

An odd look appeared on Ri's face. "What are you talking about?"

Dyon grinned. "The competition to be my first wife of course."

Ri looked up at the shameless bastard holding her chin and rolled her eyes. Slapping Dyon's hand away, she pretended as though there wasn't a faint, bittersweet happiness in her heart. But, she buried it deeply. This was not the time for such things… nor did she know if there ever would be.

Ri harrumphed. "No one wants to be the second wife to such an annoying bastard like you. Now make me my tent!"

Dyon sighed, suddenly remembering the words Madeleine had left him with the night before the legacy world opening. She reminded him that he would often have a massive impact on the lives of people around him without even realizing it… but this time, Ri made him pay attention… no one was more aware than he just how big of an impact he'd make on her life in just two months time.

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