
Testing one's talent

Walking along side the road towards the western gate, Bran Ai contemplated about his path.

'What is my goal... No that is not right, I know what I want but I have no way, no, I don't know how to achieve it'

He wanted a good life but had no idea on where to start.

"What do I consider a good life?'

Bran Ai had been thinking about this since earlier, he didn't know where that voice in his head came from or why it knew so much about his life but he could consider it as a benefactor for now. 

A voice that kept watch over him when no one else even paid attention to him, it felt comforting.

'I like food, I like the shade, I like to be able to... to come to a place I can call home, but I don't like sunny places that get hot but at the same time I like sunlight so is living in a sunny place good or bad?'

He knew what he liked and disliked but had yet to figure out the finer details of what these likes and dislikes fully entailed.

'I have always found my way to food in one way or another but have never had my fill, shade is easy to find here but food isn't so I can't consider this a good life yet, as for sunlight... it's perfect'

The sunlight here never ended, it was neither too hot or cold at any time of the day while shade was provided at all times of day.

This could easily become a place that would make his ideal home if he just had more food.

"But is that all I want?"

"Oh! Look who it is! I thought you had died or something" a girls voice interrupted his line of thinking.

Bran Ai turned his head seeing a young girl with long black hair walk up behind him.

She had a round face with a lively expression exuding a powerful spirit that could bring any dull surroundings back to life, it was Kiara. 

"Ah no, I just-"

"Oh you look better then before! I see you have been eating well while the rest of us suffered" Kiara took note to the changes in Bran Ais body, he wasn't as skinny now, his face had some flesh in it and even his meek appearance started to show some boyish strength to it. 

"No I jus-"

"Are you ready for the test?! I spent all day cultivating today! And the day before the old lady even complemented me saying how good I was doing! She said if I show good results today she will take me in as her own and I wouldn't have to worry about eating again"

Kiara shared her days without waiting for anyone to ask.

"She even gave me another one of those clear white stones to practice with! It is like night and day I tell you, I could hardly handle both learning to read, write and talk while also trying to cultivate. Ah it's just so boring to sit there and try to get those tiny hairs of energy to come to me"

'You learned how to talk all right, don't think you need any help there' Bran Ai thought he shouldn't say this part aloud.

Not that he could get any words in she clearly just wanted to be heard.

"Ah we are almost there" Kiara and Bran Ai walked up and saw the stone platform in the distance.

A few other children had already arrived before they had, many seemed to be loners like Bran Ai considered himself to be if not for Kiara's sudden and uncontrollable approach he would be alone right now.

Small groups of two to four kids formed seemed to be in the minority so far with the biggest group of five snickering amongst themselves.

More kids made their way to the western gate as time passed very few seemed to be in any hurry.

"There's Man-Shik! Man-Shik over here!" Kiara screamed at the top of her lungs not caring for all those who gave her side glances.

In all honesty Kiara felt a little bit uncomfortable around Bran Ai, It wasn't simply because of his current looks either, while it did play a major role and was the main reason, truth was she simply didn't remember his name.

She felt really awkward when she had called out to him earlier, while yes she had directly addressed him, when he had turned around to face her she had a sudden realization that she couldn't remember his name.

Having no idea what to address him, she started to simply talk to avoid an even more perceivably awkward situation.

Even when the temperature could be considered mild being neither hot or cold she had visible sweat running down her face as the situation kept progressing.

Now that they stood alone while waiting for teacher Aakriti to appear the awkwardness intensified.

With Man-shik's arrival she exited the situation before it could get any worse. 

A wide smile appeared on Man-Shik's face as he saw two investments appear to greet him.

'The creepy kid is starting to look more alive, I guess it wasn't such a bad loss for me. Wait I haven't seen him in a while now that I think of it'

"Kiara" He calmly greeted her back trying to look as cool as possible.

They had often meant outside the dormitory but never truly spent time together, so this could already be seen as a warm greeting by friends in a way.

"Anddd how are you doing?" as for Man-shik he was in the same boat as Kiara, he had forgotten Bran Ai's name.

"I'm good" Bran Ai kept it short not knowing what else to say, he kinda half expected Kiara to cut him off like always.

Lucky for him and for his lacking social skills Aakriti appeared to draw everyone attention.

"Ok, As most of you have arrived we will soon begin today lesson" She looked at all those who had arrived on time and saw as each of them had more expectant faces then usual.

"Today is a bit special as you all know, I told you on the first day we meant that you will be checked as to how large your cultivation bowl is as well as to check how fast you gather spiritual energy or however many straws you have"

She pulled out a silver medallion from a small pouch pointing it in the air.

"Seeing as not all of you are here, I guess I'm allowed to use my special privileges a little here" 

A cold light shined from the medallion splitting into several rays of white light that disappeared far into the distance.

A few moments latter the screams of a few kids could be heard as they flew covered in light across the sky in the direction of the stone platform. 

"Ah looks like the late arrivals are here" An evil smile appeared on Aakriti's face, she enjoyed messing with the kids a little.

Kao had not cared to come to any of the lessons so far, he had either stayed holed up inside the room or searched for materials to make his basic formations.

Today would be the first time he had ever set foot in the western gate.

He had been caught off guard at first thinking it to be an attack but quickly enough he regained his calm.

'Seems like some event is happening specifically for us, is it a combat trial?'

"OK, now that we are all truly here, I'm sure you have all noticed the many spectators watching from the sitting area over yonder" pointing at an area with many benches, chairs, parasols or mats that people had brought along, the kids turned their heads in unison.

"Now that you mention it-"

"Wow I didn't notice them"

"Who are those old people!?"

"I wanna sit down in comfort"

"Today isn't simply going to be a test to see your potential. It is meant to present you to your possible future master! Today you are in essence, the stars of the show" Aakriti said this with a showman's charm.

'Ah, so it's just a disciple choosing ceremony' Kao thought he would get to fight today, sadly his expectations did not come true.

'How much should I show? This will just depend on those around me, if I make myself too weak will this sect disregard me or nourish me all the same? If I show off will they nurture me specifically like a heavens son or will they simply give me preferential treatment?'

I am extremly bad at writing child speak so just imagine it in your own head cause mine gave up after 1 sentence.

HC_HCcreators' thoughts
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