
Forming A Black Hole!

The leftover of my orange fire was a brand new surface layer that got a glimmering light of orange like little stars spread all over the black curtain of space. The place was deadly quiet, and the new layer looked quite solid.

It was already cooling down, still releasing a thick bellow of white smoke here and there. Seeing this made me realise it wouldn't take longer than two days at most and this new land could be lived on by the angels.

I planned to wait for one more week, and during which I'd go back to the first light planet and moons, do the same there to save myself time.

However, just before I'd leave the surface of that moon and head back to the empty space out there, I spotted something brightening up in the distance.

It looked like a colossal bomb had exploded or something. I went back to space and got to see what was coming.

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