore. The most likely scenario is that the Asuras have blocked the teleportation by disrupting the space around the city.

" DAMMMNNNNN. " Takshaka threw his wine glass on the ground with frustration.

After feeling the taste of winning, he didn't want a death match with the Asuras at the moment, that too in his own capital city, full of core Nagas.

" Try Contacting Lord Vishnu through big brother if possible. " Takshaka spoke while sending the Minister away.

" what would I do if I was Prahlada..." Takshaka closed his eyes while storming his brain for possible ways for Prahlada to act.

" hehehehe, no matter the situation. That weak bastard will rescue the captured Asuras. The barrier will be able to the Asuras for some hours, till then we can also mobilize the army and prepare a gift for our neighbors. " Takshaka hissed with a venomous smile but his teeth and eyes nearly popped out of their sockets only a moment later.



Broken. The sturdy and diamond-like barrier capable of even fending off multiple high god classes for hours was.... Broken...no... It was obliterated.

" hehehehe " A bad premonition was rising in his throat as he looked at the dark flying figure in the sky.


Andhaka looked at the broken barrier in front of him with cold eyes and stared directly at the figure on the balcony of the grandest building in the big city.

He could feel a similar Kingly and authoritative aura from the gaze of the figure.

" King Takshaka. Heh " Andhaka chuckled cruelly while figuring out the identity of the man.

" Svarbhanu your team will first rescue the prisoners and once that is done. Proceed with the plan. Kill every and any Naga you find. I don't care if it is an innocent child or some pregnant woman, as long as it is a Naga, I want it dead or be ready to kill yourself cause once I got my hands on you, praying for death will be all you will be able to do. " Andhaka muttered almost like a psychopath and even the cruelest Asuras had uncomfortable expressions covering their faces.

They are cruel but they don't particularly kill women and children with no strength. This is the principles and teaching they have been told since they were small and have been following until now for hundreds and thousands of years As a warrior race, they also have their pride.

" As you order my King. " A small human-like figure with sickly white skin and red blood eyes stepped forward and bowed gracefully with a smile on his face.

Andhaka looked at the figure with a pleased smile. Since one of them has accepted it, soon the others will also follow suit.

It was Akaal, The Vampire in the special team led by Mahishasura.

And as Andhaka expected, Not wanting to be the last the other Asuras also jumped forward and shouted together loudly.


" HMM," Andhaka nodded while looking at Akaal and then turned towards the city while raising his hand.

Feeling the stenching and foul smelled miasmic air of the Naga realm. Andhaka shouted calmly with a scary look in his eyes.

"... ATTACK. "


The Vampire King was very dissatisfied with the Asuras as they took away one of their potential leaders with a show of strength. In simple words, they threatened them and took away Akaal.

But Akaal himself didn't have much resistance as if seen positively, this was also a very big opportunity.

And he was surely shocked when he saw that unfathomable figure in the throne room when they first greeted this new Asura king.

At that moment he could understand why Mahishasura, who was previously put in prison was now roaming freely and assembling a force.

Being around similarly talented and extraordinary warriors in the group was also quite a good experience, he could feel his powers and strength increasing as they trained and lived together and the gift given by their King can't be left out, that certainly helped him a lot in increasing his dark powers and also let him realize that The King was extraordinary. Very - very extraordinary and even the sky wasn't the limit for him.

So in just a small period. He had grown a fanatic level of worship for his king and removing Asura Mahisha as the King's most trusted guy was now his new goal and for that, he had to prove his worth. Price that he wasn't just some ordinary guy. Prove that he was also extraordinary, even among the extraordinary.

But currently, he wasn't the strongest among the special group. Although there hasn't been any official battle but through the training sessions together the hierarchy at the top was slightly clear.

Surapadma, the Asura sorcerer led the rankings with the Danava twins Sumbha and Nisumbha following his lead and then it was him, a whole three people above him, and that was unacceptable for him, he who has been touted as a genius since childhood, for the first time felt how vast this world was.

For the first time, an unquenchable fire to grow stronger had developed in his heart and was consuming his body at a maddening rate. He hated it, hated the feeling of being weak.

' I must capitalize on this fantastic opportunity. ' Akaal thought with his eyes and fangs gleaming brightly and a sly smile erupting on his face.

Today is going to be a great harvest for him.


" How dare these filthy Snake bastards sneak attack our capital and then celebrate as if they had won. They only deserve to be food for us Asuras, HOW DARE THESE FILTHS THINK THEY COULD DEFEAT US ??!?! THE GREAT ASURAS !?? " Shirkasura shouted madly as he jumped down towards the large city with a weapon in each of his eight arms.

He felt very fortunate and prideful to be born into the great Asura race and he had no shame or discomfort in saying it himself that he was a hardcore racist.in his eyes, Even their sister race, The Danavas were just a group of inferior beings, only good enough to be the subordinates of Asuras. The Nagas werent not much better than trashy garbage and sometimes as a food to be eaten.

So to be attacked and have their capital destroyed by food was a very humiliating and frustrating thing for him. He can't wait to clean off his humiliation by the blood of these filths.

"Don't worry though. I intend to follow every ounce of my lord's order. " Apart from a hardcore racist, a very cruel and nonempathic being was a perfect sentence to describe Shirkasura.

Since he didn't consider Nagas anything other than food so he had no problem or emotional distability in cutting and torturing them.

" Here I came food. "


" Finally a chance to harvest some souls. " Bhay the son of the ghost king thought with a creepy smile as he floated towards a crowded area of the city.

His forte was mental and illusion attacks, and eating up souls was like a power-up for him, so big wars like these are the perfect opportunity for him.

And it wasn't only this thought which was driving him to battle. He wanted to repay the Asura king.

His living conditions in the Ghost King's palace weren't good.

Due to being half-human, he wasn't treated respectfully by the other Ghosts but due to his great talent and capabilities, he had become an unremovable thorn to some of his own family members who were competing for the throne after his father.

So including him in a specially formed group was the most fortunate event of his life.

He had been listening to stories about Asuras, how cruel and vicious they were, and, it was completely right. But, that was only for the enemies. Among themselves, Asuras were probably the most lovely guys he had ever seen.

Even though the Asura king only did it to increase his own strength, but to him it doesn't matter, as from living a hell-like life among the ghosts to a place where he can be himself and be among guys much more powerful than him, that was a catastrophic change in a positive way.

He was very grateful for this opportunity and he doesn't care about the lives of some nagas and as for being inhumane and cruel even to women and children. He doesn't care even a single bit about that.

This a world that works on the rule of the jungle, nobody among these Nagas was unhappy about their victory and capture of Asuras, so why should he care if they die or live?

So since their leader has ordered it, he will follow this order with utmost priority.

" I WILL BE THE STRONGEST ONE DAY. " Bhay shouted with steel-like conviction as he landed on the ground and smiled creepily towards the streets filled with Nagas.

" but you lot won't be there to see it, hahaha "


" King. Should I also join the battle? Although we have more High god class but in terms of god class warriors we do lack behind a lot and apart from that they also have a half-million-strong army. " Mahisha asked politely.

"Hmmm. Nobody will interfere between me and him. " Andhaka pointed towards the figure on the balcony of the royal palace and then dashed down with a supersonic speed.

Mahisha saw his king dashing towards Takshaka and just smiled at the Naga king's bad luck and misfortune.

"Well. Vishdar is battling Prahlada. Svarbhanu and Vritra will soon be finished rescuing the captives. Who should I battle?..... Well, it will be seen once I try that one. " Mahisha smiled viciously while waving his hands and chanting some strange divine words.

[ Thousand Deadly needle fire. ] Mahisha spoke as he clapped his hands and dark black colored fire erupted from his body and covered him entirely.

" Let's hope they grow back at the time of Samudra Manthan. " Mahishas muttered darkly and a dangerous blast of fire erupted from his body and hundreds and thousands of fire needle-like projections scaled down on the city full of Nagas.


" Stop there you vicious Asura. " a royal guard shouted with fear while looking at the Asura in front of him and the hill of bodies behind him.

There were a total of hundred royal guards at the gate and among those hundred, only he alone was left and it has only been one or two minutes since this Asura appeared here.

Looking at the shouts and blasts in the background, a feeling of helplessness welled up inside the heart of the guard.

Everything had been going well and merry just five minutes ago, how did it turn out like this?

" don't worry. I will make it quick and painless " the Asura spoke while wiping the blood from his hands.

" heh, quick and painless " The royal guard spoke sarcastically while looking at his former teammates and colleagues.

Broken limbs, crushed intestinal organs, fractured skulls, and teared-off tongues were a common occurrence on the scene in front of him.

The once majestic field full of flowers was now full of blood and gore. It was a true hell.

" Arrggghhh. I won't let you go in until I die. " The Naga guard shouted bravely while raising his spear and got ready to stop the Asura with all he got.

Realistically speaking there will be no resistance as no matter how much a bug resists, it will never be able to kill an elephant....but... It was his city, his realm, and his people. So even if it meant a pointless death, he was ready for it.

" There won't be any need for you to do that. You have already done enough. " a hissing voice entered his ears as he turned around and saw a pair of god-level Naga chiefs standing there behind his back.

" You can go. " One of the spoke as they stepped past him and went towards the Asura.

" it is our fortune to battle and kill the son of Asura king Prahlada. Virochana. " one of them littered with a smile while its leaf-green eyes stared at Virochana cautiously.

"This is as far as you go. Entering the Royal Naga palace and massacring these soldiers, you will be punished for your crimes by a deal-------- "

" I don't have time for you small fries. I want the Naga king. " Virochana muttered hoarsely with red eyes as he raised the god class naga in the air while clutching his neck in his hands.

" ?!!!????!!!!! " the other god class Naga backed down quickly while looking at Virochana with shocked eyes. Sweat filled his hands as he saw his fellow Naga being clutched by this handsome-looking Asura.

At that speed, they couldn't even see him. He was just ten meters away but they couldn't even see a little when he accelerated and when he moved.

" h-how the hell is this a god class Asura? " he muttered to himself before summoning his weapon and taking his stance.

No matter what, it was his duty to guard the royal palace and he will do it whether it was the scary Asura in front of him or even the Asura king himself.

" UGHHHHHHH - UMPPP---------------- " With a crushing sound, the lifeless and headless body of the Naga warrior fell on the ground while still moving and thrashing around.

One of the distinctive features of Nagas. They can still battle for some time after their death.

" Do you think you can stop me? " Virochana spoke with an amused tone while tilting his head slightly and staring into the eyes of the warrior in front of him.

The God class Naga felt goosebumps all around his body and felt as if he was being stared at by some overwhelming predator.

" This crazy bast----------!!!!?????? Ouhhhhhhhh " The Naga crashed down on the ground with his eyes wide open in shock and fear and blood gushing out from a large hole in his chest.

He slowly raised his head from the dusty ground and looked at the Asura in front of him.

Virochana stood there with a cold gaze while clutching a heart-like thing in his hand.


" Arrrgghhh M- MONSTER. " the Royal guard wailed loudly before stammering backward and stumbling on the ground as he looked at the scene of two God-class beings just crushed to death without even a slight resistance.

" Don't worry as I said, I will make it quick and painless. "


" hahahahahahaha, hahahahaha. Who? Who in the heavens would have thought that the Asuras weren't led by Prahlada anymore but you? " Takshaka smiled dejectedly while looking at the blasts and destruction echoing around his city.

" As a King. I challenge you to a duel. Stop this battle and let's have a duel to decide the winner. " Takshaka spoke in a taunting voice.

They were busy with celebrations and were all disordered and ill-prepared for this attack hence, the whole Naga realm was now in chaos due to this sudden attack and there was no time to get them in proper order and command so he can only buy the time they needed through this gimmick.

He still believed that they had a very fair chance to win. The Naga realm was full of poisonous green miasma which was like a blessing for the Nagas and a debuff for others.

Even though the Asuras had an extra high godly class being but their overwhelming advantage in other ranks can compensate for that and once any of the god class beings is taken down, they can be sure of victory.

This plan was very logical and would have been an excellent strategy but... They didn't count Mahishasura. The Asuras didn't have only one but two more god class brings than the Nagas and Lady Sage Manasa was nowhere to be found in the Naga realm as she was in seclusion, healing her wounds.

" Just the last ditch efforts of a pathetic worm. " Andhaka sneered coldly.

A cold and frosty expression appeared on the Naga King's face after listening to what Andhaka said.

" wanna bet? " Andhaka spoke once again before the Naga king could even come up with a reply.

" huh? "

" by the end of it. You would be considering killing yourself, just like the coward you are. " Andhaka smiled contemptuously while looking at the King of Nagas.


" Got you filthy reptile. " Andhaka sneered in contempt. Death was just too easy for this bastard. Andhaka had other plans for him and death was by far.... the easiest option out of it.

" And I will note down that, killing of loved ones in front of you. I heard you have a beautiful daughter and wife. Where are they? " Andhaka spoke while peeking behind Takshaka at the insides of the Naga palace.

" Enough. " Takshaka spoke in a bone-chilling voice while clenching his fists and... Charged toward Andhaka.

" U should know we Asuras have a strong prowess in that aspect too. " Andhaka spoke with a smile while dodging the blow of the Naga King and making a ring from his hand and inserting his finger into that ring.

" AAAAAARRGGGGHH HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT ?!!?? YOU CALL YOURSELF A KING ?!?? " Takshaka growled furiously after seeing the lustful expression on Andhaka's face.

In terms of strength, Prahlada was nearly at the level of Indra and this reptile king wasn't anywhere even in the conversation.

So there wasn't much suspense in this battle from the beginning, it was doomed to a massacre, a one-sided massacre.

" Don't worry though. I only believe in practical actions. " Andhaka spoke while blocking a punch from the Naga King.

" Finally got you, crazy bastard. " The angry expression on Takshaka's face quickly melted down and a calm yet cold expression replaced it.

" Don't you know? The distinctive feature of the Nagas is their poison. Capable enough to kill even high god class beings in just a matter of minutes. " Takshaka hissed with a sly smile as his claws suddenly stretched and dig into Andhaka's skin.

" Now let's see practical actions. " Takshaka quickly backed down with a confident smile as soon as he saw the green-colored veins start to pop out of Andhaka's skin. Yi

" hahahahaha this bastard. Were you waiting for this opportunity? " Andhaka couldn't help but throw an appreciative glance at the Naga King, truly a venomous snake.

" Bu--- " Andhaka stopped soon as his calm expression changed and he looked up at Takshaka with a shocked look.

" Did you just try to use your powers? Hahaha, it is a special poison only accessible by the members of the Royal lineage, it reacts more strongly to the Asuras and other beings of the Underworld. The more you try, the more faster it spreads, hahaha, in the end, you were just another inexperienced fool, the previous Asura kings were completely covered with armor and protective gear when fighting us Nagas. Now DIE YOU STUPUD BRAT "

" Looks like I have no other option. " Andhaka muttered coldly while staring at Takshaka in a dead state.

He raised his left hand covered with darkness.



looking at his bloody elbow area, anger welled up inside Andhaka's eyes.

" Fk, Fk, Fk, Fk. Stupid me. I should have just ended it quickly without any delay. " Andhaka groaned with frustration as layers of darkness cocooned around his right arm like a bandage.

It was certainly quite a lot painful but the humiliation that the person considered to be an easy target by him was also the one that gave him the most damage in a fight.

He lost one of his limbs... Just because of his stupidity.

" Arrrrrrrggghhhhhhh. DAMN, IT " He clenched his working arm tightly before relaxing it and looking at Takshaka with cold and murderous eyes.

".... That was a very good reaction. " Takshaka muttered with a little discomfort.

Just a little more time and the poison would have reached his shoulder areas and then his internal organs and once that happened.....death...was only a matter of time.

His quickness and decisiveness in cutting his own arm was truly a sign for which he would have commended Andhaka, had they not been enemies fighting each other for their lives.

" believe me, you are gonna pay for that. " This was all Takshaka, the great King of Nagas heard before being thrown back out of the balcony by an irresistible slap.




Andhaka continuously slapped Takshaka with one merciless blow after another.

[ Endless Poison ] Takshaka muttered while coughing blood after Andhaka had stopped for a moment.

Green-colored liquid started to eject out of Takshaka's scales and started to swirl around him protectively.

Andhaka backed away a little cautiously, not wanting to be taken by surprise like the last time.



" Have you Asuras ever had to think what will happen if you were attacked by the Devas or someone else? What will you be able to do then? How to stop them? NOO. YOU HAVE NOT. BUT WE, HAVE HAD TO THINK THAT " Tkshaka shouted loudly as the green-colored miasma around the city started to shake and move towards Takshaka.

The miasma went into his body as if it had been absorbed. The majestic-looking green scales which had just been full of blood some time ago now had turned into scales even more majestic and grander than his previous ones.

The redness and soreness on his face along with the slap Mark's quickly healed in a moment.

As he absorbed more and more of that green miasma, Three Green veiny lines appeared over Takshaka's and started to extend until they ranged from his forehead to his stomach.

" Hissssssssssssssssss-hiss-hiss-hisss " Takshaka hissed at Andhaka like a wild and reasonless monster.

"hehe hehe hahaha hahaha. I plan to defeat the three Trimurtis and if I can't even defeat a small fry quickly. Then my goals will just end up as false dreams. " Andhaka spoke with conviction and firmness oozing out of his voice.

" And....no matter what....you are..... dying here. " The King of Asuras raised his head high up and stared at the Naga king with equally ferocious and monstrous eyes.

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