

Her black hair shimmered with a silver vitality. Her delicate brown laid blemishless, even if one scanned every inch, a single fault would be impossible to find. At the same time, her blue eyes shone like two twinkling pearls, hiding a cloudy but pure white within them that stood shrouded with a gentle blue. Meeting her gaze was like staring up at a bright sky. 

Her body was now that of a grown woman. She stood quite tall, about an inch taller than even Damaris who was 6'2. However, her blue gown hid her figure. Or, rather, it was the shawl of white that covered her blue gown that did. 

Why was such a beautiful woman unhappy? 

For one, she was disappointed because the only person she wanted to see was nowhere to be found. Of course, she missed her family, but she had already spent several weeks with them and her father was still acting like she had just returned. It was frustrating. 

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