
Attack On The Jumper

[Where are you dude? You vanished and didn't say a single word since I last saw you]

[I'm in the middle of a fight]

[Don't tell me you are fighting humans!"

[Humans? No, they are a bunch of crazy folks. I dunno what race they belong to. They were trailing me, leaving me no option but to hunt them down]

[Tracking you? Are they this strong?]

[Not strong, but too many. They can summon portals wherever they want. I was fighting them for the past couple of days, smashing one portal after another. But that didn't help at all!]

It was… Weird! That jumper finally found a foe that could make him feel so helpless!

[Where are you now?]

[Just stepped up north towards Canada lands. I didn't cross any distance before hitting those crazy folks. They are crazy, Hye! They don't fight with any tactic but with their numbers! As I kept smashing portals, they will summon more, forcing me to keep fighting]

[So you are moving aside from your desired destination? Where are you now?]

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