
The Funny Hector General

He gave me such a weird number, and that told me this entire world was covered with these pits.

What would such a world look like from space? A giant ball with endless holes like someone got a needle and pricked it as a game or what?

"Hi Clatinberg," I said in greeting, "can you explain what's going on here?"

"Before that," just as he said it, everyone else seemed to get a hidden mark or something. All took out their weapons, and seemed quite vigilant and ready to start a big fight.

"What's the meaning of that?" I calmly watched their unexplained moves, and added in the same calmness, "I came here to help and save all of you. Is this how you express your thanks?"

"We heard lots of liars like you," Clatinberg said, "we got tricked and ended up in such a way thanks to people like you. You dirty liar and criminal, what do you take us for? Fools?"

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