
Relax and Listen

Galen continued with his men and the team that Bell had sent to help clear the area. Meanwhile, Bell and Ashleigh returned to the hospital to treat Ashleigh’s wound.

Bell entered the room, and Ashleigh already sat on the bed. Her blood-soaked shirt had been replaced with a hospital gown.

“Been a while since we’ve done this,” Bell smiled as she gathered her supplies.

Everything was neatly laid out on the tray. Bell turned on a bright light just above the bed, and Ashleigh closed her eyes, naturally turning her head away.

“Sorry, bright light,” Bell said. “I’ll need you to turn toward the door so I can see everything clearly.”

Ashleigh did as instructed, and Bell put on a fresh pair of gloves before removing the bandage she had placed in the field.

It was a deep cut, but no significant damage was done. Stitches would be required, and there would be scarring, but otherwise, the wound was clean and straightforward.

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