

The next morning Fei woke up right before the alarm starts blaring. He had a habit of doing this, waking up earlier, waiting for the alarm to ring, closing it and began his day. Somehow Fei is able to get a simple satisfaction about it. He stood up from his seat and does a stretch, sleeping in such a position within such a cramped space caused his body to ache furiously. He rubbed his back, groaning while reaching for his luggage and took out a package of microwave food. He heated it at the public microwave machine located at the hallway of the internet café. It is still quite early, so there is no one lining up to use it. It was a set of instant curry rice, it tasted like burnt plastic, but as his first proper meal out here, he felt it was somehow, very delicious. No more complaints from his cousin, his aunt picking up problems on him, his drunk uncle hitting him, screaming right at him face, calling him a "parasite." He leaned on the wall with the container in his hand and the utensil in another, munching, thinking about his pitiful past.

"Hey." Someone bumped into him at his shoulder, causing his hand to loosen as the plastic spork falls to the ground. "Watch where are you standing." She complained, Fei bent down and reach for the spork without saying a word. "I am talking to you!" She reach her leg out and kick away the spork. Fei's expression twitched for a moment before finally turning his head back towards her. She is someone somewhere at her age, but the differences is right at his face. She wore a posh set of dressing, with black and navy blue as the main theme. Fair milky skin, colourfully dyed hair, excessive accessories and intensive makeup, she is definitely someone from the upper class of society. Behind her were three other girls, who seems to just came out from the VIP room of the internet café alongside her, with the exact same status and impression. Every single one of their action cast out their pride and royalty, their differences from these "mere peasants". These are people, someone like Fei didn't want to mess with.

"I am sorry." He didn't hesitate to perform a deep bow, keeping his head low for as long as thirty seconds. He stood up and approached the kicked away spork, taking it up. Fei reached for his pocket for a handkerchief, in which he cleaned up the dirtied utensil attentively before heading back to his room. "What a weirdo." The girls behind mumbled beneath their breath, but he didn't care. "Huh…" The leading girl seems quite concern, sorrow and disappointment flashed in her purple pupils as she tilted her head. "He forget me?"

"Don't mess up anything." Fei tossed the empty plastic container into the rubbish bin as he sighed. The incident had left a bad taste in his mouth. "New place, new life, new hope. You can do this." He gave himself a slight motivation before reaching for the luggage once more, this time taking out a set of clean school uniform packed in a plastic bag. He stared at it for a moment, the school badge of a soaring eagle shone in his eyes, his new life begins with it.

"Welcome! My dear students! To the SKY Academy's new Semester!"

Fei stood in front of the school entrance, dazzled and bewildered by the sight of this glorious structure as students of all kind passed by him. The entire academy was huge, large, colossal. With a main building in the middle, shaped like a gigantic cone, and other six miniature cylinder like structure beside it, which were the student's dorm. The entire school was filled with greenery, trees lining down the lane, with grass so well trimmed they looks like green fox skin carpets he once saw at the furniture store. He took a deep whiff out of the fresh air, new life, here it comes!

Fei followed the rest of the students, lining up at the hallway to get their student license fixed. The license would work as their identity license, room card, your credit card and a lot more. This is the step that bugs him the most, in fact anything that consists communication makes him really uncomfortable, especially towards strangers. When it was his turn, he felt butterflies were flapping in his stomach. "Name." The teacher asked without even taking one look at him. "F-Fei, Fei Kosu." He replied, stammering a bit, it is starting to be a habit whenever he talks to anyone. "Age." "16" "Sex" "Uh… Male?" "Parents name?" The question he hates the most.

"Uh… I am adopted?" He tried to keep his voice low.

"Huh? Adopted?" The teacher raised her voice, either she is doing it by accident or she didn't mean it, either way, Fei completely blanked out. He take a look around, students started to discuss beneath their breath. He could read their lips: "Adopted?" "Who is his parents?" "Is he kidnapped? Or sold?" He covered his ears with his hands, trying to mute those words, but there seems to be worms in his head, wriggling and drilling in it. No matter what he tried, those words that make his discrete kept echoing in his head.

"Hey, hey." The teacher snapped his finger after seeing him acting like this, trying to get his attention. "Y-yes?" He asked out, his expression pale, her voice shaking, like a hum of a mosquito. "Here, your license." She handed him a small metallic, rectangle card, before pointing her finger at her side and yelled. "NEXT!!" "T-thank you?" He took the license with a mixed feeling in his heart. Insult to injury, pain, embarrassment? But before he could bring his mind back, he was shoved out of the line by the student beside him. He fell to the ground hard, the rain last night causes the soil to turn into mud. Dirt splattered all over him, smearing all over his face and body. His luggage fell of his hand, clothes and his daily items scatter around him. "You are slowing us down." The student grumbled, patting his palm while rolling his eyes. "Go cry for your mom if you can." He added, the rest laughed hearing his remark. The teacher didn't even care, instead a smirk formed at the edge of her lips.

"S-sorry…" Fei mumbled, grabbing his license and stuffing his dirtied belongings back to his luggage. "I-I am very sorry…" He couldn't hold but to choke, before dashing towards the opposite direction, towards the dorms. The student kept laughing, each laugh pierced his heart, sending a stinging pain. He dashed, didn't turning back, tears started to escape his eyes. His action causes the students to mock even more. "Pussy!" They chanted, screaming like maniacs.

"Huh, huh, huh…" Fei hid behind one of the blocks, leaning his back on the wall. He covered his face with his hand, ignoring the mud that smeared on his face. "W-why…" He questioned himself, burrowing his head beneath his arms as he crouched to the ground. "R-ruined, it is all ruined…" He sobbed, life is fair, because he treats everyone unfairly. It is like a lottery, and a kid like him just won the "jackpot".

"M-my uniform…" After crying out all his tears, he finally realized that he was currently a mud pig. "I ne-need to get cleaned." He stood up, taking out the student license and take a look at his dorm number. "Dorm 666." He mumbled beneath his breath, the first number is the number of the building counting from left to right, the second number is the floor of the dorm while the third is the number of the room according from left to right. "666…" He mumbled beneath his breath. "What a weird combination of number…" He didn't put much notice to it, but if he did, maybe all of these could be avoided.

I will update daily until ten chapters are published. I hope I can get a cotract for this one since I really put a lot of time and effort onto it. So please donate your stones, collect it and comment down your feelings or thoughs. Thanks yall.

LReyLeicreators' thoughts
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