
Their Own Thoughts

‘The baby, Mama, I’m talking about your little one.’

The words echoed in Alice’s mind, her heart gripped tightly, and her thoughts seemed to shatter.

‘You must be careful to keep this one safe… until it is time for you to meet each other.’

Breathing was impossible, the air was too thin, and she couldn’t pull it into her lungs. Her body was cold. There was pressure all around her. Her chest grew heavier and heavier. She couldn’t breathe. She was drowning.

‘…my heart beating with yours….’

His voice surrounded her. His warmth enveloped her.

‘I’m here,’ he whispered. ‘Just you and me. I’m always here.’

The panic and dread slowly fell away. Alice let herself slip away into his warmth. And for a time, she felt safe.

Alice opened her eyes to the darkness. She took deep breaths as she heard the echo of her own sobbing.

It was utterly dark, void of any light or color.

She swallowed, an uneasiness settling into her heart.

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