
Chapter 35: Another nightmare


Kuuderika and Ureirika were walking on the streets of the former capital. Things were becoming calmer and the citizens were continuing their normal daily life. For the two Original Vampires, day and night was the same and they did not need to eat, sleep or get tired like in the past.

They had been visiting the elves to see how their condition was. When the Death Warriors brought them to the angels, they were in a miserable state and could not speak properly. In some parts of their body, the skin was dark because of the beating they got from the masters.

The angels worked hard to bring their elvish beauty again. The elves were in tears when they saw again their long ears and thanked the Sorcerer King nonstop for freeing them from the tormentors.

The priests of the Four Gods, were not pleased of why the angels were healing the elves because they are a lower race than humans. Big mistake they made…

The angels declared to the priests of Arwintar that they would not be allowed into heaven. This shocked all the priests and begged for forgiveness, but the angels refused. The news spread on the other cities and the priests will think again if they want to speak loud against the laws of the Sorcerer Kingdom of Nazarick.

The mansion of the nobles were used to house the free elves. They were big enough to put many elves inside. Each every elf, were given money, so they can buy clothes or other things they need. It was weird for the humans to see elves to buy on the stores, but they got used to it. But… if they try to shout or hit the elves, it will attract the Death Warriors and that will not be good for them.

The slave owners, criminals, nobles were brought in the middle of the city and the Death Warriors beat them with whips almost to death. The citizens did not feel bad for them. They were bad people after all, so the Death Warriors were disposing these parasites forever.

As the twin vampire walked, in front of them appeared Arche with teleportation magic.

"Big sis!"

Both of them rushed and embraced their sister. Arche remembered them when they were little sweet girls that she loved so much. When her master transformed her into an Ancient Vampire, she went quickly at the mansion in Arwintar.

With her new vampire abilities, she entered inside the house with no problems. Arche woke up her sisters and told them that she will take both of them to a wonderful dream world. The sisters accepted without questions and Arche took the sisters and flight in the night sky, leaving the father and the mother behind, because her little sisters were her only family.

Now, after three years, the twin sisters grew at the same high as Arche and became immortal like their sister. They were so happy that they will be together for eternity serving their savior and master.

"How things are going?" asked Arche.

"Very good, big sis." reply Ureirika.

"It is more peacefully now." answered Kuuderika.

"The administration is being taken care from the vampires and the elder lich's, right?" asked again Arche.

"Yes, everything is in its place." said Ureirika.

"About the nobles?"

"We have wipe them of." said Kuuderika.

"Except one…"

The three vampires turned their crimson eyes and saw a man coming at their direction. He wore a green jacked, had blonde hairstyles with curls at the sides of his head and possesses a thin mustache over his lips. He was smiling while approaching them.

"Oh, my daughters are finally back and with power hahaha! We are going to be richest noble family now. That piece of shit emperor will know his place."

Kuuderika and Ureirika had gripped their swords and were ready to kill him. This man did not understand that the nobility does not exist anymore. How can someone be this stupid? No, the three sisters know that very well. This man is on another level of foolishness.

"Yeah… Can we go home father. I have to give you something."

"But of course Arche."


The three sisters walked behind and the father walked in front with his head high. Now that his daughters are in power, he thought that he would be known as a wealthy noble by the others. But he still does not know that the Empire does not exist anymore.

Arche and the twins were staring at him with cold eyes like the true monsters the were. The Death Warriors were watching them and Arche made eye contact with them not bother. How this guy did not get arrested? Nobody knows that.

They arrived at the mansion and entered inside. Old memories returned. Arche saw around the house she had lived in the past when she was a mortal. Somewhere, the inkjet had fallen and the walls were cracked because the house was old.

Of course, if a house stay empty with no people to take care of it, it will continue to be damaged. The father will touch nothing to clean his house because he is a "noble" and he should not deal with that work. The house had a bad aroma, but the sisters were undead and could not sniff it… and they were glad about that.

They arrived at the living room and the three sister sit on the couch. Arche observed around and something was not right.

"Where's mother?" asked Arche

"She left me alone." reply the man.

"What do you mean?" again asked Arche.

"That whore went with another man!"

"I see."

He was lying. The debt collectors keep warning him to pay the debt or there will be consequences.

The man sold his wife to a mafia organisation for a large amount of gold and he did not regret it. He paid off his debts, but still continued to borrow money and buy expensive things just to look like a wealthy noble.

"What about James?"

"He went away too."

James had been the butler of Furt Family for a long time and did not get paid for his work anymore, so of course he left the Furt Family to get another job.

"So Arche, what did you want to give me?"

He had a happy face because he thought that his daughter will gave him money and will pay all the debt in one go. Now the era of Furt Family will rise again, that what he thought.

"Ah yes."

He saw Arche rising from the couch with her staff. In that moment, a surge of excruciating pain came from his knee. It was so severe that he could not even stand up, and helplessly fell onto the floor.


Painfully he screamed. Sweat was showing heavily on his face. He was shocked when he saw his twisted leg and the broken bone that was visible.

Without caring, Arche grabbed him by the throat and slammed him on the wall, that caused all the panoramas to fall on the floor. Pain was spreading all over his body. His broken leg was freely moving because it was not anymore connected and that gave him even more pain.

"Why, wHY?!"

He did not understand why his daughter will do such a thing as hurting her own father.

"Look at my eyes! Look at them!"

He saw her eyes, and now he started to remember. He always remembered her eyes to be blue, but what he saw now was different, the eyes of Arche had blood crimson color.


Arche did not let him finish and threw him on top of the table breaking it. As an Ancient Vampire, Arche had super strength to through him hundreds meters away. Her father was in absolute pain, and splinter had scratched his arms and hands.

"I am not you DAUGHTER!" shouted Arche.

She approached and grabbed him by the hairs. The man had tears, sweat and blood on his face and had raised his arms to beg for mercy.

"Ple-Please don't do this!"

Arche did not care, and showed her fangs. She started to bite him. No, she was not biting him like a vampire, more like she was tearing his flesh like a werewolf making him scream in agony. The twin sister had grabbed his arms and had thrust their fangs on his wrists, sucking his blood dry.

Pain, pain and only pain was what the man felt. His body became pale and skinny till he looked like a corpse. In that moment, his heart stopped and died.

"Haaaaaaa! Haaaaaaa! Haaaaaaaa!"

Arche went away from his corpse and lay on the floor looking at the ceiling. Almost her entire face was covered in fresh blood. This was the first time Arche had consumed blood. It felt very good to kill someone she hated so much and the blood was delicious.

Blood was life.

She was almost losing her mind from the pleasure of sucking his blood till it was empty. It made her to desire more, but she had to stop. It will be bad to go insane in the middle of the city.

"Hah! Hahahahaha!"



The three sisters kept laughing while the corpse of their father lays in the middle of the room.

A girl with blue hair, wearing a night suit was standing on top of a hill staring at the walls of a large city. The sky was blue with birds flying around and a warming wind slammed on her face. It was just a peaceful day. She could hear the voices of the citizens doing their daily work.

She knows the name of that city, but she did not know why she was on top of this hill. As she started to walk towards the city, she felt her legs were wet. That did not feel like the dew of the morning.

The girl glanced at her legs and her eyes widened. Her legs were covered with blood. The entire grass on the hill was with blood.

Suddenly the day turned red orange and the sun was declining. And the city…

The city was on fire. Dragons and Wyverns could be seen flying and unleashing flames and the citizens screaming while being burned alive.

Near her she could see hundreds of sticks and the heads of the citizens were impaled on top of them. Her body was shivering from what her eyes were seeing. All these poor souls were slaughtered without mercy by cruel hands.


There was someone behind her, she could feel it. She slowly turned and what she was an undead being wearing a majestic robe and was holding a scythe on his hand. The creature had his head low covered by the hood, but he started to rise it and the dreadful crimson points could be seen.

In that moment the undead being spoke with a creepy voice…

We are dishonored!

Abandoned in the rooting of the scum of damnation!

For eternity we were consigned to oblivion, pushed to the shadows of existence!

The Sun will Drown!

The Oceans will be Scoured with Blood!

And the Rise of the Forgotten will Come to Punish your Souls!

The girl had fallen into her knees, covering her mouth from the horrifying army that was marching behind the undead creature. They were thousands of them and had covered every hill.

A shadow fell upon them and the army changed. In front of her eyes was an army not of undead monster, but an army of humans, elves, dwarves and all kind of demihumans. The dragons and the wyverns changed into large rocks that were released by some wood and iron machines and were falling upon the city causing destruction.

The undead being also changed. Like dust it faded and there appeared a teenage girl wearing a black armor. She had short blonde hair and beady black eyes slanted upwards. She had a broadsword on her right hand and a bow on her back.

Those eyes were what terrified the girl. They were murderous, demonic, cruel like she wanted to bathe in the blood of her victims.

On her left hand, she was holding the head of someone. As she raised the head in the air, the girl could tell that head belonged to one of the cardinals of the Slane Theocracy.

And the female warrior shouted…


The entire army shouted after her.




The female warrior threw the head in front of the girl. Scared, she moved away from the head of the cardinal. The female warrior took her bow and released a black arrow at her. As the arrow was about to pierce her eye…

The girl woke up. It was another nightmare. Tears started to drop from her eyes.

"When will this be over...

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