
Messing with a soul is a bad idea... apparently

After I was "Interrogated", Read: Lectured, by the woman named Glynda. The headmaster of beacon decided that I was worthy of a visit. The bastard probably wanted to drug me with those cookies.

Leaning to the side, I avoid what would have been a flat tire because of a sharp rock.

The original Roy wanted to come to his mother's grave to inform her that he entered beacon, so here I am, fulfilling that wish.

Slowing down, I straightened up, seeing my destination.

Fully stopping the motorcycle, I got off and started taking off my helmet.

Turning the engine off, I take out the keys and turn to the stone...

"Roy? Oh my god, Roy! You grew up so much! Why did you stop visiting me! Do you know how lonely I was?! And you aren't wearing the cloak I made you."

...Who the fuck?

I frown and look towards where the voice was coming from, which was to my right.

I had to look down since the owner of the voice was shorter than me. She had short hair with red tips ending right above the shoulders, she was wearing a black long-sleeved top and a combat skirt, and she was covered in a white cloak that obstructed her shoulders... Oh, and she was floating.

My silver eyes met hers and I did the only thing reasonable...

"You know, I knew I shouldn't have messed with my soul, this kind of shit is always the result of it."

The woman's eyes widened.

"Language! And what do you mean by messing with your soul?"

I hold out a hand to the ghost of my mother and release a sigh.

"Can you not scream in my ear for a moment, im revelling in my own stupidity."

I take a breath and release it, going back to normal. I turn to my mother who just stared at me with her jaw dropped.

"Y-you can see me?"

I roll my eyes. After I went back to the house, I went back into my Soulscape to see if I could do something about the control of my flames, I didn't want anyone like Glynda taking control of them in the future.

I tried doing something with the white orb again and when I felt something change, I never expected this to happen.


She just stared at me for a bit before she tried to tackle me. That wasn't the best course of action apparently when she passed right through.

"You know, I am still alive, right?"

She turned back and tried to touch me again but ultimately failed.

"H-how is this possible? Is this your semblance?"

This was going to take a lot of time to explain...

-Thirty minutes later-

"So you managed to awaken your semblance manually, then turned "upgraded" your semblance-"

Air quotes? What are you, five?

"- And after Professor goodwitch tried to take control of your fire, you messed around even more and that's how you see me?"

I nod at her, waiting for her reaction, so far she listened to me quietly and intently, seemingly waiting before I finish.

"What's wrong with you?! How could you mess with your own soul?! Even if you can, you shouldn't! You could have destroyed it!"

She exploded.

"What if you hurt yourself?! What if you turned yourself into a cripple?!"

...Okay, this is getting annoying.

"Stop shouting, my head hurts already from what happened yesterday."

She stopped and frowned.

"What happened yesterday?"

I wanted to groan so bad right now.

"I stopped a robbery, pissed off that goodwitch woman, and then Ozpin came to see me in the cell, "You... Have silver eyes", I swear, he is foreshadowing a lot of things just by saying that, who the hell would trust him?"

Summer looked at me for a moment before sitting down next to me on the ground.


Aw, come on!

"Never mind that, How did you die, anyway?"

She looked away from me, looking highly uncomfortable by the question.

"I- Can we not talk about that?"

...This is going to be a Huge plot point in the future, isn't it?

"Kay, sure, Let's talk about my "Special eyes" Because I thought it was suspicious enough for me to get a bulletproof mask when I remembered you saying it and I feel the need to upgrade it now that Ozpin pointed them out."

And besides turns out that no one has silver eyes according to surveys on the internet, meaning that I am the last one or those who do, try to keep it to themselves.

She sighed and leaned back on her hand.

"This is... Going to be a long explanation..."

...Great... Will my life get any weirder?

"But before that, can you see any other ghosts?"

I deadpan.

"No, after I got out of my Soulscape yesterday, I couldn't see anyone else, you're the first... I blame Aura."

She looked a little perplexed by that, it wasn't that hard to figure out really.

"An aura is a manifestation of our soul, so since you and dad brought me into this world, I have reason to believe that when he dies, I will see his ghost too."

She tried to smack me upside the head, but needless to say, she failed.

"Don't talk about the death of your father like that, what would he think?"

...Woman, I'm talking to a ghost, to anyone I might as well look crazy. Talking about death isn't so weird.

"Okay, so... The explanation?"

She sighed and turned to the sky.

"Tell me, what-"

"Finish that sentence and I swear Im leaving."

She shut up. I was not having a vague ass explanation right now, she was the only source for answers right now, I did not need her saying some legend about people with silver eyes and then say it's real and not actually explain anything.

"Your mean."

She pouted.

...This is my life now.

Note for later: Leave your soul alone, Dumbass.

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