

Dyon steeled him at the final words he'd be hearing for the next few months.

'Think about it this way. In two months, you'll be strong, right?' Dyon chuckled to himself, trying to ignore the nervous sweat creeping down his back.

Feeling something touch down on him, Dyon took in a sharp breath, trying to prepare himself… But, nothing could have made him ready for this…

Suddenly, Dyon felt like screaming. He didn't know whether he did or not. In fact, he couldn't even feel his own throat vibrate anymore. It was as though the ripping in his chest was all there was to the world.

It felt like his entire body was restructuring itself, breaking down into its smallest components before reforming… Just to break down again.

And maybe the worst part was that he couldn't hear himself scream. It made him feel as though his pain was insignificant… As though in the grand scheme of things, his feelings meant nothing…

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