
Сhapter 39

- Naruto, as a rule, this technique is not studied by simple genins. - After a few tense seconds of silence, Sensei refused me. - There are some pitfalls in it that make it quite dangerous to use, and the requirements for the amount of chakra it has more than weighty ... - The man continued to speak thoughtfully somehow... Thereby showing me his doubts and giving me a chance to insert a few words on this score.

- I have a lot of chakra… A lot, to be honest. And I already know about the dangers of this technique. Iruka-sensei and the director of the academy mentioned it once. - I answered honestly, without mentioning that I myself pushed Aikawa-sensei to talk about this technique. Which was not so difficult, the old Shinobi liked to talk too much in the presence of a grateful listener. And he encouraged my interest in the art of Shinobi in every possible way, even if this interest went beyond our fuinjutsu classes with him.

- I can feel it… But I still don't want to give a rather dangerous technique to yesterday's graduate of the academy. - Sensei answered me firmly, cutting off any opportunity for me to insist on my own. - First, master the most basic and simple Shinobi techniques, and then we will return to this conversation. - He added, still calmly… And something told me that they would not deceive me in this regard.

Rather... the teacher decided to use my interest for more motivation in studying. Which, although unpleasant for me personally, is quite acceptable, especially since I myself am eager to learn from this person. And Sensei's arguments were more than weighty, and his motives were clear. The fact that he did not want to expose his newfound student to unnecessary risk rather does him honor, even if for me personally this situation is, again, somewhat sad… Well, nothing, I've been licking my lips for a long time on the technique of shadow clones, I can tolerate a little more. Moreover, the conditions for obtaining this technique are more than understandable and quite feasible. I'm not used to doubting my abilities…

- By the way, why is Aikawa-dono suddenly lecturing you on shadow clones? - The man suddenly asked me, looking at me with a little more interest. Apparently, he is well acquainted with the director of the academy, since he was so clearly hooked on this question… And his appeal to my fuinjutsu teacher speaks volumes…

- Maaa… He teaches me the basics of fiunjutsu. However, sometimes his lectures go somewhere completely wrong. - I answered honestly, feeling somewhat uncomfortable under the gaze of Junin, but also not making a secret of our relationship with the director. Moreover, most of the academy already knew that I was attending some additional classes with our director. My partners, vaughn, have definitely heard about this.

- I see. - The teacher nodded to me without changing his face. - And how are you doing in such a difficult field? - With barely discernible interest, he asked me… Well, I answered, neither downplaying nor exaggerating my own successes. Moreover, such information could really be needed by a person who seriously engaged in my training. And in general, I preferred not to breed secrets once again ... Anyway, everyone who needs to know everything about my life already knows everything. I have no illusions about this.

- Well, that's good. I will take these skills of yours into account when composing future training sessions. However, don't count on much. I don't really understand anything about Fuin myself. - The man calmly drawled after listening to my answer. - Do you have any other requests or questions? - The Teacher abruptly returned to the beginning of our conversation, looking at me with some interest… Apparently, he was really interested in what else I could ask him, as a teacher.

- Uhm… Maybe then you can arrange for me to train in taijutsu? I have already managed to recover from this morning's workout. And even now I haven't really had time to get tired yet. I asked rather awkwardly, hoping that I had correctly explained Sensei's mood… Well, he did not disappoint me, nodding contentedly and sending me to train a little on the sidelines with his own shadow clone… Who, imitating his own creator, did not hesitate to overload my brain with his tedious and monotonous lectures right during sparring. Which, however, was only good for me…

And anyway, I managed to interest the teacher somewhat in my behavior, because in the following days he paid me a little more of his attention… And even if it was almost imperceptible from the outside, but I still felt this attention, trying with all my might to justify and extract from the man as much knowledge and skills useful for my survival as possible.

Fortunately, he himself lived up to my expectations, loading our trio to the fullest. So, it has become almost a tradition for us to train with a teacher twice a day... Team training in the morning, starting immediately after we complete one or more D-rank missions. And individual lessons with the teacher in the late afternoon, during which he did not hesitate to use his clones to devote time to each of his students, if necessary. The original itself, however, was not always present at our training sessions, but this is not so critical... The clones were not much inferior in intelligence to their master.

My companions, however, were slowly going crazy from such a regime, but this is already so – little things. I was quite happy there, even managing to practice fuinjutsu a little during the "lunch break", which lasted from four to five hours, or just visit my teachers. Both Aizawa-sensei and Iruka-sensei were very willing to meet with me once again. The director of the academy will sometimes also load my brains with a new lecture, not forgetting to check my skills in fuin… Fun in general.

Well, I tried not to pay attention to the problems of my teammates. They will get used to it over time, and such trainings were useful to them… Yamanaka won, after a few weeks of such training, began to demonstrate some skills in tai. Well, beyond what he learned to successfully pass the exams at the academy. Although, his specialization still remained genjutsu, to which he paid increased attention, while not forgetting to train his chakra control… In which, by the way, we even became a kind of rivals.

I learned to move on vertical surfaces much faster than him. Izumi, in contrast to me, learned to stand on the water and run on it much faster, which I personally still had some problems with… I have always had some problems with the exact dosage of the chakra due to the huge reserve of this very chakra. Although, against the background of our doghouse, my problems seemed to be quite insignificant.

It was Inuzuka who learned to climb trees for three days. And on the water, she still stands with great difficulty and effort, now and then succumbing to a sudden desire to plunge into refreshing water… Well, nothing, this girl certainly does not hold tenacity. And the teacher does not leave her without attention, helping with advice and simply encouraging the girl when she is already completely desperate…

Yeah, watching how the teacher exploits his clones with might and main, harnessing those to monitor our training, I became stronger and stronger in my desire to get this technique. Well, I was also forced to note one rather important fact… The teacher is really strong and experienced Shinobi. His knowledge and some nuances in behavior spoke about this more than clearly.

About how he freely uses clones, which, it seems, are quite expensive in terms of chakra technique, I'm generally silent. Against the background of at least three mastered elements, such skills did not look so significant… And yes, our teacher had at least three spontaneous transformations. And even if he didn't show so many fire and earth techniques, rather, he just taught us to be prepared for the fact that your opponent can send a powerful jet of fire straight from his own throat at any moment… But even this was enough for an approximate assessment of his abilities.

I don't even remember about his abilities in Ryton… The ability to create even the most ordinary lightning charge without the help of seals speaks volumes. Yeah… I'm even wondering who exactly Hiruzen slipped me as a teacher. I somehow don't believe that an ordinary ANBU operative has such abilities... but in my opinion, no one in my team doubts that our teacher is from such structures.

He's too strong for a completely unremarkable shinobi, about whom even my partners could not find out anything… But their parents are also Shinobi of not the lowest ranks. And belonging to clans in this world is worth a lot... We have a mysterious sensei, oh mysterious.

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