
Monsters in the streets

Over two months had passed, and my journey to the east was... troublesome to say the least. Monsters became more frequent, probably due to not being on an apartment high above anymore but rather being on empty alleys. My beautiful long blonde hair was already dirty, in the same manner my face and body were marked with uncleaned dust and sticky rain water. Most places where I went to buy food looked at me strangely once I entered, and one of them even accused me of being a thief when I tried to pay with a 50 dollar bill.

The worst part however was the cold, it was already October and the temperature was lowering at a drastic speed, making it harder and harder to remain on the streets and forcing me to take shelter under bridges or inside abandoned buildings, where I usually built a small campfire using whatever I could find.

The common monster attacks prevented me form sleeping properly, forcing me to develop the habit of sleeping with my guard up. My instincts, which I tried to calm down before were left unrestrained now, which ended up saving my life on numerous occasions.

I had yet to leave the state of New York, but I was considering giving up the idea of going north and heading south instead. The weather was getting colder and colder and monsters remained coming as usual, without even bothering themselves with the cold rains of freezing winds.

As I was arriving to the border between the state of New York and what I think is Massachusetts, I decided to return, not to return home but rather to go back in the direction I came from and head south. While life on the streets is undoubtedly hard everywhere, I would rather spend my time without being afraid of loosing my fingers due to hypothermia, especially when there are countless other things to worry about and monsters following me everywhere.

A week later I was still within the same area, this time however I was running away from a group of cyclops that were trying to eat me. It didn't matter where I trying to go, they would already be there. It was both infuriating and terrifying having to deal with monsters that somehow predict where you will appear while laughing at how great it will be to eat you slowly.

This cyclops were among the first monsters I met that actually talked. I don't know if all monsters can but the others didn't quite waste time with words and simply went for it. The cyclops however enjoyed playing around with me, talking a lot in an attempt to break me, and honestly they were not that far off, after all, some of the things they said were... concerning to say the least, the main one being how they kept calling me a demigod.


[ ??? pov ]

While running through an alley, my way was blocked by two big cyclops, which was extremely bad considering there were two more cyclops behind me.

"Give it up little demigod." said one of the two cyclops that where pursuing me until now, causing the other three to laugh and nod in agreement. Gritting my teeth I tighten the grip around my hammer, causing the group of monsters to laugh louder.

"What are you going to do with that toothpick little demigod?" asked one of the cyclops in front of me while walking closer.

Looking around I see no way out of this. I can feel my thoughts go faster than ever before, yet nothing comes to mind. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye I catch the reflection of light on a metal surface and an instant later a see a bronze coloured hammer enter the eye of one of the cyclops, while a small girl holds the handle tightly from behind the neck of the monster.

The other three, including the one who was getting closer to me, move their gaze in the direction of their fallen brethren while looking at the young girl with anger.

The girl, whose black clothes are tainted in red, looks back at them defiantly while wearing a smile other face. "Well well, I thought the five idiots after me were all of your family, but it appears there were four more just waiting to be dealt with." she said bravely while pulling her hammer out of the eye of the fallen cyclops.

"So? Which one of you ugly bastards wants to die first?" she says while pointing her hammer in the direction of the closest cyclops.

Enraged, one of the cyclops immediately rushes in her direction without any other thought, the other two however stay behind me while looking at each other, as if wondering what to do now.

"ARGHHH!" screams the enraged cyclops while swinging his fist in her direction.

"Be care-!" I try to warn her, however the rest of my words get stuck in my throat as soon as I see her throwing her hammer with great accuracy at the head of the cyclops, who was too close to avoid it. The hammer engraved itself on the eye of the cyclops, while the monster fell to the ground unmoving before it started turning to ashes. I can't help but see how the moonlight reflects itself on her blonde hair and her blue eyes look fiercely at the monsters behind me. I feel my heart stop for a moment as my brain comes to simple realisation... I am not alone.


Two roars bring me out of my thought, just in time to jump to the side and avoid the two raging cyclops who completely ignored me and rushed in the girl's direction. As my eyes widen, knowing that dealing with two cyclops while having no weapon is impossible, I see a huge smile appear on her face.

"Did you know..." she begins saying, while the two cyclops get closer to her. "ART IS AN EXPLOSION!" she screams with a huge grin, pulling to small objects from her sleeves and throwing them at the two rushing monsters.

As soon as both objects touch the cyclops, smoke exploded from the small spheres and covered the entire alley in an instant. Out of the smoke and rushing in my direction appeared the girl who, after grabbing my hand, started running out of the alley.

"Hey snap out of it!" she said looking back at me once we run around two blocks away. "That smoke will to nothing more than annoy them for a moment, but they will follow our smell and watch us."

With panting breaths, I looked at her deep blue eyes. "W-Who are you?"

"Hehehe, I am Chr-" she began saying before a roar interrupted our conversation, forcing us to look back in the direction we came from.


"Sigh, wait here for a moment." she said before leaving in the cyclops direction.

As she made her way to it, hammer in hand and a serious look on her face, I couldn't help but think about who she was or why she saved me, but most of all... how could she look those monsters in the eye and still move forward with such confidence?

In an instant the cyclops and the girl were in front of each other, the monster took advantage of the closeness to swing his arm in an attempt to kill her in one hit, the girl however narrowly dodged the incoming fist by moving slightly to the left before raising and lowering her hammer and using the claw in the hammer's head to stab the cyclops arm.


With a loud roar, the monster swung his arm in an attempt of getting rid of the girl's hold and releasing the hammer, which was for some reason hurting him more than I expected. The monster realised that it had another hand and decided to just hit the girl and take the hammer off, however the girl, seemingly predicting this, took the hammer of first and once again used the claw of the hammer to stab the monster, this time on the palm of it's hand.

As the monster moved wildly while holding his wounded limbs, the girl hit his knees with the hammer causing it to fall to the ground. Before she could celebrate however the remaining cyclops appeared rushing in her direction, this one however held a club and swung it wildly once it got in range.


The girl jumped back in an attempt to make distance with the cyclops, however the club proved to be perfect against her as it hit her on the side, sending the girl crashing to the building because of the impact. The monster laughed, seeing her wounded state, since even though she lessened some of the impact by blocking with her hammer, it wasn't enough to come out unscathed.

The cyclops, who was still laughing wildly and mocking the girl, started moving in her direction, dragging the club through the floor. As he was getting closer to the girl, I threw my hammer in the monster's direction, causing it to hit the monster, which in turn looked back in my direction. "HAHAHAHA, I get to eat two little demigods all by myself." it said while looking at me with its single eye. This distraction however caused him dearly as the girl shockingly stood up and stabbed it's back with her own hammer.

"ARFGGGHHHH!" was all the monster could scream as it slowly disintegrated.

With only one cyclops still alive, being the one with injured limbs that was thrashing around in the floor, the girl moved slowly in it's direction despite clearly being in pain. "Hey... where is your lair?" she asked once she was close enough to it.

"ARGHHHH! I will kill you!" it screamed at her, ignoring her question. the girl however only sighed before continuing with her questions.

"Why did you call us demigods? You are the first speaking monsters I meet so I would appreciate it if you answered my questions without trouble." continued the girl while bringing her hammer close to the monster's eye.

"Burn in Tartarus!" said the monster while grinning before making one last attempt at killing her by bitting her with it's big mouth. The girl however appeared to be expecting this, since ti stabbed it through the eye immediately.

Once the monsters where dealt with, she turned her attention back to me before a small smile formed on her face. "We were introducing ourselves before the interruption." she said while slowly sitting down, resting her back on the wall of a building. "I am Christina." she continued while looking at me. "What about you?"

"I am Annabeth." I replied before getting closer to her.

"I see... well, nice hammer throw Annabeth." said Christina with a smile, making me chuckle.

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