
I Have To Hurry!

Illusions might seem like something trifle, but it was indeed deadly. Just looking at this illusion gave me leads about their fate.

They might look ok for now, but that wasn't guaranteed after long hours of constant fighting. They would be exhausted and any wounds they'd take here would reflect on their real bodies.

Dying in illusions meant death in real life. Human souls were this hard to deal with indeed. But that also made me wonder, which race was this experienced in using illusions?

This kind of illusion wasn't simple. I knew this wasn't the work of someone ordinary. Even the all experienced jumper and Hilary got trapped in that illusion as well.

[The gods says they are up to the north west from your location, fighting at the last battle in the central plains of your world]

"Central plains of my world? Isn't this the central zone? Hmm… I should ask Fang and Wryly then, one of these two must be aware of what is going on here."

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