
The Surprise Attack

Yet when the shields got brightened up by the constant attacks from the Soulers and Reapers, they finally noticed something wasn't right.

The enemy sent almost all of their small ships to rescue their entrapped comrades. They left close to ten thousand small ships behind, alongside a large number of big ships that were moving at slow speed.

"Thanks to your urgency and worry, you made my forces avoid the useless small ships for now…" Hye evilly grinned, as he knew the first loot he'd collect would be quite impressive.

He estimated to get around twenty big ships and a few hundred medium-sized ships in the first assault. Then he had to struggle against the rest of the fleet to secure the big guns there.

But right now he was about to take over a few hundred large ships, and thousands of medium-sized ones. This was by far a great start, almost taking away one-fourth of the entire fleet's high firepower.

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