
Chapter 86: Hell On Earth

Tek went berserk fully, and he blasted out of the chair, charging towards Duri first. In the blink of an eye, Tek tried to rip Duri's face off. Duri dodged it barely, and rolled to the right.

Duri yelled, "Shit!"

Magmell and his goons were at the very top of the warehouse on the pipes, watching everything.

One of the goons asked Magmell, "Boss, you sure about this?"

"Of course I am. I took a picture of the paragraphs in his book before I ripped it. So after he's done mauling his shadow friend, I can repeat the words and change Tek back to normal."

"Tek might finish you off before you can even repeat the words."

"Nah, he won't."

Down below, berserk Tek said to Duri, "Hoh? I'm surprised you can dodge my attackssss.."

Duri slid back, "Look! You need to be eating the asshole that ripped your book in half!"

"You're the one I'm looking atttt.."

"We're friends! We're fucking friends!"

"Are weeee…?"

Tek dashed up to Duri and grabbed his head, smashing it into the wall over and over.

Tek said, "Haha! Die! Die! Die!"

Tek threw Duri across the floor, but Duri got up immediately.

Duri said, "I'm not fighting you."

"Awww…thatsssss not fun..is it?"

Tek rushed up to Duri again and slashed near his face. Duri leaned back to avoid it, but Tek elbowed him in the stomach, then kicked him in the face.

Duri smashed against the wall, slowly getting up.

Tek said, "You're…a tough one."

Duri wiped blood off of his cheek, "Tek. Me and you have been training with Xenon for a good minute, and he's given us books that'll help us control our crazy form shit. Don't let this consume you!"

"Ohhh..? You're annoying.."

"Heh?! You're annoying!"

"You're not gonna engage in battle with me? But you're gonna



"I don't wanna kill you anymore. You..came to my birthday party, asshole!"

Tek gasped, gritting his teeth, "Shut up!"

Tek started punching Duri in the face, grabbing his hair, and running full speed around the warehouse, smashing him against everything.

Tek tried to stab Duri through the chest with his sharp hands, but Duri caught it.

Duri said, "Dumbass! I'm not fighting you!"

"Fight me! Hehehehehe!"

"No! Stupid! Snap the hell out of it! We worked hard to control ourselves!"

Duri thought, 'But I'm guessing the take over is stronger because his entire source of containment is destroyed! I have to do it..'

Tek started to scratch Duri everywhere at full speed, then he grabbed Duri's face, and headbutted him, making him fly backwards and hitting another wall.

Once again, Duri was getting up, wiping blood off of his face.

Duri stood up all the way, "I'm still not fighting you…rival!"

Tek gasped again, and he started to scream while holding his head, dropping to his knees.

Duri started to walk forward, saying, "Yeah that's it. Started to get those flashbacks now?"

Tek yelled to Duri, "Stay back!"

Large chains came from Tek's body, and they shot towards Duri.

Duri grabbed all of them at once, and he made them shatter.

Magmell gasped, "He destroyed the chains? Impossible!"

Duri said to Tek, "Like I tell Kazuma all the time, calm the hell down. This isn't you."

Tek threw more chains at Duri, and Duri caught them again, shattering them while crushing them with his fingers.

Tek said, "Duri..run.."

Duri answered, "Hell no. I think I'm kinda figuring out why Xenon told me to come here. Though I don't wanna say it because it sounds cringe."

"Get out of here!!"

Duri recited, "To control…to maintain our own demons..we first succeed in containing the mind…to know and realize that we are in control..of us."

Magmell yelled, "He's reciting a paragraph from the book! Go kill him! Don't just stand there fucking looking at me!"

The goons zapped out, zooming towards Duri and Tek.

They got close, until shadow hands shot out, and chains out at them, and they grabbed the guns, and started smashing them all over the place, breaking their bones, smearing them all over the walls, and caving the walls in with their bodies. They finished with them, and Duri and Tek looked at Magmell.

Magmell was shocked, "He..memorized it.."

Tek asked Duri, "You memorized it.."

Duri replied, "I stole the book off you a few times just to memorize it some. Me and Xenon have done it..MULTIPLE times. Just in case shit like this happened to you, we'd be ready."


"What? I can't help a rival?"

Tek chuckled, "Fool. I don't mind. Now then…"

Duri and Tek looked up at Magmell, and Magmell said, "Doesn't matter! That means nothing! You don't need rivals or friends, Tek! You're stronger than them!"

Tek responded, "You're wrong. All this time, I always thought I didn't need friends. But looking back at it now, after all the shit we've been through, I realized that if they ever left, I'd feel empty. Being at the top of the food chain gets lonely without people by your side. And the fact that a fool like Duri memorized parts of my book to help me, goes to show they give a fuck. Unlike you did, Magmell."

"Tsk! Stopping me won't do anything!"

"I will."

Bursting through the walls, were dozens upon dozens of Magmells goons, wearing all black with motorcycle helmets.

Duri and Tek looked around, knowing they were surrounded.

Duri said, "This is nothing."

Magmell laughed, "You call this nothing?!"

Bursting through the ceiling, was Xenon.

He was twisting down there with his axe, landing between Duri and Tek.

Xenon said, "Good, I'm not late. Good job, Duri and Tek. For completing another training course."

Duri answered, "Training? Is all of this fake?!"

"Oh no. It's very real. That guy up there is Magmell. Tek's uncle. This was a good moment for you two rivals to realize how much you both rely and trust each other. Oh, and Seven and the others are on the road beating the shit out of Magmell's reinforcements."

Tek asked, "The others are here too?"

"I told them you two were in trouble even though you weren't, and they rushed over here."

Magmell yelled, "Damn you all!"

Magmell leaped out of the warehouse, and he started slinging super giant red chains at the warehouse, destroying the area.

Duri and Tek started to shoot up into the sky, destroying the chains with punches and kicks, and then dodged other giant red chains mid air.

Xenon dashed across the warehouse while swiping his axe one time, and all of the goons blasted out of the warehouse injured, smashing through other buildings.

Magmell yelled, "I got connections! This isn't the end!"

Tek and Duri continued to run in the giant chains, and Tek said, "You're about to have connections to hell, because I'm about to send you there."

"You don't have the guts to hurt one of your own family!"

Tek looked at Duri, and said, "Duri."

Duri nodded, "Yokai."

Tek covered himself fully in chains, and Duri went into his full shadow form. Duri touched Duri's chain covered body, and Tek's chains were covered in dark shadows.

Magmell exclaimed, "Give it up!"

Tek and Duri started to dash fast across the sky, while Magmell was continuously launching red chains with red fire on them.

Duri and Tek began to smash through them easily, and they were shooting up at Magmell quickly.

Magmell thought, 'They're shattering the chains I spent years cultivating! Well then…I'll hit them with this!'

All of Magmell's chains were merging together, and they started to form a large red flaming chain fist.

Magmell wasted no time shooting the fist out at them, Duri and Tek punched it at the same time, and the entire fist exploded in Magmell's face.

Magmell yelled, "No way!"

Magmell fell across the road, scraping against buildings.

He looked forward, and Duri and Tek were running towards him.

Magmell tried to get up and run away, but Seven, Kazuma, Espen, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Shiryu, and Nine were standing in front of him. Along with Xenon.

Magmell said, "Dammit.."

Xenon said to Tek, "You can do whatever you want with this asshole."

Magmell grinned, "Host Xenon! Your supposed to be protecting us! You wouldn't let a mere teenager commit a murder!"

"You don't think I will?"


Back at the school, walking through the hallways, Ellie was looking at everything, still amazed at the fact that she was at school.

"Look at all these olddddd people in these pictures! Did they create this establishment?"

As Ellie was walking down the hallway more, a voice in her head said, "Come to me, sister."

Ellie gasped, she went into her shadow form, she looked upward, and she started to fly quickly out of the school, blasting straight out through the ceiling.

She was soaring fast through the sky, and her eyes were fully white, as she kept hearing, "Come to me, hurry."

She kept flying, thinking, 'Thank you..for showing me the way.'

Ellie cuffed her hands together, saying, "Realm transfer.."

Suddenly, Duri was flying beside her, yelling, "Mind telling me where the hell you're going?"

Ellie answered, "I know where he is!"

"Huh?! Jae?"

"He wants me to find him!"

"I don't trust it. It could be something else! I know I got a bastard living in my head telling me shit!"

"Realm transfer…"

Duri thought, 'She can realm transfer on her own? I thought she was SENT here. Where did she learn that?'

"Shadow realm!"

Duri gasped, and his mind went blank where she said that.

Duri grabbed onto Ellie's arm, and they both vanished.

Down on the ground, Seven said, "They're headed to the Shadow realm?!"

Tek replied, "Why?"

Xenon said, "We got even bigger problems…"

I'm the sky, the sky was turning red, and the ground shook a little.

Jiyu asked nervously, "W-What is that?!"

Ren-Ren says, "Looks like some paranormal shit.."

Xenon thought, 'I'm getting serious hostile vibes…don't tell me..I need to call the other Hosts, and the Judges..this doesn't feel friendly. Unlike any other hostile feeling I've felt before..'

Kazuma implied, "This feeling is familiar. I know what it is..I feel like it's pulling me towards it."

Everyone looked at Kazuma.

Nine asked, "What is it?"

Kazuma frowned, "It's power..power from the place I'm from."

Tek asked, "And where is that?"


They all gasped, and Xenon was even more shocked.

Jumping from the red sky, were horrific looking creatures, creatures that had distorted open faces, multiple body parts, and black wings. Some looked like animals and insects but enlarged, and they were yelling like hyenas.

They were demons and beings from hell.

People all around the world were screaming in fear as the demons attacked, with Hosts fighting them and losing.

Xenon yelled, "Not good!"

Some of those demons and beings started to land near Xenon and the others.

Seven, Kazuma, Espen, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, Shiryu, and Nine were readying their powers up, sweating heavily with their hearts pounding tremendously.

Kazuma said, "Guys…we won't win..I know these things..I was born around them. I never told anyone I'm from hell, but it explains why I have fire abilities..I was created from hell's gates, I was plucked from the pieces of it, and was merged with flames and life energy."

They all looked at him.

Ren-Ren scoffed, "And you didn't tell us this before?!"

"I couldn't! I was scared! Really..really scared. Me and my father, the one who structured the power of the gates escaped with everything we had. The Queen of hell wanted me as a son..seeing my potential. My power level may seem low..but I can manipulate my power level. My real level is really really high. I've been hiding my true power so no one would be suspicious of me. I really like having you guys as friends, I didn't wanna lose any of you."

Xenon asked Kazuma, "Who is the Queen of hell, Kazuma!"


The demons landed on the ground, and the fighting began.

[The Garden, The Titan Realm]

The Time Titan, Ranbu, was floating above millions upon millions of dead Titan bodies, which included the bodies of the Beast Titan Kamui, The Love Titan Suuyin, The Realm Titan Ark, and The War Titan Gear.

Ranbu was covered in blood, and the sky was turning red above him.

Behind Ranbu, was the second to last Titan in that realm, floating towards Ranbu while injured.

"Why?! Ranbu! Why would you kill them?! They were your friends! Family! Allies!"

"Don't ever say family again. It was now or never. I specifically asked all of you to aid me while I destroy hell, the Arcane, and to steal the Angel Titan from Duri."

"But…you were just with Duri..?"

"I waited months for Duri to get stronger in his Titan form. That would be the key for me to see my family again. My kids..if I consume Duri's highly cultivated power, my creation and Time ability would be at its max potential. I summoned Duri to see me earlier just so I could sense how strong he had become. With Reborn, Zabel, and Kainine in the way, I won't be able to do anything. I don't need Duri dead. If Duri is dead, his Angel Titan would vanish forever. In order for me to successfully have Duri, my enemies have to go. Kainine, the Queen of hell, is a foe that could possibly override my Time ability and destroy me. I don't know why she's attacking all realms and Earth at once, but she needs to be killed immediately. I can summon them here, I can only summon people from earth."


"Yes. I was the famous rogue Titan. I had to make sure Duri had gotten stronger. I was constantly giving Harvest some of my power so they could give Duri a challenge, which would make Duri surpass his limits and become stronger."

"You were the rogue Titan…"

"Zabel and Reborn are untraceable, which is why I knew there would be a war incoming. They need to die also. It was only a matter of time…"

"Only a matter of time…"

"And now, Zabel and Reborn need to be specifically located for me to annihilate them. And then Kainine is next. Are you with me, or against me?"

"Fuck you! You betrayed us over your dead family! Create a new one! You could create a new one once you had maximized your creation ability!"

"Wrong words. Die now. It was only a matter of time.."

[Arcane Realm]

Zabel and Elma were standing on a large hill in front of all the inhabitants of the Arcane realm. They all were geared up and ready to fight, even the guardians were ready. And their sky was also turning red.

Zabel yelled out, "This is the work of the Kainine! The Queen of hell! She wants to destroy all the realms with her overpowered ass demons so hell can be the only place In existence. Some of you will stay here and defend our realm from the demons, while the rest of us will travel to hell and kill Kainine and her demons. This is the beginning of the war..all realms in existence are going through the same thing we are. We're going now!"

Zabel then thought, 'Kainine waited this long to wage war on all the realms..why? Better yet..I hope Duri is still alive..I have to check on him.'


In a dark area with fire creatures surrounding her, Kainine was sitting on a flaming throne.

Kainine had black horns on her head, long white hair, red and orange eyes, arms, a black tail, and some sharp bones coming out of her chest and stomach.

She laughed, "The darkness is spreading! Yes! Mother..father..it's happening."

Kainine leaped out of her throne, and started to say, "They're all a bunch of sillies. I mean, why fight it? Reborn and Zabel…they're gonna wanna come here now. It's funny that they're both dense in reality. Not knowing I was the one who had made their father kill their mother. Haha! I don't know why that makes me laugh. But it does."

Kainine kept walking forward, and she came across two men who were impaled by glowing red spikes.

One of them was Zabel and Reborn's father, and the other, was Duri's father.

Kainine continued, "Sillies, I did wait long to wage war, but that's because you two have stalled. Your powers were latent, interfering with the power suction of the spikes impaling you. I had to wait SOOOOO long! But now that I've drained all the power inside of you, my plan can commence. There shall be no other realm standing, besides mine. Hell will expand, and there will be no competition. All the energy from the suns will be mine, fueling hell to be stronger than it is now. I shall continue my parents goals, goals that they couldn't finish because of YOU, shadow man. You killed them, you're pretty damn strong. It took almost all of hell to capture you right after you got banished for having a hybrid Shadow son. Even though it took us FOREVER to capture you only about a week ago."

Kainine turned to Zabel and Reborn's father, "And you! Slick man. You're kinda silly also. How could you let me trick you into killing your own wife?"

Zabel and Reborn's father replied, "You will pay for what you did, and what you're doing."

"No I won't. It's funny, I sent the spirit of possession to live in you, and you just LET HIM IN LIKE IT WAS NOTHING. That spirit tried to get inside of me through one of my animals, how dumb. I needed your wife's body because she had the power to change fate. She could change the fate of whatever she touched. But before I could make you bring me the body, Zabel stopped you, and ended up destroying the body out of existence. That shit made me so mad! Like what the fuck?! I had a perfect plan and everything! Perfectly laid out! Hmph. I feel bad for you. Your sons must hate you. I mean, I'd hate you after what you've done."

"You're sick! Let me out of here!"

"I COULD do that, but I don't wanna. I want you to watch everything get destroyed, and then I'll kill ya."

"You bit-."

Kainine smiled, "Nevermind! Hehe!

Kainine chopped his head off with her hand.

"Haha! You were annoying!"

Duri's dad looked at Kainine, without saying a word.

Kainine said to Duri's dad, "You're quite the looker, huh? I mean, these horns are kinda cute. I won't kill you yet."

[The Shadow realm]

Duri and Ellie were standing to their feet, looking around them.

Duri said, "It's.."

Ellie finished, "Yeah..our home.."

"I-I..I don't even know what to say.."

There were shadow trees and shadow grass around them, with shadow mountains and shadow houses in the distances.

Ellie said, "Jae is supposed to be here..he led me here.."

Duri was looking around, trying not to cry as he touched the trees. He began to remember the memories he had there, even the invasion.

Duri's lips trembled, and he said, "I'm sorry..I'm sorry..I'm sorry I wasn't..strong enough to beat Zabel.."

Ellie walked up behind Duri, and hugged him. She was getting emotional too, squeezing Duri hard.

They both sat in silence, and the sky above them was turning red, mixed in with the shadow clouds.

They both heard a noise beside them, and they turned to it.

Duri and Ellie looked over at the noise.

It was Jae.

He was standing still, with his fists clenched. He still looked the same, with a small blonde ponytail and two blue eyes. He was shirtless with baggy shadow pants, and he had scars all over his body and face.

Jae said, "…."

Duri smiled while tearing up, "Jae.."

Ellie said, "Brother..!"

Jae tilted his head, saying, "Duri…Ellie!!"

Jae dashed forward, and Duri and Ellie rushed forward too. All three of them hugged each other, with shadows levitating off their skin.

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