
A Family Dinner

There was a quick pause as everyone digested his words. 

"..." Jingwei spluttered, frantically shaking his head.

"Dad! What on earth!" Xue Ning complained, her face red with embarrassment. Sure, she had sex in more than one bathroom with Jingwei, but she wasn't going to do it in her home with her family members in the same house! 

"Oh my god!" Tai Xuan's face screwed up in disgust as he got what his father was implying. He continued to make retching sounds while complaining. "Gross! I don't want to think of you two -" he glanced between his younger sister and her boyfriend, shaking his head. 

"Urghh! You'd better not be doing anything there! Dad! Don't let him use our bathroom!"

"I'll go to the motel if you don't!" Xue Ning threatened. "And get off your high horse! I already know that you and Sister-in-law have done something similar?!"

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