
Chapter 47: Schoolgirl Crush - James

As Klempner pulls out into the stream of traffic, I can't contain myself any longer and explode into laughter.

He shoots me a look that would wither fruit on the stem, but Mitch joins me, thumping his shoulder from behind. "Oh, God, Larry. I've never seen you looking so terrified. You've faced down gunmen, gangsters and psychotics in your time, but you were felled by one little girl."

He growls. "Don't be ridiculous."

Mitch is not intimidated. "The great Larry Klempner, running from a schoolgirl crush."

I clamp my jaws, opting for diplomatic silence.

"Shut the fuck up, James," he mutters.

"I never said a word."

"Your silence was deafening."

I turn away, aiming my smile out of the passenger window.



I enjoy my night strolls, cruising the streets, the heart of the City, seeing what there is to be seen. The contrast. The contradictions. The Yin and the Yang.

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