
CH20: Constant

From my experience, the difference between learning breathing techniques and constant was analogous with cars. If pre-constant sea god breathing was like driving an old Ford pickup, then constant was a hypothetical self-driving nuclear car that could run for a thousand years. I needed a start-up time to even use breathing techniques that disadvantaged me against constant users. Going from consciously using the breathing technique to constant was different enough to give me whiplash. The feeling was like going from a 1995 ford to a 2040 self-driving nuclear-powered car. Night and day barely described the feeling of constant and continuous power. While I couldn't store infinite power, I felt my power infinitely regenerate. In that regard, it felt like my old clunker gas tank, and the engine was replaced with a tritium nuclear battery.

In only two days of constant torture and a lack of sleep, I slept through the night on the third day of my training and woke up differently. Instead of feeling my strength ebb away, I hit my rock bottom and began the slow rise. My strength, speed, and defense recovered to their normal superhuman levels and continued to rise. My skin took on a slight glow like the elves around me, and I felt stronger than I had ever been.

Without my healing factor, I wouldn't have been able to handle it. For a while, as my strength fell, I thought it would fail me, and I would die. My problems weren't solved, but I felt like my old self, and the confidence that led me to forcing my dick down Samael's throat reared its ugly head. I had been too passive while I let myself adapt to constant, now was the time to act.

In the early morning light, I cornered the young elf in charge of delivering food to Zosimael. The elf gave me the stink eye and looked ready to drop her delivery on the ground and throw hands.

"If you think a day of constant will help you match a real warrior, you're mistaken, Mister." The cocky elf said.

I snatched her up by the throat before she could move a muscle. She flailed as I choked her breathing technique. "If you can't breathe, what use is your technique. You might be a warrior, but you're a bit too young and dumb to give me trouble." I said.

So, I was a little cocky. That was normal; I just got my power up and felt like my old self again. I felt good and could be forgiven for feeling cocky. All my teeth were back and honestly in better shape than ever. Thanks to my healing factor and diet, the weight training had already given me some gains thanks to my healing factor and diet. I killed a bull moose just yesterday and hoisted it off the ground with some rope a carved pulley wheel. While most of the meat went to the smokers and would later be distributed, I stockpiled some at Zosimael's home. That led me to the conclusion I shouldn't directly confront the minister of supply.

Cocky or not, now wasn't the time to make waves. Now that constant was mastered, I could focus on mastering my island obliterating fist. Mekael was waiting for me at our normal training field with a treat ready. But, first, I needed to settle some business with the minister of supply without making an enemy of her or letting her know I knew about the poisoning.

"I need to know where I can find the minister of supply," I said.

"Blow me," The elf said.

I honestly didn't know if she was serious or not. Elven society was filled with trades of sexual favors, and this could be precisely that. On the other hand, she could be suggesting an actual sexual trade. If that was the case, then sure, I guess it probably wouldn't take that long going by her hardening dick. Despite my better judgment, I loosened my grip.

She sucked in a breath and let it out, and threw a punch aimed at my throat. I moved a little to the side to dodge her attack and kicked the side of her forward-facing foot, and while she was off-balance, I moved in close. She fell forward and caught herself on my chest; I stared down at the teary green-eyed elf and blushing elf.

"I like the hair on your face." The girl said.

"Thank you for the compliment; you have pretty green eyes. Before were you bargaining with me or…."

"Yes, I like blowjobs. The other warriors say I'm too small and don't like sucking on me. I forage all the fruit I can, but no one wants any of me." The little green-eyed warrior girl said. Elves were hard to place their age once they fully matured. Mekael was around 60, from what I could tell, and Zosimael was closer to a millennium.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Temael, I'm great at poison, the blowgun, and sneaking around. Could you lick inside my urethra too? The other girls like to cum inside my cock and fill my balls even more. I'm so pent up I can't stand it." Temael said.

I sighed and pulled her furs down in the alcove between tree houses. She wasn't the tallest elf and was relatively petite, like she said before. Even her breasts were only A-cup compared to other elves. She wore her black hair below her shoulders, brushed out and tied with a few cosmetic bones braided into the strands. She was definitely fully grown; that was unmistakable. Her height topped out at 6ft, while most elves were 7ft or taller. I could only imagine the torment she received from her peers. One blowjob wasn't going to kill me, and then I felt for her futa cock and balls.

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