

What was the reason the Uidah never went all out to conquer Dyon's home universe? Of course, the Pakals were one reason, but if one had power waiting for them on a platter, would you let something like that stop you? It would be worth it to take a hit from the Pakals if it meant becoming an Emperor God Clan. 

The most poignant reason is that every milestone of Faith provided a unique opportunity. The stronger the universe used as a milestone, the greater boon there would be. 

[Author's Note: This was the original reason given many volumes ago before the structure of Celestial Quadrant was explained. Both are valid reasons, just that one is more important than the other].

The Uidah were reluctant to have Dyon's home universe as their 25th because it was simply far too weak. If they entered the Emperor God Clan ranks with it, it might be better if they had just remained a King God Clan. This was how important it was. 

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