
Chapter 16 - Dungeon Part 4

If you went northwest you could go to the port city of Chico, but Tara had no intention of relying on ships.

"Go east, there is a dungeon for the next destination. I heard it will be near the entrance of the Northern Mountains, but I will get a second spirit orb there."

Answer aloud while facing forward from the coachman's seat. Tara had no intention of keeping the destination a secret, and Dash didn't ask her to sit in the coachman's seat, but the map Tara relied on was because Roy was shown in a hurry by Karne. except for Roy.

Zigzags and circles were written with free hands, which made it difficult to tell whether the map was rectangular or trapezoidal, and some curves were drawn. Each of them has characters that look like crawling earthworms, but these are also dirty characters.

The thick curvature seemed to represent the borders of this continent, and Tara could understand it if she had a jagged mountain and was a memory of the city and Roy, but Dash gave up as it seemed indistinguishable even upside down. ..

Tara rode the chariot in the coachman's seat because it couldn't be helped, but it was better than sitting in the rocking back seat. Until the second day, there was a raw meat bat monster defeated in the dungeon, but after that, it was defeated by portable food and a dry bat monster. He is a diligent person because he makes dry meat by arranging the salty bat monster meat on a board that is placed on his lap while sitting on the back seat of the carriage while moving.

It's time to kill the next prey, but there is no easy skill to catch wild animals. Luckily, it got off the highway and through the mountain road, so even if you don't find it here, monsters will attack you.

Some of the monsters are edible, so they are bought locally. From this, it can be said that the world of being eaten or being eaten begins. Tata had heard from Karne that in the mountains north of Kanur, all the powerful monsters had been driven out and you wouldn't find them unless you were in a dungeon, so that's fine.

To avoid damaging the villagers, it seems that the army regularly turns around and destroys the monsters that appear outside the dungeon. However, destroying all creatures would affect the ecosystem, so it was said that in the off-the-road area, at best, only high-level monsters that threatened the lives of adventurers were driven.

Continue east and on day 5, unload the carriage, tie it up with rope, and tie it to the back of the mini dragon. Away from the highway, the plains were gone, so they walked from here. Walk along the mountain paths where the rocks are steep and exposed.


Dash suddenly threw a kunai into a large tree branch on the right in the direction of travel without any notice.

"Zazza Zazza"

Then, trampling the bushes, I ran into the dense forest.

"I did it! It's a horn bat. And all three hit."

Dash grabbed the dead bat demon's leg and lifted it, shouting happily.

(Wow, the nocturnal bats rest in the shadows of the trees during the day, but finding them far away and hitting the kunai with accuracy… are pretty good ninjas. After hunching over for a while, I got up and came back here. Probably wrapped in oil paper, wrapped around a rope, and put in a bag.)

"With this, I have 3 more days... Mochi... Mochi... I'll have it."

Smile happily. Tara tries to restock her portable meal in town before turning east on the highway, but Dash stops here as it's no use. He must be worried about running out of food.

After that, they found chestnut squid and Dash climbed the chestnut tree to get lots of chestnuts. When the two hear that they can eat acorns, Dash takes what insects don't eat, and finds lots of wild plants such as ferns and ferns.

After spending the night at the foot of the mountain, they entered the mountain and finally arrived at the great river on the third day.

The headwaters of this river is the destination with the second dungeon. When the mini dragon happily entered the river and poked its head into the surface of the water and appeared, its mouth was holding the river fish with a fluttering tail. It's good.

"Basharn... Pichapicha" "Basharn... Pichapicha"

When the mini dragon wagged its big tail, a fish flew to the bank of the river where we were. Is this a sequel?

The mini dragon is more like a brother than a pet, given to him by his grandfather when Roy was born, and he is always with Roy. Rather than being tamed, it can be said that it is a family that can communicate with one's heart.

Tara loved eating chestnuts and acorns that had been boiled overnight over the embers of a campfire as she walked down the mountain path with the astringent skin peeling off. That's a lawful thing.

Stab a tree branch from a fish's mouth like charcoal, grill it over a campfire, and thank it with Dash.

After filling your stomach with fresh fish, walk down the river to the upper reaches of the river bank.

Because the tree branches protruded into the surface of the river to cover the upper part, the river bank could not go straight, and when they managed to follow the shallow part of the river and aim upstream, the surface of the mountain on the left and right gradually narrowed, and finally At a height wedged between the valleys and looking up, they saw a large rock protruding from the cliff like an overhang. The rock is a landmark.

"Now, this is a dungeon on the river. Of course, I have to take off my armor, but is Dash's outfit okay in the water? Otherwise, I have to take it off."

In the shallow waters at the end of the river, the armor seems to be made of thin stainless steel, and it's not very heavy, but you can't wear it underwater. If the underwear inside is filled with water, it won't move properly, so take it off and pack it with your luggage on the back of the mini dragon.

Although there is no traffic, they are worried about bandits and oihagi, but the mini dragon is very gentle and friendly to those who are used to it but attack the enemy mercilessly. An average adventurer couldn't stand his teeth, so he also acted as a guard dog. Low-level monsters are just mini-dragons and don't come close, so they also have a talisman effect.

"Huh ... yes ... my chainmail is made of thin stainless steel chain, but when the dogi is wet, it blocks movement ... Shima ... don't do it."

Dash mumbled and hesitated to take off his clothes. Like armor, there were armors with magic resistance and those that could act underwater, but they seemed to be very expensive.

There was no choice but to arrange them one by one. Men's underwear in this world is loincloths… In addition, like Ecchu fundoshi, long fabrics have a string attached to one end, and the fabric that goes from the hips to the inseam is tied with strings on the sides of the abdomen.

Roy only has a red loincloth, but Dash's loincloth is white.

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