

After a busy day of executing vermin and developing strategies with the generals and high level adventurers, I decided it would be best for everyone if we called it a session and reconvened the next day at 10:00. There is no need to come to court. Just show up at the council building. It was late afternoon/early evening when everyone left.

I went back to the palace and went to the Royal Chambers. The guards and staff were ready and waiting.

"Evening ladies and gentlemen." I greeted them and walked inside. Inside they had removed all personal effects of the previous royal family. The room was large and luxurious.

I stored my armour in the Spear inventory and checked out my new body for the first time. Underneath the armour I had a black skintight suit on. It was the buffer between the soft fleshy bits and the sharp metal of the armour. Which means it's another set of armour underneath my already mostly impenetrable armour.

Everything can be penetrated with enough force.

I proceeded to look around my new residence. I looked for hidden passages, ledges that were too large for no apparent reason. Anything out of the ordinary. After a thorough examination, I found out all the ways the nobles will infiltrate and try to execute me. All for their queen.

I used my PoB to mine and lay traps in the passage ways. The ledges were made to be extremely smooth and low friction as possible. I would find out soon enough the plots and machinations against me. For now a warm bath with a whiskey and cigar sounds good. I'll have food sent over later.

On my look around, I found the former kings stash of booze and weed. Well it smells a bit like a mix of weed, caramel and tobacco so let's go with weed. The herbs were loose. There was a pipe to smoke them out of. I reimagined it more to the wizards pipe that Gandalf has. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the taps. I don't know about others but being royalty has it's privileges.

A relaxing soak later, I put on a pair of pants and a cloak. PoB is awesome. Things just work in my favour. I sent for food. A maid came in and placed the food on the table.

"That will be all." She left.

I made the food safe to consume. My physique would filter out the poison in it anyway but better to be safe than sorry.

After eating I went on the balcony for another smoke. This is some good shit. It makes your mental faculties quicker. I don't know if it is the result of my physique but it helps me think.

Looking at the sunset, I reflected on my actions over the last two days. The usurping of the king and the execution of the royalty and nobility. Were necessary but happened too fast. The memories and inherited personalities weren't assimilated before taking action. In the spur of the moment, I was now king. The history and customs of this world will always be against me. The enemies the king made would be glad that he is dead. Those same enemies will look to conquer the outer regions as soon as possible. My actions have led to the deaths of thousands if not millions of people. The slave trade will be booming and the mercenaries will take commissions from the surrounding kingdoms. The assassins will do their best to destabilize my rule. Killing top figures in my government. I will let them take out the sword and bow hero, but I need to actually see them train, giving them a chance to keep their life. Maybe I can reforge their souls. My power of belief should allow for better chances of getting the desired results. There is also the little niggle about all 4 heroes being dead before summoning new ones.

Shield needs to go on his journey as soon as possible. The other two need a reality check. I also need to implement methods of faster communication with the other three.

I will first try and mould Sword and Bow into what I believe they can be without the bias of this being a game. Actions have consequences and mine will come in due time.

The herb smoked and booze drunk, I went to bed. I don't need sleep, but it's a welcome respite. Perhaps the morning will bring more clarity.


Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The morning bought the news of the escape of the Sword and Bow. Telling me I can now freely act against them. They will either do their jobs, or think this is a game and make life harder for everybody. If those two escaped, that means people will use that as an example. They will have followers, as well as their own core group of adventurers. Very well, I'll burn that bridge when I get to it.

My hunch was correct. Well I say mine, it was the experience of Kaldor Draigo. A good nights sleep was all it took to properly assimilate the memories, skills and experiences of the Primarch, Supreme Grand Master, and Captain General. And boy do they fuck hard.

Lion El-Johnson's sword skills transferred over to the spear just fine. The premonitions on where the enemy will attack and changing the strike mid-swing were invaluable for fighting powerful enemies.

The trails, experience and sheer fucking will of Kaldor Draigo was honestly inspiring and terrifying. Imagine you're a demon, going around corrupting people, killing people, serving your chaos god doing demonic shit. Then a wild Kaldor appears to fuck up yours' and every little demon friend you have day. The word tenacity was made for Kaldor. His tactical and strategic acumen is something I only read about. It's honestly difficult to put into words.

Lastly the Captain General of the Custodes. The patience and commitment to his role to guard Terra. The amount of time spent unfucking the Inquisitions' mess. Acting to the information provided by the Eyes. Patience was the hardest to exercise. It is against the very being of a normal man. Patience is a weapon. I finally understood what that meant.

If I'd just waited, gotten a good idea of things going on, and then acted, I could've been the ruler of Faubrey, Zeltoble, Shieldfreeden, or any other place. But no, I let the power bestowed upon me get to my head. Granted I had just been fighting and killed someone for the privilege to live. My mental state influenced my decision making and that's a mistake I will suffer the consequences for. Moving forward I will have to consider the effects and consequences of my actions.


At the council building I saw fewer people than yesterday. Very well, that's how things are. The only thing left to consider now is what to do next. This shithole of a kingdom will be destroyed that's for sure. Originally Faubrey was supposed to summon the heroes. Maybe the heroes summoned would have been different people. Maybe they would have treated all heroes the same. Maybe maybe maybe. All I know is the former Queen and Crown Princess are there. I don't know if they are planning a revolt themselves or being used by the nobles to fight each other. If they want their silly little kingdom back they can have it, well what's left of it after I'm done with it.

I've decided that I will build an army and kingdom of my own. In the far future. I will however lay the foundations for it now. My deeds and policies should at least on the surface benefit the people. If they actually help the people, great. If not, here's a cookie.

That's another thing, I don't know how long I will live for. There is no way to know if this is the only world I will be on. If that is the case then I might a well kill myself now. I also need to send Naofumi on his way.


The atmosphere in the Council chambers was tense. Of course it was. Over half of the people I had told my plans to had deserted. I always expected them to, just not that quickly. I always thought I'd immortalize them in paintings and tapestries for all their 'glorious' deeds.

Calling all the soldiers closer to the capital was proving to be a good idea. All the soldiers deserting showed where loyalties truly lay. Those who stayed in their positions had family in or around the area they were stationed in. Those who deserted were younger and more influenced by ideals.

I wished I had the Imperial Guard. Millions of men and women to simply take over the world and then destroy the convergence. That was another thing. The convergence was basically a spatial rift from which abominations came forth and it was my job to kill them.

Naofumi was there looking lost. He listened to the on goings but I could also feel the anger in him start to rise. When told of the desertion of the two fuckwits, he was more depressed about them not taking him with them. The nail in the coffin was when he was told there was no one willing to form a party with him. The adventurers either left with the other two, or simply left the kingdom. A few said they'd rather be imprisoned than going along with the power struggles of the heroes. I just told him to find his own way and left it at that. Hopefully he's out of here by tomorrow.


The council meeting was short. Some simple policies and plans put into the works. The royal scribes recorded the policies put forth. They sounded like a good idea to everyone in the room. I knew they couldn't last for more than a decade with the state of the kingdom and world at large. I created ministerial positions for the nobles to fight over, and called it a day.

I went to the library and took all the books they had on magic and the waves. Hopefully they have copies, if not they're shit out of luck. I went to my chambers and had a study session for a few days. After which I could use my PoB to much greater effect. I had more versatility and possibilities with my magic. I told the maids and servants to take the books back to the library. Looks like they get to keep their knowledge.

I took another bath and slept.


I awoke to the sound of an explosion. Looking around I saw smoke coming from behind a wall. So they've already sent assassins after me. Very well it's time for me to see how strong their resolve is. A few moment later a sea of guards and soldiers came in through the door, the balcony and windows. I didn't consider them rappelling down. Will do so next time.

"Surprise surprise, who can it be? Why if it isn't Tweedle-dee and Tweddle-dumb, ah and the former Queen as well, why it's an honour to finally meet one of the few surviving Melromarcs. So come to take your throne back? Whose help did you have to beg for? And what did you have to offer? All for a chair on a raised platform. Hmm? Don't feel like talking?"

The sight of the angry soldiers and Queen was really amusing. Seeing those two acting all high and mighty infuriated me to no end. I will kill them before making my 'escape.' I equipped the under-armour nanosuit, what you think I left it as is? Then I stood and equipped my Blessing of Vulcan armour. I was standing on the bed. Upon equipping the suit of armour, said bed broke sending splinters and down feathers everywhere. I dashed behind Bow and punched his head out of existence. Then a swipe from my spear turned Sword into fifty shades of fucked up. Work done I started walking towards the balcony. The silence and shock of me just vaporizing two legendary heroes didn't register with the others. I'm actually thankful that they left before i gave them any training, they still had their heads up asses. The difference was like the difference between ground and Exosphere. If they had trained and came back in 20 years the difference would have been the same but why let problems and wounds fester.

On the balcony, I looked back at the people frozen in the room. "Keep your kingdom little queen. It won't mean much in a few months' time." With that I used the thrusters and flew away.

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