
Zombie Empress (34)

(Lirean Province- Capitol City)

(Outer Region- St. Cheng's Highway)

The main bridge that led out of the province was now completely controlled by the military who used it to set up a base.

Soldiers could be seen patrolling around the perimeter holding heavy assault rifles in their hands. 

A few snipers could be seen patiently lying down on the top of cars and constantly scanning the surrounding area for any threats.

Barricades had been set up along key points across the bridge and now it was more akin to a makeshift fortress under the leadership of General Sun.

This was the sight that Eve saw as she hid in the shadows and watched the bridge with a cold expression on her face.

Those uniforms… she recognised them… they belonged to the bad men… the ones who protected the monsters that hurt her…

Eve's pointed fingernails extended outwards to become black claws as her facial features became more feral.

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