
Don't Forget

Dyon continued to walk forward with an interesting glint in his eye. He was amused because he realized the Elwing had no idea just how much power Dyon had over everything that happened in the gates of this universe.

Usually, not being a part of a massive clan was a detriment to Dyon. But, in this case, it made him nearly invincible.

The reason clans who acquired the key had to compromise was so that they weren't attacked by massive alliances. No matter how powerful an Emperor God Clan was, they couldn't very well fight off the attack of an entire quadrant of angry people by themselves. As such, they shared.

However, this was only because those clans spanned across many universes, while the Epistemic Tower Key was only its most powerful in one universe.

The powers of the Epistemic Tower key were simple.

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