

Alex PVs

"Glad you liked it because I really wouldn't know what to do with that thing if you didn't," says Red with a satisfied smile.

I analyzed the entire weapon and said. "It's beautiful! Where did you get this little beauty? You have to know I've been wanting one of these!"

Reddington gave a mysterious smile and said. "I can tell you, but you should also tell me how you got all your information about me, what do you think?"

I looked at Reddington with a wry look and said. "Of course, feel free to be the first."

Raymond Reddington thought for a moment and said. "A partner of mine was collecting a debt from a gun enthusiast's house, and he had this Black King with him, when I heard the news I asked him to forgive some of the debt for the gun immediately, and here it is. It was pure coincidence! "

I looked strangely at Raymond and said. "You don't want me to believe that shit, do you?"

Raymond Reddington used his right to remain silent. "..."

Seeing him look at me silently, I smiled wryly, this guy never changes. "Well, let's start at the beginning. After what happened in 2001 and you tricked me, I got angry and decided to go after information about my birth mother, my target was my father's lover, and that's how I found out he served in Russia.

With this information, I hacked into the US army system and searched for a lot of information from the moment I was born, of course, while searching for this information, I also stole all the databases they had, and in these searches, I found something about you, all missions and all career of Raymond Reddington <The real>. I sent my shadows to analyze Raymond Reddington's entire life, and they discovered the difference between the Red soldier and the criminal."

Raymond Reddington looked at me like I was a monster and said. "What else did you find out?"

"I found out a lot, but about the old you, the current you, it was difficult to the point of almost giving up.

Until 2004, where I helped a person, without expecting anything in return and I ended up discovering that she is great at reading and separating data, with the help of a program I created, she managed to separate a lot of information about you, and all the digital trail that is related to you on the internet, and your associates as well, most notably Kaplan who was not called Kaplan until 1991, but Katerina Lemeck, I investigated her life and discovered her connection to a Russian woman, suspected of being a member of the KGB.

That's when I found out that Katarina Rostova had a daughter, but I didn't take it seriously because those people weren't my priority but my mother, but the dots between you and my mother were intertwined and whenever I looked for information about my mother, you were there, and little by little I put my mother aside and focused on you, out of pure curiosity and in the end, little by little, I discovered almost everything because even after so much investigation, I don't know who you were before you turned into Raymond Reddington ."

Raymond Reddington was speechless, the only thing he could ask is. "Who is this person who can track me so well?"

The successful think differently from the masses, only he could be so calm when someone says he has discovered his secrets, and even asks who the tracker is. "Relax, she can't use her talents so well without my resources.

But even with a normal computer, she is still very dangerous, but her threat level is on another level working for me!"

Raymond Reddington looks at me seriously and asks. "Do you trust her?"

I let out a dry laugh and said. "I trust some people, but she's not included, if I suspect anything, I'll put a bullet in her head!"

Raymond Reddington gives a calm smile and asks. "And how did you find out that Katarina Rostova had a daughter?"

I was silent for a few minutes and then I said. "That would be hard to explain, but it was because of Ms. Kaplan, she's been wanted since 1991 in Nebraska for car theft, witnesses at the time gave Kate's description, and I tracked her down to Kearney Nebraska, and that took me to Sean, who was on one of the reports on Raymond Reddington, so I investigated Sean and found Elizabeth."

Raymond Reddington then says. "Of course with your intelligence, you put all the pieces of the puzzle together and understood everything. One last question, how did you find the body of Raymond Reddington <the original dead>?

I was kind of embarrassed, but I still said it honestly. "That, I can't explain, because it came in the shadow report and I didn't bother to ask."

Raymond Reddington looks weird, and after taking a deep breath he says. "Aside from a few loose ends, my secret is kept, I hope you'll keep it to me and don't tell anyone."

I looked at Red seriously and said. "Since when do you have to ask for something like this, I don't think this matter is anyone's business, I have no interest in your life!"

Red is surprised for a few seconds and then. "Ahahahhahah... Only you Alex, only you..."

After our conversation, everyone went to their room, and the night passed without any more surprises, in the morning everyone was fine and had a good family breakfast.

Red and his team left shortly after breakfast, while I stayed and talked to Dom about moving forward with this grandson-grandmother relationship.


(Friday, October 28, 2009)

I'm currently sitting in a New York square talking to Raymond Reddington. "Reddington, are you sure?"

Red sighs and says. "I'm not sure about anything anymore, I have a bad feeling and this is just a precaution, a kind of security."

I had my coffee and said my opinion. "But a woman wouldn't be better for this job, I mean, this guy is good, I used his services a lot and I have nothing to complain about his professionalism, but this job is a little different from what he usually does, Are you sure you don't you want to use Ginny?"

Red thinks for a moment, but has made his decision and said. "I'm sure, Bil promised me professionalism!"

I let out a long breath and said. "You who knows, but if something happens to my family, I'll kill everyone involved, including you, I only have Bob Lee, Dom, and her, you know that don't you?"

Raymond Reddington didn't even flinch at my threats and said. "I wish I didn't know you as I do, so I know these words aren't threats, but facts.

Don't worry, if anything happens, I'll be the first to burn this world!"

When I saw that young woman passing through the park, I was happy, and sad too, because even though I'm her older brother, I never exchanged words with her, I'm a little jealous of Tom for being able to approach her without consequences.

Being silent, I lit a cigarette and joined Raymond as we watched a young elementary school teacher have his first meeting with an FBI analyst.

What no one knew, not even Alex was that this was an encounter that would forever change their lives and the lives of many others.


(Y/N: I wrote and ran away! I ate the cookies of whoever is reading!

Pass your POWER STONES or your cookies will wither!!)

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