

The qi that was too high grade for his meridians to absorb were directly taken into his soul. After all, enigmatic qi is what those who have entered the dao realm with their souls use to create planet and star qi. 

Because Dyon's soul was already in the dao realm, he could indiscriminately devour the qi in the atmosphere, using his soul as a buffer. 

As a result, Dyon's cultivation speed skyrocketed, even while being restricted to half his talent and being in the Ancient Battlefield. After so long being stuck in the 1st celestial stage, by the 6th month of his campaign, Dyon had entered the 2nd stage. By the 9th month, he had entered the 3rd, and by the turn of the first year, he entered that 4th and officially became a Middle Celestial. 

Quite simply put… Dyon became a monster. 

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