

Ri looked up into the skies, pissed off at Livy's accusations. He made it sound as though Dyon was doing this on purpose. Wasn't it very clear that he couldn't control what was happening?

Dyon, however, couldn't be bothered with Livy's words. He had to focus his entire being on the task at hand. Not only did he need to divert part of his attention to suppressing his soul from breaking through too early, he also needed to body cultivate with the rest of the attention he had. This was slowing down the process, but there was little he could do. He couldn't even divert anymore attention to create clones because he was already using the Acacia family technique to speed up his energy absorbing. There was just too much on his plate to worry about a busybody receptionist.

"Don't worry Mistress Sacharro, this clown won't enter even a hundred-foot radius of the successor." Thadius spoke with a bold smile.

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