
"Let me tour you around"

"I love attractive men."

Mila's statement doesn't make Robert feel reassured, even a little. In his mind, he thought that when he was no longer attractive or if his face and body changed to be less attractive, then he would be discarded as well. He felt ridiculous about how childish his mind was thinking now that he had become silent instead of replying to what Mila had said.

"What? What's wrong?" Mila asked. She doesn't quite get what's making Robert feel upset. She thought she did well at finding a husband who would help her survive, but with no ability to surpass Robert. She thought once Robert met Berto they would be friends, as he also quite liked the character of Berto.

"Nothing. He said you needed to go to work. I'll help you get ready," Robert said, avoiding Mila's question. He then carried Mila inside the bedroom and left Berto, still hiding behind the in-door plant.

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