
Let The Two Universe Top Fighters Fight Together

From the words I got from the sovereigns of the Toranks race and Silverlining, I got to know that each universe was surrounded and protected with a film coat of protective shield.

So was this pillar of light the weapon these dirty folks prepared to penetrate this shield? Just like using a sharp needle with enough force to burst open a balloon?

Damn! It was weirdly idiotic example, and weirdly similar! I blinked before I started to believe in what I thought about.

The orb was going to store the soul energy of my universe's ten races, and that weird nest was going to absorb the bones and flesh from the ten races of the hostile universe folks.

This was the simple idea of this weapon, and how it would work to burst through the shield protecting my universe.

But how was it working? That was something beyond my knowledge, beyond anyone's knowledge.

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