
Chapter 7: Upcoming Chunin Exams

(Story Starts)

==At the Namikaze Compound - At Nighttime==

Minato had return home from his office, after Naruto had made a threat for he will stay away his life and his own business. Since his 'estrange' son is now on a Bingo Book. As he looked around, turns out, the lights haven't on during he order his ANBU to take his wife and daughter home, but...something is not right here.

It was strike 1 for Naruto had threaten him for his life.

And also Kushna haven't cooked dinner before Minato arrived. With the blond Hokage thought. 'That's strange...I haven't seen Kushina or Naruko around, during I sent Bird to take them home? But why this room is so dark.'

MInato turn the lights on, which is that this room is now completely empty. So as the matter the fact he looked his wife and daughter. As he search the living room, seeing that there's a photo albums scattered around the floor; but he guessed that she must've searching for Naruto's picture. As he looked at it that made him realized that Naruto wasn't there. Now he place the album in the coffee table and continue the search of Kushina and Naruko.

Next is the kitchen, that made that there no single item to cook with, turns out, Kushina didn't cooked anything while he was in his office. Turns out, he notice the table that only has three chairs; and the fourth one is been old and never repaired and replaced...now Minato made a strike 2 for he made a mess.

Then Minato will go to upstairs, see if Kushina and Naruko is on a their beds. As he started with his daughter, then he opens the door of Naruko, slowly, as he looked through, is that made him shocked for seeing Naruko wasn't her bed. Then next is he'll went to his bed its were his wife is after he closed his daughter's room, as he opens the door slowly that made another shocked that Kushina wasn't there either. Then lastly he turn to see the very end of the room...

It was Naruto's room...

Minato tried to remember the last time that he had been to his room but he couldn't, which confused his greatly. He knew that he was a awesome father even if he couldn't train him when he was younger.

"I don't ever remember coming here." Minato stated rather confused. "I've never been up to my son's room before?" He wondered himself, as he guessed. "Maybe Kushina and Naruko must've know that they never been his room before."

Minato opened the door. Which made his eyes more wider that hits his heart within silent and time froze...

He didn't like what he found. The room was barren. Not only was Naruto not there but there was nothing in there at all. The only thing that he found was a bed with only a mattress on it; which made made Minato gaping about seeing Kushina and Naruko slept in the mattress with guilty and depressed. There was dust covering everything and there wasn't a single personal item in sight. It was quite obvious that nobody had lived there in quite a while.

Now...that's the strike 3 of Minato's ultimate mistakes...Naruto had left a family years ago, before he was still in the Academy...

"H...How can it be..." Minato muttered seeing the room is now barren, he must've sealed everything to move away his home without knowing...

Until he notice something on the wall at Naruto's bed...it was symbol of the Black Teutonic Cross that covers the Uzumaki swirl symbol...

"I-I don't know what this means...?" Minato wondered the symbol on the wall...

==Time Skipped at Konoha - Rooftops==

A couple of weeks have passed since the Mission to Nami and liberate, with Naruto and Sakura trained his new recruits to be an assassin. With they taught them, close combat, weapons, guns, ship sailing and etc. With Naruto as an Assassin taking his part-time jobs, before he receive currencies from Nami about a 500.000 ryou. Well...spending time with his girlfriend Sakura is very romantic. Everyone in Konoha heard the rumors about the blond assassin and the rosette assassin. Even Naruko was completely jealous about Naruto and Sakura were completely closed.

Naruko tried to match up Naruto's skills, but turns out, that Satsuki was recruited by her (estrange) brother. Its completely unfair for Naruto had picked her. And also the six former slaves from Gato's clutches that they became like Naruto. They respected him as their teacher and new brother. And the villagers became to had their attention when Naruto were in the streets, with the blond assassin played some some musics with his shadow clones (kage bunshin) that they enjoyed with a Irish instruments: Accordion, bagpipes, flute and guitar; like William Taylor, Patrick Spens and Parting Glass, and Etc.

The Villagers enjoyed the music. It was amazing music that Naruto had played. It was first foreign music that Naruto had enjoyed to play it, With a applause. As for the "Parting Glass", it was happy and calm song for people's heart. With the owners from the high-class restaurant wants those instruments and learned how to sing like that.

Naruto went to the bakery to make a join, with baker was admitted about he bake a wonderful bread like tiramisu, he spent his days working in a bakery or restaurant, since he has a passion to cooking or baking things up. He has learned a lot of cuisines back when he was with Shay and Hope to travel around the America, French and England, so he worked as a chief and showed the restaurant chief a few new recipes that were simple, yet delicious to make; pasta, spaghetti and meatball for example, while in the bakery, he taught them to make French bread and British bread, where while working with them, he became friends with the waiters, and such.

Even though baking and cooking was a passion to him to help him relax and get his mind out of the way, he had to focus on his shinobi and assassin skills test. Naruto would usually spend the day in the library reading up on what he probably would facing in the chunin exam with his team. With he had spending time with his new friends and family.

But then...someone expecting having fun in the rooftops...

"WOO-HOO!" A voice shouted from the rooftops of the buildings in Konoha.

As a shadow figure running in the rooftops, with someone pursuer it. With the figure jumped in high with a somersault.

"YEEAAHAHAHA!" She yelled.

Someone jumping the rooftops, with free-running, as he jumped rooftop to rooftop and tree to tree.

"Satsuki, try not to overdo it! This wasn't what I had in mind for today's training-" Naruto was cut short as he narrowly dodged a rooftop clothesline and swung from a flag banner of some store in hopes to catch up with Satsuki.

"I can't help it, Naruto-kun!" Satsuki called out, replied.

When he had taken her out training for some light running, as a recruit, he had no idea she would turn it into a parkour race like Sakura did. Satsuki was already two buildings ahead of him when she hastily ordered him to catch her, and so the chase ensued.

Since Naruto wore his hidden blades, sword and dagger and pistols (Now he had his Italian Flintlocks discarded and place it on his private collections, and now he had create a new pistols: The High Precision Pistols, considered the Master Pistols for Naruto's leadership, the pistol has Brownish red handled pistol with black barrel), he was significantly slower than Satsuki, being a Agile Assassin-in-training who only wore the chinese-style assassin robes (now based on Shao Jun's Robes; it was her choice with a good taste) that offered high mobility. Nonetheless, he wasn't about to be defeated by his student and picked up the pace like Sakura. She was leaping over rooftops, along walls, swinging from bars, and jumping over obstacles in her way that made Naruto proud of what she had accomplished in such a short time.

'Well... At least Satsuki is enjoying herself.'

All the while during her run, Satsuki was laughing and smiling as she ran to get away from her pursuer. In a way, it felt like her training was taking shape around her; before, she would never think she could move this fast or jump that high. The limitations that once kept her from pursuing her ninja dreams escaped her as she ran in the hot summer air, shielded from the bright rays by her robe's black-red lining hood.

Her training with Naruto and Sakura had been fruitful to say the least, as soon as they arrived back from the Wave mission they began her training. She would come to his stronghold, secretly everyday to read from the immense assassin archives, learning both history and and herbal alchemy from the tomes of knowledge. In the afternoons, Naruto and Sakura would spar with her and teach her how to use various tools like the hidden blades or throwing knife. And also kenjutsu, she was fast and reflex like Shao Jun does.

And in the evenings, Naruto would rest with her inside of his home's family room. Occasionally they would play a game of shogi or just talk with him and Sakura; also there are more games besides the shoji; checkers, fanorona and even Men's Morris. That's what Satsuki loved the most, just staying close to Naruto like a brother. It didn't matter if they were training, walking down the street, or falling asleep next to one another; she only wanted him close to her.

"Hurry up!" She called to him, not even looking back to see him steadily catching up.

As she ran out of rooftops upon reaching the streets leading up to the village's West gate, Satsuki hesitated only for a moment. That gave Naruto enough time to catch up and tackle her, forcing them both into a fall toward the ground. As Naruto raised his right arm, and...

*grappling hook shot*

Within a moment, Naruto was holding Satsuki, like Desmond holding Lucy in the passage of the Auditore Villa to lift. They are almost land within a little be...about a half (1/2) feet. On Naruto's Left arm, he had discard his Phantom Blade switch it with dart launcher, and then he planning to gave it to someone else...or Satsuki. Now...Naruto had success the Rope-launcher from Jacob's arrival.

"Damn it, Naruto-kun! You had us fall." Satsuki berated him as he let her go. As Naruto flick his wrist that the hook from the attach of the rope were fold, with the hook reeled back into its stated.

As Naruto checking the new rope launcher that he had manufactured. It was perfectly fine and completely success.

"Sorry, but I thought I'd give you a little scare...I had it under control." He crossed his arms and stuck his tongue out in defiance, serving only to annoy the raven haired girl more.

"Hmph. I won this time again...like Sakura does when she beat you in free-running race." She said, taking off her hood and letting her long hair flow. Earning a sighed from Naruto.

Satsuki wiped some sweat from her brow and looked at Naruto in amazement. Since Naruto wore his father's Templar uniform. "I don't know how you wear something like this all day Naruto-kun. I'm sweating so much, since you had wore my favorite admire..."

Naruto made a face as if he didn't understand and shrugged.

"I guess you just get used to it, I feel fine."

That statement didn't make Satsuki feel any better but she let him have his opinion. After all, he did re-create Shao Jun's Rope Dart; its now the rope is replace with chain so she will use it to grappled obstacles.

Naruto looked along the street they were on, it was deserted save for them. On either side of them was a wooden plank fence that rose above their heads, with trees on either side. If they kept walking and made a few turns, the gate would be in their view. Their plan was only for some free run training today and Naruto figured Satsuki would think of something else to do. With Sakura had their trainees to learned to be a better assassin.

As for Naruto's life about his 'estrange' parents statement...

He would live his life on his own terms and he would live free. He no longer cared about being accepted by the Uzumaki-Namikaze family. He no longer cared about receiving training from them. He no longer cared for Jiraiya and his foolish prophecies, also Tsunade's foolishness. No, this was the life of Naruto and he would live how he wanted.

Naruto sighed, then lower his hood and said to Satsuki. "Alright, Satsuki. Lets take a break for now, after all...we'll continue your teachings with firearms."

"I'll do that, thanks...Naruto-niisan." Satsuki appreciated with a smile. Since she asked Itachi for she'll joined the Assassin Order like Sakura does, since Itachi did had a first kill during his times, when he was a prodigy. But without her mother approval, she blame her for ignored Naruto in the past, as her own brother like Itachi. With the guidance of Anko that since she will be a perfect kunoichi for being an assassin...later.

Naruto smiled for he had seen Satsuki as a sister, since Itachi is his brother-figure, and now Satsuki his sister. After all, he had his new sister for sure. After all, Satsuki need a brother like Itachi when she didn't had anyone besides Naruko. Now he got Itachi, Anko, Satsuki and Sakura; his girlfriend. And also his new friends as well.

"Come on, let's get some ramen." Naruto called. "After all. Sakura-chan, Miya and Karasuba will be there as well.


Just as they're about to heading to Ichiraku, with Naruto suddenly took off past her after getting a look in his eye. She turned around to see him cut through what looked to be like the wooden fence, only it wasn't but a piece of paper used as a disguise; before he used his eagle vision that their auras were completely grey, meaning their innoents. They both looked to see three young academy students topple onto the ground in front of Naruto who was slightly embarrassed that he overreacted.

'I thought they would be a little more...threatening.'

"Nii-san..." He looked to his side and saw Satsuki standing with him, looking at the three kids. "Who are these kids?"

"I don't know...I just saw them trying to hide and thought they were up to something. Seeing them like this, it looks like they aren't much of a threat at all." Satsuki giggled and patted what looked to be the leader on the head, making him look up at them and cringe.

"Hey lady, hands off! I'm not a dog okay!" She recoiled as the scarfed youngster stood up and took in her and Naruto with an evaluating eye.

His two friends crowded behind him, a bit afraid of Naruto's presence. Satsuki noticed that even the leader seemed to be a bit afraid as he shook once in a while, making her giggle to herself.

"You!" The boy pointed at Naruto who only looked on in slight annoyance. "Teach me how to be like you! I saw you jumping on the roofs with this girl, show me how!"

Naruto and Satsuki looked at one another and sweat dropped, this kid couldn't be serious.

"What?" Naruto asked, not understanding.

The little boy growled and jabbed a thumb into his chest, puffing it out in pride.

"I am the grandson of the Third Hokage, Konohamaru Sarutobi! I'm gonna be the greatest ninja one day, and I need to have all the best skills. It looked really cool what you guys were doing, so I want you to show me!" Konoha declared.

Naruto sighed and Satsuki didn't know what to think. Sure he had a great ambition but he was still just an academy student, he was in no shape to learn Naruto's free run; even Satsuki still hadn't learned everything. Besides Sakura was a best of all, as a Rank-2 Assassin.

"No." The blonde said flatly and turned in the other direction, silently ushering Satsuki to follow.

The girl looked at the shocked children and then back at Naruto before running to catch up with him. His stance seemed to show he was annoyed as he took heavy steps instead of his usual light and fluid motions.

"Nii-san, I think you were a little harsh on him. He was just admiring your skill..." Naruto looked at her and saw that she was trying to guilt trip him into apologizing. "Sorry Satsuki, I guess just something about the way he said it aggravated me."

Satsuki sighed and said. "He's just a kid Naruto, being the grandson of the Hokage means he is probably spoiled. He just doesn't know any better." She didn't want Naruto to get so worked up over one little boy as she tried to calm him.

"Yeah, I guess so-"

"Charge!" Naruto turned around and was tackled by Konohamaru.

Satsuki was joined by Konohamaru's two friends as they watched the comical display of Naruto attempting to throw Konohamaru off of him while the boy hung onto the robes for dear life. Finally, with enough strength he was able to pry the boy off of him and sent him flying back a few feet. Konohamaru tumbled and quickly got back to his feet, dusting himself off.

"Just what I would expect from my new rival, being able to repel my attack. Now teach me how!" Naruto sighed and just kept walking.

"I said no, even if I wanted to teach you, you are too young. Finish your academy training, then maybe I'll consider it." This seemed like a victory for Konohamaru as he jumped for joy and rejoined his comrades while Satsuki walked over to him.

Even though he still didn't say yes to the boy, he was nice about it. Naruto blushed as Sakura just gave him an approving smile, embarrassed that he fell into her trap.

"That was nice of you, Niisan." She prodded with his nickname.

"It was...nothing." Naruto replied with mature. "After all, thank Ezio or Altair for tips of how treated kids wisely."

They proceeded on and were on their way down the street when they heard Konohamaru yell out.

"Let me go, you big bully!" Naruto and Sakura turned around and doubled back to where they last saw the kids, wondering what was going on.

They turned a corner and saw what was the problem, Konohamaru was being held up by his shirt by some guy dressed in black. His two friends cowered at a distance, asking the older boy to let him go. Naruto's eyes went straight to their headband and saw they were Suna ninja, odd that they would be here.

'Perhaps it has something to do with the Chunin Exams father spoke of, I guess its time for them to begin.'

"Put me down!"

"Make me, ya runt! This is what you get for running into me..." Kankuro held him up higher and smirked in satisfaction as the boy grunted in pain.

His female partner just sighed and crossed her arms, annoyed by her brother's immaturity. Messing with a Leaf kid was the last thing they needed to do upon arriving in Konoha.

"Kankuro, you're gonna regret this...let's go." He spared a glance in her direction before answering with a certain amount of haughtiness.

"Maybe Temari, but I can't just let him get away with running into me."

Naruto had heard enough and motioned to Satsuki, he was going to move. She nodded and prepared herself, grabbing a kunai from her thigh pouch.

With a flash step, Naruto was behind Kankuro and twisted his free arm behind his back. This made the Suna-nin cry out in pain and drop Konohamaru who was quickly picked up by Satsuki and returned to his friends.

"Stay here!" She shouted and returned to where Naruto had slammed Kankuro against the fence.

Temari had no idea who was attacking her brother but she could tell he wasn't a push over. She went to grab her fan but stopped midway when a kunai was at her throat. Tilting her head, she saw a hooded Satsuki glaring at her from behind, tightening her grip on the kunai.

"Do not interfere." The blonde started to weigh her options as Kankuro cried out in pain as Naruto almost popped his arm out of its socket.

"I suggest you learn some respect when you enter someone else's village. Understand?"

Kankuro growled in anger despite his predicament and tried to look Naruto in the eye.

"I'm gonna make you regret that...Karasu! (Crow)"

Naruto's eyes caught the chakra strings headed to the pack the boy had on and realized he was a puppet user, common of Suna.

Naruto kept on hand on the boy's arm while the other whipped out his hidden blade and held it close to Kankuro's neck. The puppet emerged from its wrappings and opened its mouth wide, showing a cannon aimed at Naruto's head. The Suna-nin smirked until he looked down and saw another Naruto, crouching at his feet with his hidden blade ready to strike his stomach, a lethal spot.

"Choose your next action wisely, Suna-nin." The blonde whispered in a lightly veiled threat, making Kankuro begin to sweat.

Temari's eyes widened at the speed at which the boy created the clone, it didn't even appear as if he made any hand signs. Her brother was in trouble, but the other Leaf ninja wouldn't let her get involved. She would have to do something drastic to help Kankuro.

"Damn...it!" Kankuro felt Naruto put more pressure on his arm and was about to say he surrendered when a very soft, very 'chilling' voice called to him.

"Kankuro..I 'knew' I would find you causing trouble." A voice came from the tree, Naruto had been observing, freezing the painted-face man on his track.

Naruto and the rest looked up at the tree together to see a young boy with red hair and darkly outlined eyes looking down at them with hidden contempt, standing upside down the tree branch.

"G-Gaara...I-" Kankuro stuttered when he saw a shorter red haired boy with panda eyes stared sternly at him. The girl scowled and he shut up instantly.

"Silence...or I'll 'kill' you." Gaara cut him with a cold tone and dark look. "You are a disgrace to our village, remember why we came to Konoha in the first place?"

Kankuro's eyes lit up in fear and he couldn't manage a response. That look peered through Kankurou's soul. The Suna puppet user nodded weakly.

Naruto let go of Kankuro and backed off toward the kids who were still there, watching the battle unfold. Satsuki quickly rejoined him and watched as Gaara turned his eyes toward them, sending a chill down their spines. As Naruto slowly grab one of his flintlocks, to attempt to counter.

Gaara's eyes locked with Naruto's.

As Naruto thought. 'He has this presence about him, something dark.' Naruto thought with his eyes focus on Gaara. 'Probably Shukaku, the Ichibi no Tanuki's Jinchuuriki.'

'He was able to disarm Kankuro so easily, almost to the point of begging for mercy. This one is strong.'

Naruto watched as he disappeared in a few tendrils of sand, reappearing in front of the other two Suna ninjas as the sand reached ground. He observed that the sand emanated from his gourd at very high speeds and realized he had the power to manipulate it. Then Gaara took his glance at Naruto.

"Who are you?" Gaara asked the Assassin Mentor. He dismissed others as his eyes focused on the blonde boy. Until with the blond's assassin stand down.

"Naruto Altair Cormac...the Dark Templar." Naruto introduced, with made Temari flinch about she heard that name.

'I heard that name before...but where?' Temari wondered within her mind for remember about Naruto's name.

Naruto thought. 'That gourd must be full of sand...and I have to wonder if he could use it for offense and/or defense as well?'

"Care to tell who you three are?" Naruto asked.

"Sabaku no Gaara." Gaara replied."And those two that causing trouble is...

"Sabaku no Temari." The blonde girl stated.

"Sabaku no Kankuro." The boy in the body suit replied.

"Excuse us for causing trouble." Gaara apologized.

"Its no big deal, lad." Naruto replied with mature, before he asked. "As the matter the fact, you three were attempt to chunin exams, right?"

"Yes, we here for the exams." Gaara replied

"I would suggested to let us check your IDs and reported this incident to the Hokage." A feminine tone, that made Temari and Kankura quickly turn and Gaara turn his head behind on his shoulders to see someone called them is Sakura along with two people wearing similar assassin outfits; turns out, it was Miya and Kasasuba.

'When did they appeared without notice?' Temari and Kankuro thought with disbelief.

With Miya; she is now wearing Japanese-style Assassin's outfit with a hood lower; she is wearing white shogun/samurai with purple linings. Also two pair of samurai shoulders (with kunai holder on the left; carries 4 kunais) and legs and shin guards plating armors. Around her waist was a red sash with a symbol of the Assasin on the center, also with a black Shirasaya katana on her right waist. (AN: You may search Assassin's Creed: Japan. Since I mange to describe the outfit. Its completely pretty hard to describe. I found a website called: behancedotnet/gallery/22950371/Assassins-Creed-Japan)

Then, Miya had pair of samurai bracers with fingerless gloves then with a hidden blades in each of them; on her left wrist was a phantom Blade. Now she has a white ribbon to partially hold her hair in place. Lastly she had leather strapped bag with multiple pouches carries shurkens and bombs. Also a Hip pouch as well.

With Karasuba; she is wearing a tight black leather top, a miniskirt with tight biker shorts and stockings, she was wearing a gray assassin trench coat. With a smiled with her eyes closed. Now on she was holding a nodachi; a two-handed long sword over her shoulders; the handle is red and black cloth. (AN: That is the Nodachi version of the AC: Rogue, Katana.)

Also, he had a black fingerless gloves and hidden blade bracers; then on her left wrist was a phantom blade. Also she had pouches on her belt. With Miya had narrowed her eyes at the two suna-nns, while Karasuba remain still.

"This is the upcoming chunin exams, so you are all guest in this village." Miya spoke in politely. "If you causing commotion. And also harming Sandaime-dono's grandson will cause for treason, if you want a war breaks out between the Konoha and Suna will you~." That made Kankuro nervous, with Gaara and Temari glared at him for causing trouble.

"We're sorry about that." Temari apologized before looked at the three girls, then looked at Naruto and Satsuki. "We won't do that again."

"It better be." Karasuba stated while smiling, as with a sound of a click, seeing that she will prepared to drawn her sword with a sadistic tone. "I will enjoy to slice his 'sun' that wont shine." That made Kankuro pale if he will cut his grand-kids.

"I understand." Gaara replied, as he took out the ID to Naruto. "Here."

As the ID vanished in Gaara's hand that made his eyes widen in shocked along with his siblings. Until seeing Miya appeared besides Naruto, before the blond assassin taking the ID.

'What speed.' The Suna-siblings thought the same thing thought their minds.

With Naruto looked at Gaara's ID, while Miya and Karasuba were in flanking positions. Now with the girls glanced at Naruto with a O.K., with the blond assassin create a kage bunshin, and flash stepped to the Hokage.

"Thank you for understanding." Naruto said, as he toss back to the Suna-genin's ID, before the red-head suna-nin catching it.

"Enjoy your time in Konoha, try stay out of trouble an good luck to yourselves as well." Naruto informed, earning a nod from Gaara.

Gaara turned to Temari and Kankuro who instinctively flinched. The red head shrugged and said.

"Let's go, we didn't come here to mess around." They hastily nodded and began to follow him as he walked off in the opposite direction.

"Of course, Gaara." Temari respond.

"We know, Gaara." Kankurou as well.

Sakura watched as they walked off, with Satsuki having a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Then Karasubi felt a blood-lust all over of him.

'Even his own team-mates were afraid of him...it better had their reason?'

"Naruto-kun, why are there Suna-nin here?"

He woke up from his stupor and looked at Sakura who once again had her hood off, looking at him with worry.

"It must be the Chunin Exams, ninja from other villages are coming to get tested. We can expect more to arrive in the next few days I guess." She nodded, having heard a few things about it from idle conversations she picked up.

'Apparently its a series of tests designed to see if we are ready to become Chunin, mid-level ninja. I wonder if Kakashi-sensei will tell us about it soon?' Satsuki thought.

"Come on Sakura, you wanted lunch?" Naruto indicated she follow and soon they were walking together back into town.

Konohamaru and the gang were still a bit shaken up by the encounter and followed Naruto. Noticing their presence, he turned and looked at them.

"Hey boss, mind if we tag along? Those ninja really scared Moegi and Udon here-" He stopped when Moegi the girl bonked him on the head. With Miya giggled about how the poor young Sarutobi was scared, with Karasuba shook her head admitted.

"Don't lie Konohamaru, you were scared too!" Moegi and Udon exclaimed.

He rubbed his head and Naruto looked at Sakura with Satsuki, Miya and Karasuba.

Even though Sakura wanted to be alone with him, her caring nature got the better of her. She gave him a smile and slight nod in approval. Naruto sighed and looked at the three before indicating they follow.

"Alright, come on then." Konohamaru and the rest cheered and followed Sakura and Naruto on what was supposed to be their first date.

Instead, it became a little party with their new friends. What none of them realized however was that there were three ninja on a branch above them.

==At the Distance==

In a tree overlooking the scene where Suna met Konoha, three figures stood. Their headbands indicated they were from Otogakure, a relatively new village made in the Land of Rice Paddies. The three genin that were entering the Chunin Exam coming up had watched the events unfold and had to say they were impressed by both sides.

"That one in the black and red outfit, he was strong." The girl named Kin comment.

Dosu, the bandaged one, grunted in acknowledgment. Although to him, it was somewhat of an understatement.

"We will have to watch out for that one, I think he is on the same team as our target right? God I can't wait to fight him..." Zaku, the most anxious one of their group, said in barely reserved glee.

"Calm down you two, you know our mission. Kill the target, the other ones will only be obstacles in our way." Kin and Zaku nodded, although they didn't like the fact Dosu considered himself a leader so readily.

"We can't fail...for Orochimaru-sama."

Unknown to the Konoha shinobi and the Oto shinobi was that on another branch was the three Iwa shinobi standing

"So, Kurotsuchi-san, what do you think?" The blond one said.

"Those three tree-huggers aren't your everyday genin and neither is the spooky brat from the desert! I mean...who are those two bitches!?" Kurotsuchi said as she looked down on Naruto. 'Naruto Altair Cormca, strange name huh? He looked like the blond Hokage, he'll be a worthy opponent for me to test my skills on!'

==Earlier - Before Naruto had send his Kage Bunshin==

With Naruto-clone explained to Minato about three Suna-nins appeared to be Rasa's children, the Yondaime Kazakage. With the blond Hokage nod for understand, then until the clone was about 'leave', until Minato called.

"Oh! Naruto could you please can I talk to you?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow but would listen to the Hokage's request. With the blond assassin asked. "What is you wish to speak to me about Hokage-sama? I have already given my account for what happened on the mission. Is this perhaps an unrelated matter?"

Minato sighed. He really wished that Naruto would go back to calling him 'tou-san' or at least acknowledging that they were still family. He looked up at his son and quickly analyzed the blond's appearance once again with a whisker marks on his cheeks; even a scar on his right eye, he just couldn't get used to it.

'Naruto doesn't even look like my son anymore. He refuses to called me 'tou-san', he still had that scar over five years ago and hasn't changed it back yet. I miss seeing him. And that scar on his eye! Kushina and I would never approve of those! I mean look at him!...I just want my son back...I just...want to go back to being family again.'

"Naruto...uh...I had something informed by the council about that ship had arsenals on your possession." Minato question. "And tell me where is the ship? The council from yesterday had summoned about they're curious about your ship. Except Kizashi knew about you."

This question surprised Naruto. Not because he was surprised. He was surprised because he could have asked this months ago. Naruto knew that this wasn't all Minato wanted to talk about.

"My ship is on the secret location, that only 'I' know where it is. With 6 of my recruits includes Satsuki." Naruto stated, that shocks Minato about Satsuki was recruited.

Naruto sighed, 'It wasn't going to be much of a secret for long anyways. I actually planned to keep my order along with most of my power during the chunin exams. I'm pretty sure that Hatake would enlist us in the upcoming one with how much we've improved. What I want to keep a secret for now is my logic abilities and my summoning contract.'

"Then when you recruited Satsuki in your organization?" Minato asked.

"Yes, Satsuki did made her choice to joined my Order." Naruto explained. "Is the matter the fact, that you attempt to find out by sending your ANBU to spied on our capabilities...so you better keep your shinobi forces, if any of my apprentice will cripple them." That flinches Minato about if Naruto's students will do to their promise shinobis. With he hesitate with a nod.

"I'm wasting time, I already have plans...Perhaps another time." Naruto grew tired of all this commotion. Honestly, he just wanted to finally go back home and spend some time with Sakura. He had really missed her.

"If that will be all Hokage-sama then I'll take my leave." Naruto stated bluntly as he started toward the door.

Minato looked to see Naruto walking away from him. "Wait Naruto!...Please come back home...we all miss you. You don't need to keep avoiding us. You don't have to keep staying with your friends at the Uchiha compound...If you come back we can train you too...I'll even teach you my personal jutsus...Just please come back!"

Naruto paused walking for a moment about Minato's obvious begging, but still hopeful thinking that he was considering it. However they couldn't be further from the truth.

'Do these people really think that we'll all be one big happy family with a few words? I only have one family and one home. I thought I made that clear years ago...They're like that insect Gato, they just don't give up.'

Naruto looked back over his left shoulder. "I am going home...I'm going home to my real family...my only family. A place that I can truly call my home, not that empty estate you're referring to."

"Wait, Naruto! Pleas-" Minato was about to called...but it was too late.


This seems to catch his off guard and shocked when he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"It was a Kage Bunshin..." Minato stated.

==Present - Ninja Assembly==

Inside the Hokage's briefing room, there was a special meeting being held where all ninja Chunin and above were to be. For the most part it was the examiners and Jounin instructors that needed to be there, but many other ninja wanted to hear the biggest announcement; whether the year's latest genin class would participate.

Iruka Umino, a teacher of the latest class had come along as well with similar intentions. He wanted to make sure his students had progressed well and were in good hands. It was almost assured the Jounin would wait until the next exam in six months for their genin to begin, so he had little to worry about. After Naruto save him from Mizuki for being a traitor to stealing the Forbidden Scroll.

Minato looked around the different jonin in front of him with the Former Sandaime Hokage as a advisor and called out to four specific jonin and even his wife Kushina.

In the front stood the three Jounin instructors of the latest batch; Minato's student Kakashi Hatake, Kurenai Yuuhi, and Asuma Sarutobi. They waited somewhat patiently for the meeting to get underway as the Hokage waited for everyone to arrive and quiet down before beginning.

"Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze and my student Kakashi Hatake, Kurenai Yuhi, Maito Gai, Asuma Sarutobi, I ask you: who of your individual teams do you recommend for the chunin exams?"

Before the four could answer, Iruka interrupted and said. "Hokage-sama, if I may, I personally know the members of teams seven, eight and ten. I was their trainer in the academy and well-versed in their skills and abilities. I can say with confidence that they are nowhere near ready for the exams. They need more time to train before getting recommended."

Minato looked at him and said. "Duly noted." He then turned to the jonin and asked, "Well, how do you respond?"

Stepping forward, Kushina announced. "I, Kushina Namikaze, and my co-sensei Kakashi Hatake, two jonin-senseis of Team Seven, recommend my daughter Naruko Uzumaki-Namikaze, Satsuki Uchiha, Sakura Haruno and Naruto..." She will not hesitate to called her son's full surname, with Kakashi seeing it then he stepped in to finished her sentense.

Kakashi finished. "Naruto Altair Cormac for the chunin exams."

Iruka gasped in response. With the other jounins muttered each other about the "Dark Templar" and the "Phantom Wolf", with the former instructor of the rookies knew his student was listed in the Bingo Book, that only other hand when Minato and Kushina silent about their former son had became famous.

Kurenai stepped forward next and said, "I, Kurenai Yuhi, jonin sensei of Team Eight, recommend Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuga and Shino Aburame for the chunin exams."

"What!?" Iruka shouted in protest.

Next was Gai who said, "I, Maito Gai, jonin sensei of Team Nine, recommend Rock Lee, Neji Hyuga and Tenten Higurashi for the chunin exams."

Iruka remained silent as he awaited Asuma's verdict.

His answer was given when Asuma stepped forward and said, "I, Asuma Sarutobi, jonin sensei of Team Ten, recommend Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara and Choji Akimichi for the chunin exams."

That time Iruka stood up in anger and said, "That's it! How can you recommend them?! They've barely been active for a year, not even that long! Some of them were moderately skilled during the academy but none of them could've possibly become chunin material by now!"

Hiruzen looked at Iruka in disappointment while the senseis looked at him in annoyance.

It was Kakashi, to the surprise of all, that stepped forward and said, in a rough tone rather than his usual laid-back manner, "Listen Iruka. You may have been their 'teacher' during the academy days but now, you are not. You have no involvement and no say in their training. You don't even know what has occurred in their training over the past several months. So you have no right to hold them back from something we deem they are worth."

Kurenai frowned and said, "Okay Kakashi, that's enough."

Hiruzen put up his hand and Kakashi said. "Not yet Kurenai, Iruka needs to hear this." He then turned back to Iruka and said. "Tell me, do you know how skilled Naruto, Sasuke or any of your former students have become?"

"Well, not specifically." Iruka stumbled.

Kakashi narrowed his eye and said, "Exactly. I can tell you with certainty that all four of my own students have developed by leaps and bounds from their academy days. And I'm sure the others will say much the same."

To add to his point the other two nodded in agreement and Kakashi said, "See? Now, if you wish to find this out for yourself and you still believe their developments to be not much greater than their days in the academy, 'then' you can criticize the capabilities of myself and the other jonin. But until then, I suggest you not underestimate us, and more importantly, them."

Iruka frowned in defeat as Kakashi's words rang loud and clear in his mind.

Minato and Hiruzen sighed as the tension in the room seemed to finally start to subside.

Until someone's voice that came in the hall. "You sure about that, lad." Which made the Jounin tense for someone came in. "Surely, hen my lad was a hunter, so you can't hide from him."

As Minato stood and yelled in demanded. "How's there!?"

"As you wish." When someone emerged from the crowd of jounins that made them jump away from a bit on a stance, seeing someone appeared out nowhere; which made Minato had recognized that familiar black and red uniform like Naruto.

"That uniform...who are you?!" Minato demanded, getting a smirk from the man.

"Can't say...since lad made his own 'luck' like I was." He said that he sounded like American.


"And the maintain...don't underestimate with my lad." With the man finished his speech and burst of smoke. As Minato slam his fist in the table hat irritates about the man mocked him for what he meant. As the smoke clears, with a piece of paper that from the smoke, as Kakashi catch it, then look at it, which made the copy cat confused.

"What it means, Kakashi?" Minato asked.

"It say: "the air is still and I am a hunter."" Kakashi informed. "And also there's a black cross."

"A Black Cross!" Minato exclaimed, as Kakashi gave it to him, then which made his eyes widen he had recognized the same symbol. "What is it mean?"

==At Training Grounds 7 - Next Morning==

Team 7 was scattered around their meeting bridge awaiting their sensei who had been broken his own record for being late. With Sakura resting on Naruto's shoulder on the tree, while he adjusted his hidden blades, with Satsuki ith her Assassin Attire (or Shao Jun's Outfit) practicing with her kenjutsu with her chokuto, in front or reverse grip.

It was peaceful for taking D-ranks, while the rest did their errands like babysitting; when Naruto was a good father material, since thanks to Ezio and Altair? They're father once, and also Edward as well, its when his children; Jennifer and Haythem. Its when his children were Templars. They never followed their father's footsteps.

But lastly...is Naruko...? She got recovered from her depression. She was left alone, ever since everyone in Konoha had admired her brother several weeks, the villagers loved the song he had sang to them with his clones. Many villagers got the blond assassin now, and even making food for everyone, and even he feed the poor and the orphanage.

Naruko followed him when he make delicious food for the kids, the orphans loves Naruto as a big brother, the matron and the caretakers were grateful for the young man.

With Naruko sighed sadden about how things worst, as she looked back over his left shoulder...which made her confused with several blinks on her eyes of what she had seeing...

When she looked at him with Sakura...he was playing with his 'PSP' (Playstation Portable)...when did he got himself a PSP? And where did he get that from?

With Naruto felt someone was staring, then looked at her with his eyes at her, which he followed her gaze at the PSP he's holding, then he continue to play and said.

"Don't ask, Naruko." He told her before her could. With the red-haired nodded her head dumbly.

"Man, I wish I want one of those." Satsuki comment with a sighed, seeing Naruto's 'PSP'.

"Satsuki." Naruto called, getting attention to seeing Naruto took out another one from nowhere.

Satsuki smile brightly, as she take it, then sit next to him with Naruto as a guide of how to use it and play it.

When a couple of minutes later, then they heard a poof of smoke. Getting attention to see Kakashi appeared, minus Kushina, she still in the house...alone...

"Morning, guys!" Kakashi greeted with a wave and sees no one acknowledge him. Naruto and Sakura are deep in thought and Satsuki was enjoying playing with her PSP. Which made the Copy-cat for what she got that strange device.

"Don't ask." Naruto and Satsuki (while playing) unison. As Kakashi locked eyes with Satsuki's new outfit and whistled in approval. 'It would seems she have been training with Naruto and Sakura. It would be worst if Mikuto-senpai learns her daughter is now an assassin.'

Kakashi cleared his throat and announced. "Today, I made an announcement." Getting attention from the Assassins.

"What is it, Kakashi-nii?" Naruko asked.

"This is sudden but this may surprise you. I've nominated you guys for the Chuunin Selection exams. Here are you applications." Kakashi announced.

"Really!?" Naruko sound excited for her next step for being the first female hokage.

"That's right, but the best is to have to fill out applications." He handed each of them a form. "Though this is just a nomination. Whether to take the exam is up to each of you. Those who wish to take it should sign these papers and turn them in at room 301 by 4pm three days later. That is all." He proofed away again.


It was only a week till the exams begins and Naruto, Satsuki and Sakura were finishing off their training for said exams with a sparring match against Zabuza. Minus Naruko that she was training with her parents until the exams coming up. With Haku will teach Naruto to expended hyoton capabilities, since those two were only users.

"Katon: Housenka no jutsu. (Phoenix Flower Jutsu)" Satsuki called out the name of her new jutsu a fired several fire balls at the jonin, but Zabuza easily dodged them before weaving several hand signs.

"Suiton: Suiryudan no jutsu. (Water Dragon Bullet)" He called out and a water dragon came out of the nearby river.

"Futon: Kamikaze no jutsu. (Divine Wind)" Naruto called out and a powerful wind hit the water dragon, cancelling Zabuza's jutsu and Naruto quickly followed up with another jutsu.

"Doton: Iwadeppō no Jutsu. (Rock Gun)" Sakura called, she was able to learned the Iwagakure's secret doton jutsu, as she spat a small chunk of rock then it expand into huge boulder.

"Hyoton: Sensatsu Suisho (Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death)." The blond called out and the water from the water dragon suddenly went up into the air and formed several needles of ice.

The needles flew at Zabuza, but the demon of the mist blocked them with his sword, however he was too preoccupied with Naruto to notice Sakura throwing two senbon at his neck and he collapsed down. Good thing she had a good aim or he'd been dead right now.

"Heh, alright, we were able to beat Zabuza-sensei!" Naruto said.

"Yeah, but there might still be teams entering the exams that are more challenging than him." Sasuke said.

"Then why would they still be genin?" Sakura asked.

==Training field 10==

Just like team 7 had been training for the exams, team 10 had also been training. Right now however, Shikamaru was sitting in his usual thinking pose, trying to come up with a strategy, Choji was eating his favorite chips and Ino was getting in some shuriken training, by trying to hit the center of a target, but she never managed to hit the exact center, though she was pretty close.

"Finally, I did it." Ino said when she finally hit the center of the target.

"So, *munch* you think *munch* there'll be *munch* many strong opponents *munch* at the exams *munch*, Shikamaru?" Choji asked his best friend while eating.

"I don't know, but either way, it won't be easy!" Shikamaru said.

==Training field 8==

In training field 8 were team 8 – consisting of Inuzuka Kiba, his dog Akamaru, Aburame Shino and Hyuga Hinata – preparing for the exams as well.

"Alright Akamaru, we're gonna rule at those exams!" Kiba exclaimed and Akamaru barked in agreement.

"You shouldn't get too overconfident. Why, because overconfidence leads to foolish actions and we could get defeated by an opposing team!" Shino said.

"Hey, who asked you, huh?" Kiba yelled.

While the two boys of the team were talking, Hinata was continuously hitting a pole with palm strikes, sending out small waves of chakra with each strike.

==Training field 2==

In training field 2 were there several dummies that were hanging from the trees and they had several kunai and shuriken sticking into them.

"Hey! Hey! Hey, did you hear? We're gonna have Rookies at the Exams. The chunin exam's coming up… word is they'll be letting members of the rookie class compete for the first time in five years!" A boy with a bowl cut, green spandex suit and a Konoha Hitai-ate around his waist said.

"No way! It probably has something to do with the rivalry among the jonin." A girl with her hair in twin buns and was playing with a kunai said.

"I doubt that. They say three of them are in the team trained by Kakashi and Kushina-sama." The boy said.

"The Kakashi? That's interesting…since one of them is my friend will be on this exam." A boy with long hair and white eyes who was sitting under one of the dummies said.

"Same here, can't believe Naruto will be on this exam...Well, either way…" The girl started as she threw the kunai and hit the dead center of a target on the dummy that the boy with white eyes was sitting under.

"It all has a very sad sound to it." The boy with the white eyes finished for his female teammate. This was last year's rookie team 3 consisting of Hyuga Neji, Rock Lee and Tenten.

==With Naruto==

Naruto was munching bread as he walked leisurely, when he turned to see a suspicious looking 'rock'. He didn't need to think to know that the so-called rock was faked. There was no square rock unless it was crafted by someone, and no rock was able to walk. In addition, it wasn't even made from a real rock either.

He sighed, knowing who it was, or who they were to be exact. Eating the last piece of bread, he put his hood and vanished, and left a shadow clone in his place. The clone continued to walk, followed by the fake rock. The real Naruto landed behind the 'rock' and pulled out the disguise.

He almost laughed when the three children under the rock disguise didn't realize that as they continued to follow his clone. Only after the blond intentionally coughed to catch their attention and a windy breeze blew their hairs, they turned to see the rock costume on the hand of the very one they were currently stalking. Their eyes bugged out, frantically searching for their disguise and looked embarrassed at being caught. They turned back to see another Naruto. Confused, they glanced back and forth between them. The clone went out with a poof.

"Hahaha, hi Boss, how are you doing!" Konohamaru scratched his head nervously, knowing they were caught.

"Uh-huh. And?" Naruto watched amused, seeing the children's lame attempt to divert his attention.

"Uh… nothing! Gotta go! Bye!"

The three children turned and ran, only to bump into someone who suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey, what's the big deal? Watch out where you're go…ing." The grandson of the Third Hokage took steps back when he noticed the Hidden Stone Village forehead protector placed on the masked ninja's forehead. Before he could scream, the man took the children and threatened them with kunai. The kids looked horrified.

"How easy it is to slip into this village unnoticed. Boy, I want you to give message to your Hokage that I hold his grandson a hostage."

The blonde Genin blinked. He already knew someone was following him and that someone was Iruka, judging by his chakra signature and aura with his eagle vision. He just wondered why he pulled out a stunt like that.

He didn't know why Iruka disguised himself as a Stone-nin. There was no way he was a spy. He didn't have a guts. He was also acting horribly. If he really wanted a hostage, he should've waited until Naruto was gone, not announcing his presence to him. He should have gone outside the Leaf before sending a note to Hokage himself.

'Hmm...according to nii-san's tousan...yup...seems he'll test me for sure.' Naruto thought. As he take a deep breath and closed his eyes and exhale, with he open his eyes then activate his Eagle Vision, now he can see Iruka's aura orange. As with a blink with a mark on top of his head.

"Marked..." Naruto muttered, as he shunpo'd to 'save' Konohamaru. Before the 'Iwa-nin' kidnapped him by use to smoke bombs to excape, but good thing Naruto had mark him.


The Iwa-nin cackled before turning around to see Naruto behind him. His eyes widened and he said. "What the?! So fast!"

Naruto narrow his eyes at him, instantly catching the foreign shinobi and slamming a foot into his chin, the ninja disappearing in a burst of smoke. "Damn, shadow clone." Naruto snarled.

He sent a pulse of chakra out, finding Iwa-nin's location. Then looked to see he found the target. As a burst of wind then he transformed into a eagle and flies soars to the sky.

==With the 'Iwa-nin'==

He dropped down into a small clearing with a large tree in the center.

'He's good, he's like a Hunter-nin.' 'Iwa-nin' thought.

Without notice, a spiritual eagle landed on the branch, as the wind engulfs it reveals to be Naruto that reverts back, crouch down against the tree with his eyes of the eagle aim at his pray, as took out a rope-dart, then cock his arm back, then toss it towards his target...



With Naruto jumped down on the tree, that the Ame-nin lifts him with the blond assassin anchored himself, as he place the end of the rope dart, then a sound of smoke, then he looked up...

"Damn!" Naruto cursed, turns out, it was log; a substitution. As he stood and look around for his target. "You can't hide forever!" Then he left in the scene.

==At the Rooftops==

As kakashi had saved the Iwa-nin, until a poof of smoke reveal to be Iruka with his breath heavyly.

"Naruto such hit me very hard." Iruka comment. "He almost killed me back then...like a hunter." That only made Kakashi silent.

"Wait a minute." Kakashi had realized something, getting a Iruka looked at him and said repeated from the note he read. "The Air is still and I am the hunter...this is what the note says."

Iruka surprised. "You mean the man appeared in the Jounin hall?"

"That's right...the note was meant about Naruto...but why?"

"Remember what Hokage-sama said; "What is it mean?"" Getting a nod from Kakashi. "Then there is a connection between those two,"

"I not sure...its find out soon."

==With Sakura==

Sakura hummed as she took a shortcut through a forest to get to the shopping area of the village, with her arsenals on her possession; her hidden blades, a blowpipe and jian strapped on her back. She raised an eyebrow as she noticed an odd shift in wind currents, but disregarded it.

As Sakura stopped when she heard someone call out her name. She turned to her side to see her boyfriend, Naruto approaching her, curiously he was wearing his uniform and...a whisker marks on his cheeks. She raised an eyebrow and asked, "Oh, what're you doing here Naruto-kun?"

Naruto smirked and said, "Just waiting for you."

Sakura replied in deadpan. "Seriously?" She quirked an eyebrow and asked. "I've got some things to do so why don't you just stop with the stupid genjutsu?"

Naruto raised an eyebrow and asked, "What're you talking about?" He walked forward with a smile and said. "All I want was-HURK!"

His words stopped swiftly as Sakura nailed the approaching blond with her boot, her boot that had metal plates on the shins, right in a sensitive spot.

Naruto backed away slowly, moaning in pain and asked, "Whyyyy~ Sakura?"

"Hmph, because, Naruto-kun had a scar on his right right, instead he didn't had his whisker marks on his cheeks." Sakura replied, as she groaned and said. "Look, just come out, I'm not playing your games anymore."

As the 'Naruto' in front of her shimmered and vanished the same Iwa-nin that attacked Naruto and Konohamaru Corp walked out from behind a tree and said, "My, my, perceptive…aren't we?"

Sakura just grumbled and said, "I'm not fond of your tricks." She got into a fighting stance and said, "Regardless of what you took a form on Naruto-kun, playing with a girl's heart is just plain wrong!"

The Iwa-nin sweat-dropped and said, "Ah…o-oh…I see."

Sakura clenched her rear leg and then shot off towards the Iwa-nin.

"W-what the h-!?" Whatever he was about to say was cut short as Sakura sucker punched him so hard he slammed into a tree and vanished in a burst of smoke.

She raised an eyebrow and mumbled, "Kage bunshin?"

With a sighed annoyance from rosette assassin. "Iruka-sensei...you never knew about Naruto-kun is like his father. When he wore a scar."

==With Satsuki==

Satsuki walked away from Naruto towards the Forest of Death, since, thanks to Naruto and Anko, Satsuki now had a thorough understanding of it and where to train. With her chokutou strapped on back side. (AN: Sorry mates, Anko wasn't pleasent? Its because she was busy for T&I department, and spending time with her friends.)

"Hey, Satsuki!" Someone called her, which made her turn attention to see Mutsu, wearing the robes of Adewale (In Freedom Cry), since its a sleeveless attire, with a leather bracers with a both hidden blades, the butcher's machete and Blowpipe on his backside. Also had a double flintlock holster like shay's on his right hip, carries Belgian engraved Pistols.

"Mutsu! What're you doing out here?" Satsuki exclaimed.

Mutsu smiled and said, "Oh, I just got some exercise while I heard the chunin exams. Besides, you could use some sparing partner?"

Satsuki turned several shades of red of how he was polited and said. "Y-yeah, I suppose it's alright."

As Mutsu walked beside her, asking, "Where're you off to?"

"Training ground forty-four, it seems to be the best place to use for training," Satsuki answered simply. "And also a perfect spot for hunting training."

"I see...but I could use some training in hunting." Mutsu stated, shrugged his shoulders.

Satsuki smiled. "That will be great."

As She and Mutsu continue heading straight to the training grounds 44.

Soon the Satsuki reached the unpopulated area around the higher-numbered training grounds.

As they neared a small clearing, Satsuki and Mutsu heard the sound of rushing wind and drawn their weapons. She and Mutsu jumped back as a barrage of kunai crashed into the ground in front of them.

Satsuki and Mutsu looked around, then up, to see the same ninja that had assaulted both Sakura and Naruto. With Mutsu snarled and asked, "Great, what the hell do you want?"

The Iwa-nin raised an eyebrow and asked. "Oh…spunky, aren't we? It's simple, I want to kill you both. With the Uchiha heiress has a big price on her head."

"Tch, go to hell." Satuki said as he pulled out a knife.

The Iwa-nin looked to the side to see Mutsu, who had prepare his Machete and a two throwing knives, and raised an eyebrow. He refocused on Satsuki and threw several more kunai and went through hand signs before shouting. "Shuriken Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"

Satsuki smirked and threw his own set of kunai, all of which hit just right to deflect the majority of his opponent's kunai. Mutsu threw out his knife like a whip to deflect the rest.

The Iwa-nin snickered and said, "Not bad. But can you handle this?!" He jumped in the air and went through several more hand signs, shouting, "Katon: Housenka no jutsu! (Phoenix Flower Jutsu)" With he shots multiple fireballs bared down on the two, who managed to dodge them.

As the Iwa-nin charged with a chokuto, before Mutsu and Satsuki notice, with their glance each other, and reach to their waist.

"Too late!" She shouted as she took out several senbons that coated with paralyzing, facing the Iwa-nin, as she tossed it at the Iwa-nin, knocking him back and to the ground.

Mutsu pulled out his blade and jumped in the air, coming down atop the Iwa-nin and running the blade through his chest. The ninja disappeared in a burst of smoke almost immediately.

Satsuki and Metsu sighed. As they sheathed their weapons, as they looked each other, with a small laugh about how they treat one and another. With Mutsu spoke with he rubbin his chin with his finger. "So...uh...would you be interested in going out with me sometime?"

Satsuki raised an eyebrow. "Your treat?"

"You know it." Mutsu replied.

Satsuki smiled. "Name the date, Mutsu-kun."

Mutsu blushed and smiled in cheered. "Yes!"

==Meanwhile - Evening==

The ninja that escaped Naruto ran through the trees sweating, before coming to a hard stop. As he tested Naruko, so she beat him with kenjutsu and mass kage bunshin within her arsenal.

In front of him was Kakashi, who snapped his book shut and asked. "So, what do you think?"

The Iwa-nin sighed and was enveloped in a burst of smoke, revealing the ninja to actually be Iruka in disguise. He sighed heavily and said, "Well, you were right, Kakashi. Before I test Naruto that he almost kill me. They've improved, immensely. And except Naruto, he did able to track me with his sensory skills as a Hunter-nin."

"Hmm, give me your insights, just out of curiosity," Kakashi said.

Iruka nodded and said, "Well, to be plain, yours and Kushina-sama's team surprised me the most. And they're ready."

Kakashi sighed, and looked at Hokage's tower. 'Sensei...I know you want your son back to your family...*sighed* Naruto...are you planning to ruined sensei's reputation...or you want retribution?'

With Kakashi took out his Icha Icha. Then he called Iruka. "You may go now, Iruka."

"Hai..." Iruka replied, as he disappeared via shunshin.

With that...tomorrow will be the first stage of Chunin exams starts...

==Chapter Ended==

==Omake - Achmed and Walter appeared==

"Silence...Or I'll 'kill' you."

"Hey! I like the you said that." A certain dead terrorist appeared in top of the fence that startles everyone.

Naruto blink in confuse. "Achmed, what are you doing here?"

"Silence!" Achmed exclaimed, then he pause. "I kill you!"

Naruto deadpanned and asked. "Seriously, just tell me what are you doing here?"

Achmed replied. "I was only just say HELLO~!"

The assassins, Konohamaru corp and Suna-nins (minus Gaara) were dumbfounded about the puppet of the dead terrorist's antics.


"Is Walter around?"

"No, no! Not Walter!" Achmed yelled terrifying.

"Shut the hell up!" Walter appeared on the other side of then fence. "This is a god damn story, you twit!"

As he look at Naruto with a "don't care" look. "Forgive me about my bone-head acquaintance for appeared in this story."

"Don't worry, Walter. We're only just had those Suna-nins were having trouble, starting by this make-up boy over here." Naruto said pointed at Kankuro.

"IT'S A WAR PAINT!" Kankuro yelled with a anime-style 'angry' look.

Naruto and Walter ignored him. With the old grumpy puppet snort. "Whatever! Alright Achmed, get your ass and let's get the hell out of here!"

With that, both Achmed and Walter left the scene.

(Omake Ended)

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