

"Shhh!" I glance around to make sure no one has heard Megan besides the old man who now looks grumpier than ever. Thankfully, I find no one.

Good thing too, because she is not to be silenced. "And from the looks of your Google history, I’m going to guess you’re five weeks. Which means you just found out. Which means you don’t really have a bladder infection. You’re just knocked up."

"Megan!" I lean across the cart and hiss a warning. "Stop saying that. Someone will hear you."

"Am I wrong?" She’s persistent, but quieter, at least. "Before you answer, if you tell me I’m wrong, and you end up being pregnant, I’ll know you were lying in a few months when you can’t hide it anymore, and I’ll remember."

A stone of shame sinks through my chest.

I hate it.

"That’s not fair," I say pouting. "You know guilt works on me."

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