

Dyon was aware of this as well. He knew that it took much longer to produce a universe than the length of time his universe had lived for.

Furthermore, there were other differences between him and this Angel Clan.

While there were some mutations, none were as drastic as Dyon's. Most mutations were held to slight changes in color using white and black as a base – like Amphorae's father and his red tint. However, Dyon had drastically different colors. He had two white wings, and two black wings. None of those in the hall had such dichotomy.

The other clear difference was that even the most powerful Ministers here only had one set of wings, so why did he have two?

The last difference was just a bit petty on his part, honestly speaking. Whenever he used his wings, his shirt was ripped apart. However, it seemed that these Angel Clan ministers had a way around that.

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