
Chapter 2

The day Miller would take Levi to camp.

Miller wears gray leather clothing and covers his head with a black hood.

Levi wears baggy black pants, he has a black leather shirt, on his back he has a backpack made of bones. The black suit and backpack make Levi look like a little devil with his red eyes and short black hair.

Miller looks at Levi, says. - Very nervous? -.

Levi shakes his head.

Miller begins to remove something from a bone in his left arm, specifically the bone of his left little finger. Levi is surprised, it was the first time he had seen how a space warehouse was used.

Levi couldn't contain his curiosity and says. - Is this perhaps a space warehouse? -.

Miller tells him. - Almost. Actually, it's more like a space stable. My other little finger is where I keep my things. In this I only keep my transport -.

A small box of bones protrudes from Miller's little finger.

The box begins to increase in size. When measuring 4 meters, the box stops growing.

Then the box begins to disappear, revealing a skeleton 3.5 meters high.

The skeleton looked like a giant snake, but this one has two legs with front claws. In the skull you can see four holes, one where his nose was, the other three were where his eyes were positioned. The skeleton has a large number of small, but sharp teeth.

Levi looks at the skeleton carefully and says. - If it doesn't have wings, how will it take us? -.

Miller shakes his head, after a few minutes he answers Levi. - He will hold the mana in the air with his claws, keeping his balance in the air and managing to propel himself. Basically he will walk on air.

Levi listens intently, after understanding what Miller said, he asks another question. - What species is it? - .

Miller answers him, while addressing the skeleton. - It is a hybrid between three-eyed snakes and a wyrm -.

Levi was about to ask another question, but Miller uses a simple darkness spell to cover his mouth. Levi was trying to break free of the spell, so Miller grabs him and throws him towards the skeleton.

Miller takes out a saddle, custom made for the skeleton, when he finishes putting it on, he climbs Levi who was still on the ground trying to undo the spell. When Miller climbs Levi undoes the spell.

Levi was angry

Miller begins to explain to Levi what the camp will be like.

Any species can join the camp.

The camp is for children from 7 to 9 years old, but this age range applies to species that have a growth similar to demons or angels, Miller told Levi that he fell into this range, later he told him that the age of entry can vary between species, this is due to the longevity of each species and how long it takes each species to reach childhood.

Miller continued with his explanation.

In the camp they will be taught to feel the mana of nature. To perform basic spells. Perform basic spells. To teach them the basics of the elements, which elements can be combined, which are counteracted. They will teach you about the properties of plants of grade 10 (grades are from 10 to 0, with 10 being the most common grade and 0 being plants almost out of stock, this grade level only applies to items used in recipes for potions), also from other grade 10 materials, such as salt. They will talk about the categories of the options and their degree (the category in the potions will be used to differentiate if it is poisonous, healing, among others. The degree will be from 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, there will also be the grade 0 potion which can only be created with only grade 0 ingredients). They will teach you about the categories of the beasts (in this it would be if it is a flying beast, aquatic, etc.), also its magnitude (the magnitude will be to evaluate the level of strength between the beasts, this anger from 0.1 to 10). They will also be taught the characteristics of basic magical jewelry and what materials to use for its creation and how to create them.

One of the things Miller was interested in apart from potions was the creation of magical jewelry.

Miller finished explaining to Levi what they would teach him at camp.

Levi was angry, so he says. - All that I already learned. Tell me what is the real reason for my attendance at the camp -.

Miller remains silent, he did not expect such an answer.

Gathering her thoughts, she then decides to tell Levi her true intentions, which he tells her is. - I have a job. That job is to kill the parents of one of the boys who will attend the camp. Also, after I get the job done, I'll meet my wife. So don't bother anymore.

Levi is surprised, he didn't know what to say.

There was silence for half an hour.

Levi decided to break the silence with a question. - Since when do you have a wife, I thought you were a lonely skeleton? -.

Miller was about to punch Levi for his question, but stopped himself. He didn't want to tell his reason for not being around his wife, as it's an embarrassing story for someone who specializes in potions (The reason Miller wasn't around his wife is that, when he was creating a new potion, the potion fails and it explodes, splashing Miller, his skin begins to peel off, his organs begin to disappear, leaving only a skeleton, all this while his wife watched him).

Miller recalls the incident, it was an embarrassing and humiliating incident for someone who is well known in the potions world, it is also the reason why he lived alone in the tower as he told his wife to leave him until he found way to get back to normal.

So he decides to tell a lie. - It was all her parents' fault, they didn't want me with their daughter. In the future you will also have these kinds of problems -.

Levi thinks about what kind of history he will have with his in-laws, so he decides to find out more about it. - Some special reason, such as they are of different species, you stole from their parents, their families are enemies, or something else -.

Miller thinks quickly of an answer. - The reason is that we are of two different species -.

Levi continues to question Miller for a couple more hours. With the questions that Levi asked, he discovered that Miller was of the demon race and his wife is a spirit-type naga. Among so many questions, he also discovers the name of Miller's wife who is Mira. Miller couldn't handle Levi's constant questions, but an idea came to his mind to stop the constant questions. Miller says. - Levi, would you like to help me with my work? -. Levi's eyes start to sparkle, then he nods several times. Miller looks at the enthusiasm in Levi's eyes, after seeing it he decides to tell him what to do. Miller says. - Alright. Well you see, what you have to do is kill the son of my targets. Levi waits for Miller to say something else, seeing that Miller only said this, Levi starts to ask. - What is he like? What elements does he use? What is his personality like? Does he have enemies? What do I gain by helping you? -. Miller reflects on Levi's questions, after a moment decides to speak. - That is the reason why I want you to help me, so that you get experience and you don't have to ask these questions, but since it will be your first time I will answer your questions. Let's see-. Miller thinks about the characteristics of Levi's target. - Your target is a girl, 9 years old, blonde hair, brown skin, approximately 1.12 meters tall. The elements she uses as far as I know is water and death, so she could be a necromancer or someone who knows how to use poison or both, also don't forget that she could use the water element without combining it with the death element. I don't know her personality. Enemies I don't think so, he's barely 9 years old. And what do you gain, well, if you do it right I'll teach you a dark ritual. Miller pauses his words for a moment to see if he forgot to say something, after thinking he says. - Any other question? -. Levi answers him. - Nope -.

Over the remainder of the trip, Levi spent some time developing a plan for his first job. Miller taught Levi how to set traps using the dark element, he also made a few stops to give him a few hand-to-hand combat lessons to get him ready for a fight.

It took two days for them to reach the camp site.

Arriving at the camp the group begins to descend to the ground.

The camp has 3 two-story buildings, a girls' dormitory, a boys' dormitory and the last one where the camp managers are located.

The buildings were made of black bricks, in the manager's building, you could see how it was covered by vines, giving the building an abandoned touch, while the other two buildings were clean, without vines, but at each entrance there were two 8 meter skeletons, these skeletons seemed to be of dragons surrounded with an aura of death. The camp also has a small practice field, about 100 meters long and 80 meters wide.

The camp is built near a dormant volcano.

The camp does not belong to any empire, instead it is organized by an organization called the "Walkers", this organization makes camps in different parts of the world to discover people with potential and make them join their ranks.

The "Walkers" group can make camps in the world without difficulty, thanks to their neutrality in wars, but more to the great power they have. They are one of the oldest and most powerful organizations in the world, it is also known for performing mysterious rituals.

Miller was thinking how to circumvent the security of the "Walkers" throughout his journey, in the end he decided to kill his target when they left the camp and were at a far distance, since he did not want to risk being persecuted by this organization. His caution for this organization is because he knows some secrets of this organization. One of these secrets that he knows is the reason for making camps, which is to discover children with elemental souls, when discovering them they only take two options, they perform a ritual so that the child swears loyalty to them for eternity, the other is yes he resists and refuses to swear allegiance, the "Walkers" take his soul and give it to someone of a higher rank and the body that remains as an empty shell, which they use as material for grade 9 and 10 potions, I even hear that they managed to create a grade 0 one.

This he didn't tell Levi so he wouldn't panic and focus on his target.

In the place of descent there was a group of people of different species and each one with different mounts, some rode snakes, others wolves and a small group that stood out more, these came mounted each one on a Pegasus. The mounts were different, but they all had something in common. All mounts found in the area are undead. Some of them retained most of their meat and skin.

Climbing down from the skeleton, Miller looks around, searching for his target. Levi instead starts looking for the girl described by Miller, but could not find any girl with those characteristics. The same thing happened with Miller, he couldn't find his targets. This makes Miller take precautions.

The small group waited for two hours, in that time other people arrived.

When no one else arrives, the door of the managers' building opens. 9 people come out of it, among these 9 people there is a girl who corresponds to the characteristics that Miller gave to Levi.

Miller observes the group, by observing them he finds his targets. What Miller was most concerned about is that his targets are part of the "Walkers". This will make Miller have to be more careful when attacking.

The group that left the building begins to walk until they reach the front of the group where Miller is.

A lord of the appearance of someone in his 60s, with a height of 1.72 meters, wearing crimson armor, with a monkey logo on his back, carrying a spear on his back. The path to the front of the group where Miller and Levi stood. With a serious and intimidating look he begins to speak. - Welcome to camp. As you know this camp is organized by the "Walkers". You should know that our organization makes camps in various parts of the world. So you don't have to worry and feel safe to leave your children in our hands for 18 days -. The gentleman gave a speech for half an hour, at the end of the speech he said. - Do any of you have any questions -.

No one in the group asked a question.

Those who took the children, began to give instructions, this was also the case with Levi and Miller.

Miller crouches down, approaches Levi, uses magic so no one will hear what he's going to say to Levi. At the end of the preparations Miller says. - Remember what we talked about on the way, do not expose your skills, above all, prioritize your life, above all. That's all, be careful son.

Levi hugs Miller, at the end of the hug Miller leaves on his mount leaving Levi in ​​the camp.

Miller thinks "The operation for the murder begins".

End of chapter.

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