

"Of course, I was a bit worried coming into the match, I was with a couple of my teammates on Sunday night when Lesica United were playing against Razid FC, we weren't watching the match together because that wasn't what we were there to do but we were keeping up with the updates and when we found out that Okafor scored a hat trick in nineteen minutes, we all got scared." Dave narrated.

The goalkeeper had been caught up in the hallway by a blonde-haired female journalist who wanted to interview him and right now he was answering her questions.

"Mateo was like, he came off the bench in the second half and scored a hat trick against Frono FC, he was the only one who didn't act scared, it's sad that he wasn't able to be part of this match, it would have been so much easier for us but still I'm glad we managed to get the win for him and for the team."

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