
Chapter 52

One month later...

The day was bright with an almost complete blue sky. The birds flew high and landed upon the trees singing and doing other stuff. Their tweets could not be heard clearly this time, because of the music and the voices of the citizens inside Carne Fortress-City.

This city was one of most holy places in the Sorcerer Kingdom for a reason because Ainz Ooal Gown the Sorcerer King saved them from total destruction. It was just a small unprotected and forgotten frontier village, but with the help of the undead authorities, it entered into a drastic change.

The population of different races started to rise, and the area widened with more buildings and walls. A lot of times the Re Estize forces tried to take back the village by force but they never succeeded and met their end here.

When the Nazarick Kingdom took over the Re Estize Kingdom, the small Fortress was free to rise and shine. The people that were saved by the Sorcerer King at that time, now tell stories for others to hear and know how mighty the Supreme Being is.

The stores were full with food or items and the merchants rubbed their hands for the good money they will earn today. The churches were visited most by the citizens to worship the Undead God. The wood elves and the half elves run inside the church to take a seat as if it was the most important thing to do in their life.

"In God of Life and Death we must trust…"

The holy angel Seraph, started to perform the sacred rituals. The worshipers took her words to their hearts and felt her holy aura that spread inside the church. So day by day, the Sorcerer Kingdom was turning into a religious country more than Slane Theocracy, but in a good way and not like them who hate the hell out of non humans.

But these days, the religion that worships the Sorcerer King was dominant and the Slane Theocracy stood crouched like a turtle with an almost falling economy. The Argland Council State did not do anything to be in the Nazarick Kingdom good side. There was only one little incident at the border where a dragon from Argland insulted a Sky Guardian that was patrolling the area.

The Council State knew that it was their side's fault, so the Blu Sky Dragon Lord sent a message to the Sorcerer King as an apology for the incident. From that time, the two nations did not make contact with each other.

The Slane Theocracy and the Argland Council State were slowly falling, while the Nazarick Kingdom was rising everyday. If they go north it becomes colder till they reach the Dead Sea. But if they go beyond the sea, the Council State will just reach the frozen lands where the Arvuth Kingdom lies. That nation is ruled by a cruel demon queen called Tunrida Görög but the natives call her Esdeath, and she will kill anyone that comes near her territory. Her citizens, the frost kitsunes, live in fear under the regime of the Demon Queen Esdeath, and wait one day for someone to save them from her menace.

But the Slane Theocracy had it even worse. The nation felt like an island surrounded by the sea, and that sea was the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick. Only the desert was not conquered yet, so that was the only place where people of the Slane Theocracy could move freely. But for what? There is nothing in that place, and if they discover ruins, there is a high chance that they will have to fight with dangerous monsters that live inside those ancient ruins.

It was simply. The Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick has cut them off from the world and there was reason for that. The two nations will fall into a desperate situation till they become very weak. The nations will fall into chaos or they will make an alliance to fight the big fish that was Nazarick, but that mostly will happen to the Slane Theocracy, because the demihuman citizens of Argland will not dare to rise against their Dragon Lords.

But Nazarick had nothing to worry about, if those two foolish nations decide to go into an "adventure" against them, it will be their end.

For Lord Ainz, today was an important day just for him. It's been a decade since he had arrived in this world. So much has changed from that confusing night where he found himself in the Great Forest of Tob.

"Ten years huh…"

He had said this before, Ainz was one lucky bastard and this wonderful world was like he had won the greatest lottery of his life.

"Is something worrying you, your Majesty?"

Near him was Jircniv and Renner. Both of them had come here to enjoy the city of Carne. They were staying upon a tower, looking at all the citizens walking and working.

"Nothing Miss Renner… just remembering the past."

"Ah, sorry about that, your Majesty."

"Umu, it's okay, I should thank you for bringing me back to reality. By the way, I heard that you married that boy… What was his name?" Ainz touched his chin trying to remember her husband.

"Ye-Yes, your Majesty, me and Climb got married." said Renner with a red face.

Now Ainz remembered him. It was that boy in that flashy armor that he thought it looked like a shonen main character. The second time he saw him, the boy was training with a Death Warrior. But as hard he trained, the boy never leveled up, a Nazar soldier could kill him easily. Anyway that was not a problem, he now has a pretty wife, so that is an absolute win.

"Congratulations." said Ainz.

"Congratulations, miss Renner." followed Jircniv too.

"Tha-Thank you very much." the former princess of Re Estize smiled.

Ainz had started to really like this girl. She was so smart that she could rival the high level undead, so he had made her an important person of the Kingdom. It surprised him that she did not hold any enmity against him, because he took over the kingdom and stripped her from the title as princess.

But still, he had seen her true nature with the Evil Lord Wrath, so she was a really weird woman. "I wonder if that guy knows about her true nature tho… If he does not now, then… "ouch"." With that demonic personality, she might be one of those "yandere" types of girls, and do everything to stop any woman from coming near her husband.

"Oh well, who cares."

"I'm going for a walk. Please enjoy Carne."

"Yes, your Majesty."

"Thank you for everything your Majesty."

Ainz turned his gaze at Jircniv.


"Your Majesty, when we met for the first time that day, I thought that you wanted to erase humanity... but… I was wrong. You are a mighty benevolent ruler and I'm proud to be a citizen of your great kingdom." the former ruler of Baharuth Empire bowed his head deeply with great respect.

"Thank you my friend. I have to apologize for being harsh with you that day."

That day… The horror he saw and felt that day was memorable. Jircniv still has nightmares seeing those dreadful crimson eyes that almost took his soul like a grim reaper.

"What are you saying, my lord? I deserved greater punishment for my foolishness."

"Well, that should stay in the past and turn your eyes at a greater future don't you think?"

"It is as you say, your Majesty."

"Umu, very good. I'm going now."

Ainz disappeared from their sight leaving Renner and Jircniv alone with their heads bowed.

"He's amazing, isn't he?" spoke Renner.

"His Majesty, truly is the greatest king of this world…"

Ainz, in his armor, was walking through the streets of his city fortress quite happy. Behind him was a Death Cavalier and a Nazgul as bodyguards. All the people that saw their king, bowed their heads and some even kneeled.

"Please my dear citizens, there is no need to stop your business, just think of me as a normal person passing by."

The level of respect increased to infinite. How can they see him as a normal person? It was absurd.

The Sorcerer King kept walking, but still his citizens bowed their heads. It can't be helped, this city was absolutely religious. One bad word for the Supreme Being, that person could end up beaten by wood elf, half-elf and dark elf fanatics. The elven race was increasing drastically and spreading all over the kingdom. One day, they will be the dominant race of the Sorcerer Kingdom.

In the past, couples made one or two children, but now the number has gone to four or five, even six sometimes. It is not in their nature to make too many children, but life is good now and they did not live in fear of an invasion from the Slane Theocracy.

In every street that Ainz passed, he saw groups of elves and of course humans. The elves these days were not worried or afraid by the humans but only those who had seen the horrors in Slane Theocracy. There were no marriages between elves and humans at all. Sure the humans would like that, but the elves don't prefer it, so the half-elves today were just former-slaves and they married with humans.

"So many elves…"

The high elves are his citizens too and he does not know how many are there. His wife Alea was there to take care of some duties. Ainz had given her a scroll whenever she needed to call him.

Ainz now reached a place that was surrounded by walls. It did not have stores around and the entrance was high and wide. This place was a training camp for Nazar troops, Ainz entered inside the camp and saw that Zesshi was there observing as the troops trained.

Without her knowing, Ainz landed his hand upon her shoulder. Zesshi turned her eyes in confusion, there was only one person that could touch her however he wanted and that person was Ainz Ooal Gown.

"My love."

The face of Zesshi was red from seeing him.

"The Supreme One has arrived!" shouted a half human-demon.

All the Nazar troops got in the line before Ainz. All of them were from different species like demihumen, elves, humans, beastmen, there were also cat people.

"Glory to Supreme One!" they shouted proudly as one.

"Don't mind me, please continue." said Ainz.

The Nazar troops spread again and to their positions.

"Are they good warriors?" he asked Zesshi.

"Not very much, but these are new fresh soldiers, so they will get better with more training day by day."

"Umu, okay."

The human-demon instructor was ordering some of them to run fast in armor. For living beings that must be tiresome, especially for those who are new here.

"So what plans you have for tonight." asked Zesshi with lustful eyes.

"Ohoho, I have great plans for tonight-"

Zesshi and Ainz hugged each other, but he was interrupted by a big rock flying in the air. He wondered what the Nazar troops were doing in the second camp. With Zesshi and two undead vassals, he walked to the other camp.

When he arrived inside, he saw something familiar. It was a type of catapult, a machine that is used in sieges to throw large projectiles.

The Nazar troops noticed Ainz and immediately turned and stood straight like statues. Ainz with Zesshi approached the senior drill instructor. The troops here were dwarves, goblins, ogres and trolls.

"What's going on here?" asked Ainz. Well he knows what they are doing, but he still asked anyway.

"Training the troops with the new war machines, your Majesty." The senior drill instructor was also a half human-demon. He had white hair, golden eyes and wore armor.

"New war machines?"

"Yes your Majesty. These siege machines were built by the dwarves for the first time. We call them "wall destroyers".

"Wall destroyers? Aren't these trebuchets and catapults?"

The drill instructor sood frozen, he didn't know how to respond to that. Their lord knew what these machines were before being built by the dwarves.

"We… we are truly sorry for not knowing their true names, your Majesty. I will make sure to inform the dwarf engineers."

"It's alright, but yeah make sure you inform them. The big ones are trebuchets and the smaller ones are catapults."

"Yes, your Majesty!"

Now these are excellent siege weapons for the Nazar forces. The immortal army can easily invade a city-fortress, but the Nazar troops will need a lot of efforts to fully invade it. Also, It will be very interesting to enchant the projectiles with fireball spells. The enemy walls will crumble in a couple of minutes.

Ainz observed how his troops do the work. The ogres pulled down the giant arm using the winch. The goblins made ready the sling and a troll put the giant rock on it. The dwarf pulled the trigger, the giant arm raised and launched the giant rock. The projectile hit the target that was a house 275 meters away. They had been shooting it many times and it was almost completely destroyed.

"Good job everyone." Ainz praised them.

The group was happy with the successful shoot. Ainz and Zesshi stood there more to see more of their work. Projectiles after projectiles, something happened in a flash and only Ainz saw it. It was like a pillar of light that fell far away in the north east from Carne Fortress.

"That's odd…"

Ainz turned his gaze at the area around. All the people here should have been able to see that light that fell like lightning. Was it so fast that only eyes were able to see it? He saw Zesshi and she had a face like nothing had happened.

"Zesshi, a Death Emperor is calling me, I'll be back later okay?"

"Okay, my love."

The Sorcerer King ordered his bodyguards to stay with Zesshi. Putting his item the Flight Necklace and his skull helmet, Ainz rose in the sky and went away from Carne. The bright pillar was really strange and the others not being able to see it made him even more curious to find where it fell.

Ainz went toward the north-west to find out what that white pillar was.

Inside the throne room of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, Albedo and Artoria Pendragon turned their head at the crystal throne.

"Lord… Momonga..." Artoria spoke with a quivering voice, staring at the throne.

It was empty. The guildmaster of Ainz Ooal Gown was not there.

"No!" Albedo trembled. "NO! NO! NO! NO! NOOOOO! It can't be true!" she cried in affliction.

Both Albedo and Artoria collapsed on the floor. The butler Sebas and the Pleiades had raised their heads, and were staring in shock at the empty throne.

"The Supreme Beings… has abandoned...us…" slowly tears started to fall from the battle maids.

Without their creators, the NPC's of the Great Tomb of Nazarick have no reason to live. On top of that, this pillar of the guild members, the one that ruled over everything, was the last one to disappear from Nazarick.

"Albedo I-I saw Lord Momonga a moment ago! He-He might be somewhere in Nazarick. Yes, we- we should-"

Artoria did not want to believe it, this felt like she was living in a nightmare. The throne was empty and she wanted to scream out loud. She stopped speaking and saw Albedo that had grabbed her forehead with both of her hands.

Drip, drip, drip, drip.

The tears of Albedo were falling upon the floor. But then she started to wipe away her tears and rose on her feet. Artoria did the same thing and waited for her to speak.

"Artoria, please call the rest of the floor guardians here in the throne room, except those 2 from the 4th floor and the one from the 8th floor."


Artoria went out from the throne room. Tears started to come out again, her heart was pumping so hard that it might explode.

"Why lord Momonga?! Why did you leave us… me…"

Her beloved overlord stood with them to the end, and then he disappeared in an instant like the others without an explanation or anything else.

She was trying to remember what sin the floor guardians might have done to make the lieder of the Supreme Being leave. The one who might have committed a sin will end up in eternal suffering, she swore about it.

But then, a glint of memories appeared inside her head. The succubus had always guarded this floor with Artoria, and she remembers Momonga visiting the throne room from time to time.

If some of the Supreme Beings appeared all of sudden, Momonga was very happy, but their conversation sounded really sad and they disappeared leaving their items at Momonga's hands.

"So they were the cause that lord Momonga left us."

Momonga fell into sadness while his friends left him alone. He arrived inside the throne room to see if everything was alright as he did with the other floors. And he continued to do that everyday.

"It was them…"

The reason why Momonga grew tired with Nazarick… The reason why he left… were the other Supreme Beings.

"Those treacherous... Bastards!"

The guardian overseer was boiling with anger, even Sebas and the others were feeling her aura of rage. It was a sin to call the creators like that, but Albedo hated them all for what they did to Momonga.

"I swear if I find them, I'll kill them all!"

Albedo turned her gaze at the throne again. She wanted back her beloved master, but… where did he go? Albedo had never left the throne room, so she doesn't know what the outside world looks like.

"Where are we anyway?"

The door of the throne room opened, the floor guardians arrived inside following Artoria from behind. Shalltear Bloodfallen, Cocytus, Aura Bella Fiore, Mare Bello Fiore, Demiurge. The floor guardians were staring at the throne with anxiety.

"First off, Sebas take a battle maid with you and go to the surface. Inform me about the surroundings. If you encounter a dangerous enemy like the "players", do not enter into a fight, come to the throne room immediately"

"As you order Lady Albedo."

She was the guardian overseer, the Supreme Beings put her in that position so Sebas had to obey her orders without questions. Sebas ordered Narberal with him and went outside.

"Floor Guardians, as you can see, the last Supreme Being that stood with us to the end… is gone."

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