
Chapter CLV - Putting a Dog in Her Place

"Ten Thousand Fists Training Pagoda!?!?" Lira shouted, "That's only for gold dragons! A human won't be able to benefit from learning there!"

Marcus stood up, taking offense to the words, "You would be surprised what a human can do!" He said sternly, glaring at Lira, who returned the glare.

"Don't make me laugh!" She snorted, baring her fangs at him, "If you wish to be my mistress' champion, you'll have to beat me first!"

"Tryouts? I didn't realize this was an interview! What makes you think you can take me? Even Neghiag recognized my strength, yet you believe me to be weak!" Marcus spat back; he was surprisingly outraged by Lira's observation of him.

"Neghiag is a battle addict; he does not make plans; he only reacts!" Lira argued, causing Marcus to smile.

"Both of you stop it!" Nyzze yelled, slamming her palm against the table once more.

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