

Sonia gulped as she searched around her for some sort of distraction. She needed something, just anything to take her mind away from the pain deep in her head. Feeling exhausted and heavy with a memory that gave in to more memories.

Sonia's head dropped in horror as she recalled how it all started 'Sonia and Stormie were both fifteen years old when they were sent down to earth by their parents during the conspiracy against Alba and Mahina. It was the day that Idalia earned her title name Sonia the wisest sun princess. They were all happy for her and celebrating her victory when her father's castle was suddenly surrounded by some elders, and gods. It happed so fast that her parents hadn't the time to tell her a thing. She was also not sure what was happening around her, everything happened like a flash of a bright light in the face and when it was all done she couldn't understand a thing clearly. 

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